11| Flunker

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I woke up on the floor and narrowed my eyes at my phone, which was repeatedly blasting out my super annoying ringtone. Quickly assuming that I had fallen out of bed, I rolled my eyes and tutted to myself, switching off my alarm and pulling some clothes out for school. I searched my wardrobe for some remotely summery clothes, before realising that I had bought all my stuff from London, where there is practically no summer, so I didn't have many. In the end, I chose a pair of black mini shorts, high knee socks, a white crop top and my black combat boots. Then I remembered the new Dolan Twins upload. Shoot! They didn't even text me about it , I stomped to my dressing table and grabbed my phone, quickly checking my notifications and clicking on their video. The first thing I noticed was the fact that I was in it, and then I realised they had uploaded the video we made at our sleepover the other night and got really angry. I pursed my lips and made my way to their apartment where I knocked on the door impatiently. Grayson opened it, rubbing his eyes and looking sleepy.

"Grayson! Why did you upload that video? Anything and you uploaded that! People at school are going to go absolutely mental, you have no clue. Its dead embarrassing as well!" I paused, gesturing for him to reply.

"I promise I'll make it up to you!" He started "We uploaded and I guess we weren't really th-" I cut him off.

"No! You don't understand Gray, a lot of the people in school know you, and once they know that I know you there will be endless grief. You don't really have to be thinking to know that!" I snapped. He stared at me, rolled his eyes and smirked.

"What!" I scoffed

"Well they don't have to give you grief" He started

"They don't have to, but I know they will!" I looked at him, confused and slightly annoyed.

"You're flunking school today" He finished, smirking and nodding

"You can't be serious?" I rolled my eyes and folded my arms

"Yeah! I can. So you might as well come to the beach with me and Eth today and then you don't have to face everyone at school and then we can try and come up with an excuse that it wasn't actually you?" Grayson looked hopeful and smiled.

"Gray, I have a load of exams coming up and I really can't affo-" This time Grayson was the one to cut me off.

"Tiffany can tutor you or we can. Please" he begged "Just one day?"

"Fine" I tutted "but you better make this worth it" I turned my back, walking to my apartment to change again. Why do they always have to pull me into this kind of thing and make me somehow go along with it. I swear I must've been such a bad person in my last life, I thought to myself. Rolling my eyes and heading to the kitchen to get some cereal, I received a text from Ethan:

I smiled and put my phone down, getting undressed and heading to my wardrobe for a second time, so that I could find some beach-worthy clothes. I found a black and white bikini at the bottom of my drawers (see media) and pulled out my denim shorts and white chiffon cardigan along with my black vans. I shoved a mini towel, water, a clean top and underwear into a Nike backpack for afterwards and headed across the corridor to the twins' apartment and called through the door.

"Okay... I'm ready! Open up"

Ethan was quick to come to the door and answer it "Good" He breathed, looking at me and smirking whilst raising an eyebrow.

"Nice bikini..." I watched him stare at it again as he bit him lip.

"Nice shorts Alana! Nice cardigan!" I mimicked Ethan's voice and bit my lip being exaggerative "You're such a perv Eth!" I pushed his shoulder lightly as he laughed and Grayson came to stand next to him.

"I guess were ready then?" Grayson smiled widely, scrunching his eyes up and handing Ethan's long board to him, taking his own from the side.

"Wait! we're not going by car?" I sighed and moaned, unlocking my apartment again to collect my penny board.

"Awe, look how tiny that is!" Ethan cooed ruffling my hair. Grayson spluttered and shook his head.

"Like your sense of humour then?" I questioned, making my way down the corridor and smirking as I heard Grayson making 'ohhh' sounds at Ethan.


Once we had reached the beach it was around quarter to nine and it was practically deserted. Ethan had already come back from buying us waffles, croissants and fruit that was smothered in syrup on a tray and we were now sat at the back of the beach on our towels.

"It's so pretty when there is no one here..." I sighed taking my things off and sitting in my bikini "We should make the most of it while we can"

Grayson nodded "You know what?"

"What?" Ethan asked, curious

"I'll race you both down to sea, last one there has to take the tray back" Grayson finished getting up and beginning to run.

"Hey! Not fair" I shouted, getting up with Ethan and running after Grayson, he must've slowed down because I managed to pass him.

"Yes! Losers!" I shouted, standing calf deep in sea. Ethan ran towards me, holding his arms out, to slink them round my waist and pushed me so that I fell. Gasping furiously for air I screamed and pushed him back until all three of us ended up having a full-on water fight.

"Oh sugar" I paused, as my hair dripped down my back "My hair!" I felt the hair that was once straight and had now returned to a soaking wet beachy curl.

"It looks nice" Grayson shrugged, screeching as I flipped my head up and hit him with my hair. Ethan laughed and nodded in agreement

"I can braid it for you later if you want?" Ethan continued.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow as he put his hands up.

"Cameron taught me..." He smiled as we all made our way back up the beach where Ethan took the tray back, by which time the beach wasn't so deserted and there were multiple couples taking walks along the shore.


The day had gone by pretty quickly and Ethan was now sat behind me braiding my wet, curly hair.

"It's so hot Ohmigosh!" Grayson shouted as he lay on the towel sun bathing whilst I fanned him.

"What, like me?" I joked as the twins rolled their eyes.

"So funny Alana" Ethan sighed sarcastically

"Low-key though, It never got this hot back in England. I am going to get so tanned" I boasted.

"Done" Ethan patted my head and handed me my phone to check my reflection in.

"Ohmigosh Eth" I turned around and hugged him, he had done two Dutch braids "You did them so well, you have to teach me this sometime" Ethan nodded and smirked as Grayson opened one eye and nodded in approval. I checked my phone again and realised the time.

"Damn! It's already four" I widened my eyes and shrugged

"I'll race you again before we leave?" Ethan asked

"Nah bro, I am not going back the that apartment looking like milk again" Grayson nodded. Ethan shrugged at him and looked towards me.

"Yeah! I'll race you" I smiled and head started Ethan, who soon caught up with me but tripped. I laughed uncontrollably and continued running. I looked back and saw Ethan wasn't there, so I stopped and searched around.

"Eth?" I looked around calling again "ETHAN?!"

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands grip my waist and lift me up. Carrying me I shouted at Ethan "Don't do that, you worried me!" I tried to prise himself hand off my waist and succeeded, so he lifted up into a piggy back and shouted with one arm in the air and he dumped me in the sea.

"I swear, if someone does that one more time!" I growled. I watched as Ethan slyly smirked and pushed again this time falling on top of me. I froze, not even trying to get up as his wet, toned body hovered above me and instead of moving and apologizing, he smirked staring into my eyes ,almost compelling me to stay there and obey...

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