Living A Fantasy

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You woke up one morning and you looked at your calendar. Today was the day you'd finally meet Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. Your brother was Pewdiepie and you couldn't even believe it! You looked over at your phone and saw that you had a new text. It read...

'Good Morning, sister! Marzia and I are going out to Y/H/C ( your home country) to see what it's like there. You've only really told us about Y/H/C. So you will have to hang out with Jack and Mark for a week. Make sure they don't cause any trouble and text me if they do anything weird! They will be knocking on our apartment door at 11:30 am. Be ready! Good Luck, from your big bro. ^_^'

You quickly looked at your clock. It was 11:00 am now! You jumped up and picked out some clothes from your closet and rushed into your bathroom. You showered, blow-dried your hair, brushed your teeth and washed your face with a sweet smelling soap. It was an autumn smell because that was the season right now and in fact, that was your favourite season. You ran out of your bathroom and realized that you had picked out a black shirt with a Septiceye on it, black shorts and some knee-high socks that were striped with bright green and black. You were totally in a Jacksepticeye outfit! A million thoughts rushed through your head.

'What if he knows I like him? Will he feel embarrassed?"

The shirt was tight and it fit your curves. The black shorts made you look slimmer and the socks... just looked so damn good on you! Gurl, you were lookin' fine! You quickly ate breakfast and right as you put your bowl in the dishwasher, you heard somebody knock on the door.

"HOLY CRAP! THEY'RE HERE!!!" you screamed.

You heard chuckling outside the door as you opened it. Jack looked at your outfit. Head to toe, to head to toe. You blushed.

"Sorry, I haven't done laundry in a while," you said sheepishly.

Mark and Jack looked behind you into your apartment and saw a stack of freshly-washed clothes folded in a nice pile over by the couch.

"I haven't put my clothes away in a while... I didn't know my other clothes were clean," you said as you looked down at your feet and your green and black socks.

"Nah, don't worry about it! I kinda like your outfit." Jack said.

You blushed so hard it was like you had just exploded. You fainted and some arms caught you and brought you into your bro's recording studio. They set you down on what felt like a fuzzy blanket. You snuggled up to whatever you were on, then you heard a boop. You heard whispering.

"Hello everybody, My name's Markiplier and..."

"Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!"

"Pewdie's sister fell asleep on Jack. Well, at least we think she's sleeping. Jack said he liked her outfit, then she fainted."

"I think she likes me!"

"One of many fangirls..."

"I don't have fangirls, Mark!"

"Well, you might not notice them very much, but trust me! You do!!!"


You felt somebody stroke your hair. Then put their arm around you. You snuggled even more.

"Welp, if you liked this vlog... punch that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And, high fives all around. But thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes... in the next video!"


A few hours later you woke up and you saw that Jack was sitting right beside you. And you guys were snuggling! Then you sneezed.

"Oh, nice Y/N (your name)" said Mark referencing a funny video.

"Oh, so I'm not allowed to sneeze!? I had to sneeze!" you replied playing along with the referencing.

You guys laughed and then you leaned yourself up and Mark came and sat beside you. This was the best! Mark on one side, Jack on the other!

"This is like fookin' crizzity Christmas up in here!" you said, thinking of Jack's animation of Papers Please.

Jack laughed and Mark handed you a phone. It had the video on it. One of you snuggling with Jack. You were glad the video didn't end up going in a sick direction. It was actually kinda cute.

"Haha, that's funny. I don't do that often. Sorry!" you replied.

"No need to feel sorry, dear," said Jack.

You blushed and you saw Mark kind of tense up and he shot Jack a mean look. You hugged Mark, then kissed Jack on the cheek. Now everybody was a blushing mess. Soon you turned on the T.V and the boys watched a football game as you made cupcakes, and frosted them with Jack's Septiceye and Mark's Tiny Box Tim. You brought the cupcakes over and Jack took one of his cupcakes. It was confetti cake and Mark's where chocolate. The team Mark was cheering for scored a goal and Mark's hands went up in the air and he knocked the tray of cupcakes out of your hands and onto your Septiceye shirt.

"Sorry, Y/N! I didn't mean to-" Mark was cut off by Jack swooping you up into a hug because you were crying. You had worked pretty hard on those cupcakes. Jack brought you to your room and you both lied on the bed. Side by side.

"Y/N, I need to ask ya something," Jack said.

"Yeah, sure! Ask-a-way!" you said.

"Who would you date? I mean, out of Mark or Me?" Jack said blushing.

"Well... Mark is very dank and funny, but you are sweet and caring," you said. "I'd probably say... you."

Jack's eyes widened. "Really?!"

"Yup," you replied super cool. "But... one thing that doesn't apply to relationships is..." you whispered in Jack's ear." Speed is Key!"

Jack chuckled and you guys came out of your bedroom holding hands. Mark had cleaned up the cupcakes that were on the floor. You didn't have much frosting on your shirt, so that was good. Mark looked up and saw you and Jack holding hands. He scowled at Jack and jumped at him knocking him to the ground. He started punching Jack in the face.

"And punch that stupid Jack, in the face. LIKE A BOSS!" yelled Mark.

"No Mark. You're being a 'looooooooser'" you said putting your finger and your thumb on your forehead in the loser sign.

Mark got up and ran out of the room.

I'm so sorry... this was pretty awkward and cringy. I'm so sorry...~ 2017-2018 Queenie

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