An Unforeseen Revelation

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A/N: I'm thinking of a good or evil character who will be named Jezebel, I'll try matching her personality with what her name means, pure or virginal. Maybe she'll be a daughter of a different king, like she was originally. 

Oh, and this is in an alternate universe from a New Ninja Generation. Cole and Vania would have their firstborn as a girl, instead of their son. Just to make everything clear. Each of my stories are set in a different universe.

Three months have passed ever since Cole and Vania got married and when Cole last fought Vangelis, for what the Shintarians thought was the final battle between them.

Now, it was a regular day for everyone, except Vania. She was ruling the kingdom, like always, but she was not feeling as well as she would in other days.

"I don't feel so well," said Vania, finally after the day had passed. "I mean, I don't have a fever, cold or cough."

"Well, what are you feeling precisely?" asked Cole, concerned. "Maybe we could go to the doctor's if you really aren't feeling so good."

"I've been feeling nauseous, bloated, I have been feeling plenty of cramps lately, then-"

"Okay," Cole interrupted. "We should really go to the doctor's office now. I don't think those symptoms are good signs."

"If you say so," said Vania, nodding. "I'll go get ready first. I love you."

"I love you, too,"

After Vania finished getting ready, Cole drove the two of them towards Ninjago City Hospital, where many of the hospital staff greeted the Ninja, now King, and Queen warmly.

"Hello, Sir," said one of the staff, warmly. "Welcome to Ninjago City Hospital. How could I help you today?"

Cole gave a short glance at Vania, who nodded.

"My wife here," said Cole, looking at Vania carefully. "she's not feeling her best lately."

"Oh, well, then, I shall take you to meet Doctor Reuben, he's the only doctor available for now,"

"Thank you," said Vania.

When they entered the office of Doctor Reuben, who was known as one of Ninjago's best doctors. That is what it said on the certificates hung on the wall.

"Good day," said Doctor Reuben, entering the office. "I am Doctor Reuben, so, what seems to be troubling you today?"

This time, it was Vania who spoke up, and as she told all of her symptoms, Doctor Reuben began taking notes on his computer.

"Are those all of the things you're feeling?" asked Doctor Reuben, after everything Vania had said. "Because I may have a guess on those things."

"Then, what is wrong with her?" asked Cole. "Is it something bad or good?"

"Well, before I give it, why don't we run some tests first? To make it officially clear?" suggested the doctor. "Let's go to the test room."

The nurses did some tests with Vania, and as they told Doctor Reuben everything, he told Cole and Vania to wait a while in his office while he does the conclusion for the exam's results.

"What do you think is wrong with me?" asked Vania to Cole, once they sat down. "What if I'm sick with a deadly disease?"

"I don't think it will be that disastrous," shrugged Cole. "But I'm no doctor, so we'll just have to wait and see the results."

Vania shakily fidgeted her fingers, until at last, Doctor Reuben entered the room, a clipboard on his hands.

"Well, I seem to see why you are having these symptoms in your body," said Reuben, checking his clipboard. "And don't worry, these aren't signs of diseases. All of the things you have been feeling are signs of pregnancy."

Cole's jaw dropped at this.

"W-what?" was all that Cole could muster. "She's got a baby growing inside of her? Right now?"

"That's what the examination's results say," said Reuben, nodding. "She is about three weeks pregnant."

"Amazing," said Cole, with a gulp. "Really good."

Unlike Cole, who seemed all in all nervous, Vania, on the other hand, was really excited about everything that the doctor just said.

"I'm going to be a parent!" exclaimed Vania, happily. "I'm really, really, excited about this!"

"Great that you like the news that has just been given to you both," smiled Reuben. "Anyways, for this, you should come back for a checkup every four weeks, one month, and once you are week thirty six, go for a checkup twice a month, every two weeks, to be clear."

"Okay, w-we'll do that," said Cole. "Is there anything that Vania can't eat now that she's, you know?"

"Yes, there are many types of food that she can't eat now," said Reuben. "If I say it namely, it would be high mercury fish, undercooked or any raw fish, processed, undercooked, and raw meat, raw eggs, organ meat, caffeine, raw sprouts, unwashed produce, unpasteurised milk, cheese, and fruit juice, alcohol, and processed junk foods.

"Eating these types of things are harmful for the unborn child." the doctor finished.

"Are those all things that we need to practise?" asked Cole, who was taking down notes. "Is there anymore?"

"The last reminders here are; please try avoiding any acupuncture or massages from any professional, cats, cleaning products, exercise, fake tan, and hair dye," concluded Reuben. "If you try to avoid the things and food that I just told you, your pregnancy should be healthy."

"Thanks," said Cole, as he finished his notes. "See you next month, I guess."

Reuben nodded, as Cole and Vania exited his office.

"I can't believe it!" said Vania, once they reached the castle of Shintaro. "I was ever so surprised when the doctor said that."

"I was also surprised," muttered Cole. "Extremely."

"Shintaro will have its new prince or princess in a few months now," smiled Vania. "I wonder, though, if it will be a boy or a girl."

"We'll find out soon," said Cole. "That's for sure."

"Were you surprised when you found out the news?"

"Who wouldn't be?" chuckled Cole. "I thought that it would be some sort of, I don't know, maybe a bit of a sickness that many people get. I never thought that it would be a pregnancy."

Vania gave a little giggle, as she put her hands onto her stomach, Cole followed, too.

"When do you think we'll tell the people about him or her?" asked Vania, curiously. "If we say it now-"

"People will come running and rushing towards us, and it would be a little dangerous for the baby if people find out that this little one is the child of one of the Ninja, villains might come looking," finished Cole. "And what about Vangelis? What will he do when he finds out about the baby?"

"He'll probably do something evil," said Vania, with a frown.

"Then, maybe we will let the people find out about it themselves," said Cole, smirking. "The stomach won't be that obvious until you are sixteen to twenty weeks. At least, that is what it says here."

"We've still got thirteen weeks until the secret's out," said Vania, putting her head on Cole's shoulder. "So we don't need to worry until then. And, oh, it says we'll find out the baby's gender when I'm either four months to month five."

"Maybe we could continue this tomorrow?" asked Cole, with a yawn. "I'm way too tired from everything that just happened earlier."

"Okay," said Vania, tucking in the blankets. "Good night, my love."


Cole turned the lamps off and as the darkness flooded over the room, the royal couple, who was now expecting their first child, fell quickly asleep.

The next day, every Shintarian, who had problems, went to report to the King and Queen, as usual. None of them suspected a thing, not even Hailmar or any of the Royal Shintarian Guards.

"Your Royal Highnesses," said Hailmar, after a few hours. "The cooks are saying that it is time to prepare lunch. Is there anything you would like to eat?"

Cole thought back to what Doctor Reuben said was unhealthy for Vania to eat because of the unborn child.

"Uh, we'll take anything except, let's see here, er, high mercury fish, undercooked or any raw fish, processed, undercooked, and raw meat, raw eggs, organ meat, caffeine, raw sprouts, unwashed produce, unpasteurised milk, cheese, and fruit juice, alcohol, and processed junk foods." said Cole, reading every item from the note he had taken the night before. "That's all."

"I'll tell that to the cooks," said Hailmar, a little confused.

Cole gave a little smile as Hailmar proceeded to tell the cooks all that he had just said. It was a mouthful.

"You just said all that the doctor told me not to eat," said Vania, when Hailmar was out of sight. "Did you really write it all down on that?"

"I had to be sure to protect you," said Cole, firmly. "And the thing, too. How are you feeling now? Earlier you said you were feeling fine, but how about after ruling?"

"I'm not that far into it, yet, so I feel good, but whenever I smell food, I feel like I have nausea again," admitted Vania.

"That's not good," said Cole. "Considering it's time to eat."

"I'll work with it," said Vania, shrugging. "I'll just try not to be obvious."

"Your Highnesses, your meals are now ready," said Hailmar, as he entered the throne room again. "The cooks have taken all of the things that the King has said."

"So, none of those things?" asked Cole.

"None, Sir," said Hailmar, shaking his head.

"Oh, thank goodness," said Vania, relieved. "We'll go there now."

While Cole and Vania were eating their lunch, Vania was fighting the urge of going to the bathroom.

"Are you sure that you're feeling okay?" asked Cole, noticing that Vania did not have an appetite. "Maybe you should take the rest of the day off?"

"Hm? Oh, no, I don't need to take the day off," retorted Vania. "I'm fine. No need to worry about me."

Cole, knowing that Vania was lying about feeling well, knew that she should rest herself and the baby, too.

"Vania, if you aren't feeling well, don't push yourself to do everything," said Cole. "And it really is recommended for you and the baby.'

Cole made sure to say the last sentence barely audible to the guards so that only Vania could hear. She heaved a sigh and thought that it would be relaxing to take the day off.

"Okay, fine," she said. "I'll take a break today. A break would seem quite nice.

"Hailmar, are there any more Shintarians or any duties left?" asked Vania.

"No, Your Majesty," said Hailmar. "There aren't any more left."

"If so, I'll just take a quick nap," said Vania. "I'm exhausted."

Hailmar nodded a yes, and Vania went to the bedroom, along with Cole.

"Feeling any better now?" asked Cole, when they reached the bedroom. "Or do you need anything else to make you feel better?"

"I don't need anything for now," said Vania, laying down on the bed. "I'll just nap."

"Nap well,"

"I will,"


I don't know if I matched the pregnancy symptoms well, as I have never been pregnant. And when Mum was pregnant with my sister, I was four, don't really remember much. But I reckon they're right. For the food, I guessed, I studied in Science chemistry course, so probably those are the types of food that pregnant people can't eat.

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