↳Six: 6|Epilogue

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Qian Kun: A Mystery

Qian Kun, age Twenty, was found dead and decapitated in his house at 2PM in Seoul, Korea.

As investigators take a tour in his home, we found a secret room full of gruesome objects. The room was decorated with bloody limbs and flesh, discarded everywhere among the room. The room stank of rotten meat, as if the flesh was there for decades.

As we take a closer look into the room, we found the missing child, age nine months and a half, dead, also decapitated like Qian Kun. The child was missing for almost fourteen years now and along with the child missing, the mother also disappeared around the same time.

As the investigators turned around to examine the situation, we saw Qian Kun's hand, attached on the wall with a knife speared into it with a note.

"You will never be able to escape, Kun. Never." The note reads.

Now, we take an interview with all the assistants who are willing to help out in this horrifying situation.

Investigator assistant, Wang Jackson, age Twenty-five, said, "This is a very unusual situation indeed. I've never seen anything like this and the possibilities are endless. It's easy to question everything and assume solutions and what might have happened, but we have to slow down and take steps. It is not every day we get to be in these types of situations."

Next, we interviewed Surgeon assistant, Na Jaemin, age Nineteen, "Well, what we are able to do at the moment is patch up Mister Kun and examine his state. We can collect blood samples and we can also examine the child who's been missing for over a decade now. We'll take Mister Kun and start an autopsy as soon as reporters and everybody else leaves. Timing is important."

And lastly, we asked policeman, Bang Christopher Chan about this situation, "All I can say is that we'll try our best to figure out what happened, along with some help with investigators who've been working very hard since we got the call."

Qian Kun, Rest in Peace.

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The ambulance sirens deafens Xiaojun's ears as he finishes reading the report. He lowers the paper and crumbles it up in his hand as he bites his lower lip, his ears picking up a little kid's voice from afar.

"Uncle Jun! Uncle Jun!" Five-year-old YangYang calls out, running as swiftly as his little legs could carry him.

Xiaojun kneels down as YangYang collides into his arms, panting, "Uncle Jun, what happened to Uncle Kun??"

Xiaojun holds YangYang comfortly in his arms as he hears heavy footsteps behind him.

"I-Is it true, Xiaojun?" Lucas' voice cracks.

Xiaojun nods tiringly and Lucas breaks down. Lucas' once bright and charming personality faded and what was left was sorrow and grief. Lucas masks his face with his hands as he cries softly, mourning for Kun's tragic death. Tears spill through Lucas' soft fingers and they roll down his wrist as more pearly tears leave Lucas' beautiful orbs.

Xiaojun observes his surrounding and sighs in defeat. Police officers were searching through Kun's house, nurses were covering Kun's dislocated and deformed body. Detectives were scribbling down notes of some sort as firefighters were also there to assist the police officers. Everybody was busy, but one question haunted their mind.

What was the cause for Kun's death?

Xiaojun's eyes land on Kun's covered body and tears were threatening to appear. Xiaojun kisses YangYang's forehead and brushes YangYang's purple bangs away from his wide, chocolate eyes, "Uncle Kun...is somewhere else now, YangYang."

Lucas weakly sits next to Xiaojun with YangYang in the middle of both of them, still sobbing but even more softer than before. Lucas' eyes were puffy and red, along with his nose. His flawless face was now decorated with jewel-like tears.

Lucas' lips tremble, "Y-Yes YangYang...he's somewhere else now."

YangYang notices Lucas' miserable condition and quickly tries to wipe Lucas' face dry, "Uncle Lucas, don't cwy...it makes me weally weally sad. YangYang does not like to be sad, so smile for YangYang!!"

Lucas stops crying for a second to look at little YangYang's features and breaks down again, embracing YangYang for support, "I-I'm sorry!"

Lucas wails, hugging YangYang for his dear life.

Hearing Lucas' cries, it broke both Xiaojun's and YangYang's heart.

After calming down poor Lucas, Xiaojun picks little YangYang up and asks Lucas to follow him. Xiaojun was curious about how the house looks like and the 'secret room'. When Xiaojun approach the entrance of Kun's home, investigator assistant, Wang Jackson, stops them from entering.

"Are you guys related to Mister Kun in any way? Even acquaintance?" He questions.

Xiaojun bobs his head up and down, with YangYang innocent gaze following his every move, "Yes. We're his closest friends. This is YangYang, his nephew."

Xiaojun strokes YangYang's soft purple hair as YangYang spoke, "Yeshu!! I lobh Uncle Kun vewy much! Whewe ish Uncle Kun?? Does chu know??"

Jackson's look darkens, "I shall not answer, even though you're very cute and adorable in every way a child can be. What are you doing at the front door?"

Lucas shrugs as Xiaojun glares at Jackson, "I want to see his house. The three of us do."

"I suggest not letting a child explore a nightmarish territory."

"YangYang, do you want to go in the house??" Lucas whispers as loose tears drop from his chin.

YangYang nods, "Yesh, Uncle Lucas!"

Xiaojun glances at Jackson and the investigator assistant quickly walks away, ignoring the fact that he ever had a conversation with the three youngsters.

Xiaojun strolls through the front door with YangYang gripping onto his hair and shirt for safety. Lucas follows with glossy-like eyes, lips quivering from the eeriness. The moment they stepped inside, the door behind them shuts close, giving them a false minor cardiac arrest.

"W-What the- how did it do that? Who shut it? D-Did it close all by itself?? Xiaojun, where are you?!?" Lucas calls out in fear.

Xiaojun kept YangYang tight in his arms as he frantically look around for a sign of Lucas. Nothing. Xiaojun literally saw Lucas behind them just a few seconds ago. Where did he go?

"Lucas?!" Xiaojun walks faster around the living room; YangYang minding his own buisness with his bunny plushie named Nana.

"Xiaojun?! I can't see you?? Where are you?? You were in front of me a moment ago!" Lucas sounds weak and he needed the comfort right now.

Xiaojun, in panic, says, "Hold on! Stay where you are! I'll find you!"

After what seems like for eternity, Xiaojun bumps into a tall human being and was suddenly being embraced in a hug, "Xiaojun! YangYang!"

YangYang giggles and pecks Lucas' cheek, "Welcome back, Uncle Lucas! Whewe was chu?"

"Uncle Lucas got a little lost- that's all." Lucas smiles brightly, even through the darkness of the room.

They made their way back into the living room and smelled something being lit on fire. Lucas covers YangYang's mouth and nose with his gigantic hand and looks at Xiaojun with a questioning expression.

Xiaojun gives YangYang to Lucas and goes to the front door, struggling to open it. The doorknob would not budge a single bit and it was frustrating Xiaojun every second that pass by.

A sharp pain enters through Xiaojun's body and he falls onto the soft carpet, clearly out of strength. He lets out an agonizing groan as Lucas rushes up to him to check up on him.

"Y-Yo, are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened? Did the door do something to you? I'll kill it-" Lucas takes a look at Xiaojun and helps him up.

Xiaojun finds it difficult to stand properly on his own so he leans on Lucas for support; Lucas gladly accepted Xiaojun with open arms.

The burning scent grew stronger and soon, all three of them were coughing and trying to cover their face up, especially little YangYang's.

The sound of fire crackling haunted their ears as they tried to figure out what was going on around them.

Then the fires were visible to their bare orbs.

YangYang grips onto Lucas' sweater sleeve as he buries his face in Lucas' shirt, trying to protect his lungs from the polluted air. Xiaojun on the other hand was holding onto Lucas for sturdiness but the smoke was making it hard for him to be stable.

Questions were racing through their minds as they try their hardest to find an exit, which was no where to be found because the front door just vanished within a snap.

They were in their best friend's house, which was burning and collapsing down... confined...

"Welcome to the Hell House."

The last thing they could hear was Kun's piercing scream and little YangYang's cry.

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