Chapter 48: Peace

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While everyone else was cheering that Liam had scored, and they had won. Theo saw Liam's lifeless body and ran down to the field. Scott and Mason quickly followed the chimera as Brett, Nolan, and Corey were running to him on the field. Brett grabbed the player who had knocked him out and pinned him against the fence.

Coach ran over to Liam and looked at Brett, "don't do it; I'll deal with it." Brett ignored him about ready to punch the kid, "Talbot, you can't!"

Nolan quickly grabbed his boyfriend's fist, "don't make them think we are the dangerous ones."

Brett looked at him and realized he was right and dropped the kid, following Nolan to Liam's body on the field. Coach and Corey were looking over Liam; Corey was holding his pulse.

"C'mon Dunbar wake up," Coach looked at him.

"Is he okay?" Nolan and Brett rushed over.

"Knocked out and cracked his skull, but it should heal," Corey looked at them.

Theo, Scott, and Mason ran onto the field.

Theo rushed to his side, "Little Wolf, look at me," Theo grabbed his hand taking away some of his pain.

"McCall, what are you doing here?" Coach looked at him.

"We couldn't miss their first game," Scott smiled as Liam's eyes began to open after Theo took away some of his pain.

"That hurt," Liam groaned.

"You think," Theo smiled, "this is why you need to stop being good."

"Totally worth it," Liam sighed.

"Nice game, Dunbar," Coach helped Theo get him off the ground, "I'm going to get that team suspended; you'll see." He stormed off to talk to the other team's coach.

"That was worth the drive," Scott looked at the boy.

"At least, I could put on a show," Liam smirked, "we had no clue you guys were coming."

"Theo and Mason kept it a surprise," Stiles walked up as everyone else had come onto the field at this point.

"Nice game, guys," Lydia smiled at all of them.

Mason had his arm wrapped around Corey, "you did amazing."

"I let one go past me," Corey sighed.

"Out of how many plus that was a cheap shot."

"You're right," Corey smiled kissing Mason on the neck.

Parrish gave Nolan and Brett's fist bumps, "you guys rocked."

"You came too?" Liam looked over at Peter.

"I like the violence of the game," Peter smirked.

"Mhhh that's why you were cheering?" Malia looked over at her father.

Peter looked down at the ground not saying a word.

Derek smiled, "I think we all impressed little one."

"Thanks," Liam said wincing through the pain.

"Let's go get you changed," Theo grabbed Liam handing him off to Brett and Nolan. They went into the locker room to get showers and change. The rest of the pack sat in the parking lot waiting for them when they overheard the other team's coach screaming at an official.

"What do you mean we are suspended by the league; this wasn't even a season game. It was fall ball?!"

"Foul play and poor sportsmanship," the man said, looking official, "I'm president of the league. It's final. Full season suspension." The other coach threw his clipboard; Theo smirked as it shattered.

"Look at that," Derek looked at them.

"Violence is never the answer," Stiles smiled at his boyfriend.

"Debatable," Malia broke in with Peter nodding.

"I mean Scott wouldn't be a werewolf, if I didn't bite him," Peter looked at them, "so none of this would have happened."

"I mean I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to kill you," Theo chimed in, looking at the alpha.

"Okay we are done," Lydia stopped them as everyone else broke out in laughter.

Corey, Nolan, and Brett helped Liam get his jersey off.

"Geez, he did hit you hard," Corey held the back of his head.

"Is it healing?" Liam asked with concern.

"It is," Nolan smiled, "slowly, but it's working."

Liam smiled his healing factor was slowly coming back. After they were done, Liam was shaking from the blood loss, being cold, and still not being completely healthy. Corey and Brett grabbed him leading him out to the rest of the pack. Theo grabbed him from them as they went towards their cars. Parrish and Lydia had ordered pizza to the house.

The pack got settled in. Liam just processed, "Are you guys all staying here?"

"Of course," Stiles smiled, "Derek and I are going to join you two."

Derek punched his boyfriend to the ground; Theo gave Derek a fist bump.

"Yes, we are staying, but in the living room or another space, not your bed, don't panic," Derek reached his hand out to help Stiles off the ground.

The pizza was served, and everyone started digging in. Liam felt eyes looking at him. They knew Liam was doing better, but still struggling.

Liam began eating his pizza to stop the glares; he saw multiple smiles from the pack members.

"So, are you guys going to win your league?" Parrish asked them.

"I don't see how we can't," Brett smiled.

"You have no humbleness do you?" Lydia looked at him.

"Not really," he smirked.
"He was nervous for the game, don't let him fool you," Nolan smiled.

"Exposed!" Stiles laughed.

Brett glared at his boyfriend as Nolan nonchalantly took a bite of his pizza.

Liam finished his slice by the time everyone else had three; he glanced up at Theo.

"You know you should eat at least two," Theo looked down at him.

Liam sighed and started on the second twice as everyone was else was talking about life and how everything was going. Liam finished and leaned into Theo for support. Scott looked at him and held up his keys.

"Want to go for a drive?"

Liam nodded throwing on Theo's jacket he hung by the door.

Scott and Liam were driving along, "how're things going?"

"Better, not great, but better," Liam admitted.

"Good, I'm proud of you, and I know your parents would be proud of you too," Scott looked at his beta, "you're a better alpha than I was at the beginning."

"Thanks, Scott," he smiled.

The rest of the ride they were talking about lacrosse, classes, Scott and Malia's wedding, the puppy pack, and even Theo.

They walked back in. Corey and Mason were talking to Lydia and Parrish. Stiles and Derek were laughing with Nolan and Brett. Peter, Malia, and Theo were conversating something. Everything was peaceful for once in their life.

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