Chapter 6

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so complicated

It's been a month. A month with Myeongbin. We've been hanging out lately but we're not dating. It's more like courting me, I guess? She's been trying to make me fall for her.

Also a month with talking to Hyun. I call her Hyun now since she told me too. We talk a lot just like how she often she said. I like spending time talking to her.

That's why I'm in a middle of crisis.

"You mean, you like this Hyun but you don't want to hurt Myeongbin?!" Soojae reacted. We are currently at a cafe. We are waiting for Chunja and her girlfriend. She's introducing her to us. I brought up the problem to Soojae since I am conflicted.

I nodded and pouted a little bit, "I don't know what to do. I like the person I've been talking for a month but a stranger. While, I don't want to hurt Myeongbin at all but she deserve better and I want to be honest with her."

"Myeongbin's a catch, though. She's not just a girlfriend material but a perfect wife material. But it's your feelings. We can't help our heart to like or love with whoever it is."

"But you're right. You must stop Myeongbin, it'll hurt her more if you're not being honest with your feelings to her." She added.

"What if she hates me after that? I like our friendship already." I anxiously asked. I may not like her the way she likes me but our bound of friendship is something else. I don't want to lose a friend.

"She won't hate you. She'll be hurt but she'll accept it.  Myeongbin took a risk, knowing what are the consequences. She won't blame you for your feelings." Soojae said to me. Right, I remember what she said when she confessed to me.

But if we are not meant to be, then it's fine. Atleast, I fought for your love.

"Oh, they're here already." Soojae said as she noticed them. I looked at their direction. It's Chunja and her girlfriend. She spotted us, once she did, she smiled and waved to us. We waved back smiling, too. Chunja eagerly drag her girlfriend with us, holding her hand.

"Heyya!" Chunja greeted us.


"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Bomi. Bom-ah, my friends, Y/N and Soojae." She introduced her to us. We bowed at each other.

"Hi, nice finally meeting you." We went to her and gave her a quick hug.

"Nice to meet you, too. Chun-ah talks about the two of you a lot."

"Embarassing moments, I supposed." Soojae joked as we laughed.

We took our seats and they started telling us how they met.

"What? You mean a red string appeared when you two made a small contact?!" I asked in disbelief. There is no way a red string will appear. Like, how?

"That's my reaction too. It was quick since it's a quick touch but believe me, there was a red string. I'm sure of it. Even Bomi saw it too, but we were in a hurry." Chunja explained.

"Oh, right. I saw some news about that. I thought it was just their fictional story so I was curious why they have the same plot, but for real?" This time, it was Soojae who said it.

"Yes, it was real. We experienced it with our own eyes. It maybe too quick but we are sure of it" Bomi confirmed.

I was left with my own world.

My mind immediately drifted off to the idea of meeting Hyun. Are we going to be like that, too? By any chance?

I'm not believing it, though.

But I know my friend won't lie to us.

I sighed. I have to be honest with Myeongbin first.

"Oh, I bet Y/N wants to tell us her "lovelife"" Soojae started. I looked at her, giving her a glare. She winked at me.

"Oh yah? How are you and Myeongbin?" Chunja asked me. I pouted at her question.

"I don't want to hurt her but I'm starting to like Hyun."

"Hyun? Like Joohyun? Aren't you in love with her already?" Chunja asked jokingly.


"Right, fine. The Baeby, you're chatting with. The Hyun from M.Y.S."

"Right, That Hyun."

"So, what are you planning to do? You must tell Myeongbin sooner. Don't take advantage of the girl's poor heart." She's threaning me. "I swear Y/N, don't you ever try. That's not the Y/N we know."

I whined, "I'm not planning to, Unnie. I'll tell her soon. The sooner the better."

Chunja sighed in relief, "That's good to know."



'm currently sitting at a bench. I feel relax sitting alone and clearing these thoughts in my head. I needed this moment for myself.

With just me, the blow of wind, chirping of the birds, I felt a hand covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" A small voice whispered to my ear. I immediately smiled knowing who it is.


She chuckled and left my eyes. I turned my head to my left side, meeting her gaze. Her head is on my left side, too close to my face. She smiled to me.

"You're correct." I smiled with her childish side. She moved back and hopping happily to sit beside me.

"You're thinking too much. Care to share?"

I hummed, "Are you sure?"

She nodded and tilted her head slightly, "Yes, why not?"

This is too soon, I don't want to hurt her.

But this is now or never.

"Alright, listen well." I straight up my posture and took a deep sigh. I turned my head to her, facing her with confidence.

"I am thankful to you. I appreciate what you're doing to me. I'm really grateful to have you at my side. But I don't want you to continue anymore, Myeongbin."

"You're making me stop?" Pain is written all over her face. I nodded and slight bowed my head. Too ashamed to look at her expression, I hurt her. I made it to her.

"You're too good for me. Too perfect for me. I couldn't take your love as I couldn't return it back. I'm so sorry."

She looked at way. "That's alright. I understand you."

I looked at her which made her look back at me. She genuinely smiled at me.

"I gave my best to make you fall for me and you tried to love me back. We both failed." She said. "It pains me. A lot, Y/N. But I value honesty more and I'm glad you are being honest to me."

"I'm sorry if I can only offer friendship to you."

"Nonsense. Don't apologize. I am willing to take that offer. Sure, I want the other one but I can't force you. Right? I don't want to force you. It'll onky break the two of us. I'm glad I took the risk even though you are rejecting me. I don't want to be stuck with a situation that others experienced. They were too shy to confess and it led them to disappointment. They didn't confess to their loved ones which they regretted after know that they felt the same after so many years. They were stuck with 'What ifs' and I don't want to regret that." She explained to me. She's looking somewhere else while explaining. When she look at me, she genuinely smiled at me.

"I don't regret anything, Y/N. I'm glad that I took the risk and faced the truth. I'm glad it was you. Thank you Y/N for giving me a chance and for being honest."

Sitting at the bench under the tree, we hugged each other.


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