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I've only been here for a week but I feel at home,I only have one friend Jacob but he's cool so.Today is field test it happens every other week,and there's Jacob "you ready".He says "yes" I say I can see glee in his eye.And we're off this ought to be interesting it's a team battle so I don't know."We have to go deep"he states and I know what he means we dart to the left.And strait for enemy territory and I know we're doomed.

Someone leaps out and Jacob's already on him.And I run two more jump out...twins I duck and they collide,Jacob finally caught up."Over there" he says as we come to alarge tree,I could hear the hum of computers.And I'm down knocked to the back of the head,Jake grabs a chip from my jacket after fighting the others off plugs it in and it's done and I'm out cold.

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