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I'm going to die. Psyche could just imagine an article that is about to be publish on the next day on the headlines. Psyche McGee, 26 -was hit by a car as she tried to escape from three unknown guys who were chasing her. She was known to be a cynical journalist and almost lost her job for it. She couldn't impress her boss and she just wanted to have that drink but she can't because sadly, it was her last day.

Wouldn't that be a sad article on the newspaper the next day?

But within that second, when Psyche's thoughts were all about seeing her name on the headlines of Today's News, a pair of strong hands grabbed her arm, spinning her and pulled her safe back to the sidewalk.

She could feel warmth between her savior's body and hers. They were lean and buff and could crush her any minute if he is going to embrace her tightly. But, on the positive side of things, there was something on it that she felt protected and safe.

"What the hell, Psyche?!" the man angrily shouted at her. She flinched for she knew the voice.  "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

She immediately pulled away form the man."Of course not. I never thought of killing myself someday. Not to mention, hitting myself with a car." Psyche angrily shouted, glaring at Eros. "I was being chased."


Psyche looked at the three men by the dark street and couldn't help shaking of fear. Eros followed Psyche's eyes and saw the three men approached them. He immediately step in front of Psyche, placing her behind him.

"I'm going to call the cops if you don't scram. They're just by the corner." Eros firmly said. Psyche raised her chin and placed both of her hands on her waist. The three men eventually stepped back and ran away from them.

"What are you going to do now? Huh!" Psyche showed her fists at them.

"Stop it. What did you do to get into trouble?" Eros asked, annoyed.

Psyche looked at Eros, all suit up and styled. "I was waiting for my friend when those three approached me. I tried to shake them off but they won't budge. So I kicked one of them in the balls and I ran and ran till I got here."

"My god, Psyche. And you really passed by a dark street? You should be thankful I saw you."

"Hey, if you were in my place, you wouldn't bother thinking where to go. Anyway, you seem all suit up. Party?"

"Yeah. With my friends. Now, go get a cab and get away from here. Everybody's looking at us." Eros said but seeing Psyche's eyes widen and troubled, he knew what he said something to offend Psyche. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just that you're-oh, shit."

"What? I may buy from thrift shops and vintage stores but these aren't shit."

"Just!" Eros stopped her. Psyche could see from Eros' eyes anger and shocked all over. She followed his eyes and saw Carmen with another man walking together, with their hands on each others waist. They were laughing and flirting with each other.

"Is that-"Psyche was about to point out when Carmen saw them. But, rather avoiding them, she went to them, smiling with grace and poise.

"Hello, Eros. I didn't expect you'll be here." Carmen greeted them, her hands still on the Iranian man which Psyche swore he has seen him in a  Vogue magazine once.

"Carmen. Who the hell is this?" Eros asked, his voice trying to suppress his anger.

"Oh. Uh...Eros, this is Gaspar Shah. A crown prince from Iran." Carmen smiled, clearly giddy as she said crown prince.

"Her fiance." the prince said with an accent.

Both Eros and Psyche were taken a back. Fiance? She's already engage? But, didn't she broke up with him 2 weeks ago? And, a prince?!

"It's a funny story because I was fixing my strap sandals one night at this club and this gentlemen approached me. And we just look at each other and we just knew." Carmen looked deeply at the Iranian prince' blue eyes.

"Wow. That is very romantic." Psyche said, sarcastically.

"And who are you?"Carmen looked down on Psyche.

"Oh. Where are my manners? I'm Psyche McGee. I'm-" She started to introduce herself but Eros interrupted her with the most shocking lie.

"She's my-together. We're together." Eros interrupted which made Psyche's eyes widen.

"Together?" Carmen asked, clearly in shock. "Like dating?"

"Engage actually."

What the hell?! Psyche looked at Eros in disbelief.

But Eros ignored her stares, "When we broke up 2 weeks ago and Psyche came to me and comforted me. I realized that my feelings from before was never gone. No wonder why whenever we made love, Psyche's face always turned up." Eros said, calmly. He wrapped his large arms towards Psyche's small waist and pulled her close. Psyche was about to protest but Eros gripped her waist tighter.

"Oh. That's-uh-that's nice." Carmen began to stutter and was somehow troubled and Eros was clearly delighted by it. "Anyways, we're going to a couple's retreat next week. In a resort island in Greece." She looked at Gaspar. "It'll really be romantic for us."

"That is funny! Because, we, are going too!"Eros said. "Our grandmother's are the famous match makers and they always organized these kinds of events for their successful clients or people who just wanted to have a romantic get away."

"Ahh...of course. Right." Carmen murmured.

Eros gripped Psyche's waist harder, signalling her to go along with their conversation."That is right!" Psyche gave out a forced chuckle. "Our grandmothers' were delighted to hear the news that they booked a room immediately for us. Aren't you excited honey?" Psyche held Eros' chin and shook it softly.

"Yes, I am." Eros played his nose on Psyche's.

"That's-that's great! Uh-we'll see each other there then." Carmen forced a smile before she began to walk away in speed, leaving the prince behind.

When they were far away, Psyche punched Eros's broad shoulder although Eros didn't seem to feel the pain.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Could you believe it? One week and she got engaged?! Who gets engaged in a week?! This isn't Disney!" Eros complained.

"Believe me there are people who gets married even for just a day. Try Las Vegas." Psyche stated, crossing her arms together.

"And a prince?!" Eros scoffed. "And that lame "looking in the eyes and they knew"? What a bullshit thing to say!"

"Hey, you haven't told me why you did that."Psyche crossed her arms together.

"Isn't it obvious? I can't let her belittle me like that. She gets engaged and be happy. She should know she's replaceable. Replaceable in a week."

"Uhh. Hello, you just labeled me as your "fiance" back there. Do you think I can easily replace that ass? Are you out of your mind?"

"But, she stuttered, right? You saw the look on her face when I told the story about us. It means it affected her greatly. Women doesn't want to be replace easily-same goes with men."

"I guess. But, how are we going to tell grandma and Granny Beatrice? They are not going to believe us."

Eros went closer to Psyche and gripped her shoulders with his large hands. "They will. Just let me do the talking and just follow, okay? And you're a writer-you know these things."

"I never agreed to any of this."

"Oh you will. You need to write a story badly and we both know, that this could help your career." Eros began to negotiate. And he's very good in negotiating. "Besides, you've always wanted to got to Greece, right? Here's your chance."

Psyche thought of it. He's very convincing. Ugh. His negotiation skills has always been great. "Fine. It's a deal. But, we need to set up some rules."

"Whatever. Meet me at my loft tomorrow at lunch time."

"I couldn't buy you lunch, you know."

"Lunch is on me."

Psyche glared at Eros and an idea came to her. She slowly began to smile, cunningly. "And one more thing."

"What?" Eros groaned.

"You need to do a proper proposal."

"What?" He scoffed at the ridiculous idea.

"You have to proposed to me. I can't just agree without having a proper proposal."

"I'm not going to do it."

"Then you can't tick off Carmen then. You can't make her feel sorry for dumping you and so, you continue your life as she gets married to a prince while just sit on your office table, moping-"


"-around, your pride totally crushed into dust. I mean, isn't it sad that you were easily replace in a span of a week?" Psyche knew hurting Eros' pride is his total weakness. He was a man of honor, pride and dignity and such thing as being replaced, would definitely hurt him pretty much.

"Okay! You got it! I'll-I'll proposed to you. But, I don't have any ring."

"Oh, honey. I'm not a woman of materialism. You know how money bores me. What's important is your sincerity and your heart as you let out the words-"

"Yeah. Yeah. Just stop." Eros looked around and sighed. He licked his lips as he started to give out words."Will..will you-"

"Uh-uh. You have to do it the proper way." Psyche pointed the ground and placed her hands on her waist. Eros rolled his eyes and began to kneel on one knee.

"Will you marry me?"

She shake her head from side to side."Hmm. Not sincere enough."

Eros exhaled. They were people watching them and began to cheer on them. He and took Psyche's hand and looked up to her eyes. "Psyche McGee, will you marry me?"

Psyche snapped her hands back and patted Eros' cheek. "That'll do. See you tomorrow!" She waved her hand as she walked away from Eros.

"This little-" Eros sighed and shook his head. He stood up and shook his head and decided to go back at the club.

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