Finale - Turning Page

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Kim Mingyu sneakily snaked his arm around the smaller's waist, slowly pulling him closer before bringing his hand upwards, now resting on Jihoon's shoulder.

A small glance of Woozi's eyes made its way to the taller, blinking a few times before shrugging it off coolly and fixing his gaze back to the road in front of him.

Mingyu didn't mind much about what society would think about them, since they wouldn't have any say in it, right?

Whereas Jihoon was beyond mortified of what others may think of them. His friends? They'd probably be okay with it, but what about his relatives? Wouldn't they be ashamed?

"Hey," Mingyu softly muttered, as if being extra careful as he turned his head towards Woozi, lips slightly parted and eyes full what was seemingly called love. "Are you hungry? Wanna grab some brunch? It's already 10AM now.." He took a few moments to check his watch. 

And at that moment, Jihoon couldn't help but to stare at how the other's eye could have sparkled so brightly, and how his nose slightly twitched at the bright blue numerals glowing on his watch, and how his puckered lips pouted at the grumbling sound of his stomach.

And at that moment, Jihoon knew he should have never doubted anything about them.

And at that moment, Jihoon perfectly knew he was indeed





very in love.

"Earth to Woozi? C'mon, let's get some bread or something." Mingyu waved his hands in front of Woozi's face, snapping the other back to reality with a slight shake of head and a few nods to go along with before following Mingyu to wherever he was taking him.

Finally spotting a bread stall, they quickly approached the old man and was warmly greeted with a bright grin plastered across the man's lips.

"Well you guys sure do look hungry! I mean, I can TOTALLY hear your stomach singing some kinda orchestra." The man kindly joked as he patted his stomach; even Mingyu was laughing along.

But something caught the blonde's attention; choco-cheese bread. Loads of them.

Woozi quickly slapped the other's arm and pointed excitedly towards a dozen of seemingly shining plasticized breads. Mingyu took notice and a wide smile grew on his face; he could hardly get one at school, and seeing a lot of them in one place was practically a dream to him.

"Oh, so the all-time favorite it is then?" Both nodded almost immediately. "Alright, how many for you boys? Five? Ten? I'm giving you guys a 50% discount here!" The slightly oversized man beamed as he handed them both ten each.

Mingyu widened in surprise, "B-but- why, sir?" Woozi nodded, as if asking the same question. Was the guy Santa in disguise or some sort?

"Well," the eldest tapped his chin in thought, almost shocking the other two, "consider this a gift for being and loving who you are! Ho-ho, and don't worry, lads, your secret is safe with me." The man gave a little wink to end his promise.

The couple widened their eyes and froze, startled from what the man had said, and exchanged expressions.

"How did you know?" Mingyu questioned, still in the same state.

The man with white hair chuckled tenderly, "I'm good like that, son. I've seen the kind of look you give to that young man beside you."

Woozi instantly looked away in attempt to hide the heat rising up his cheeks.

The black-haired boy's lips couldn't help but to stretch slowly wider as he watched the other's bashful actions, causing him to place his hand on Woozi's hair before caressing the soft blonde locks.

"Aaww, you know what? It's on the house." The man nodded and refused the money Mingyu offered.

"But we certainly cannot have that, sir?"

"I'm digging the positive vibe you boys radiate, and I'm just an old man trying to revive the peace and love in this wretched world, so please. Take it."

He was definitely Autumn's Santa.

The boys thanked him with multiple bows and grins filled with slightly worried expressions as they moved on carrying on plastic bag each person, leaving the other empty for them to hold hands.

"The man was really great, don't you think, Woozi?" Mingyu peered over his blonde lover, receiving a smile of approval.

"Those kinds of people are worth more than the whole world.." Mingyu thought out loud as he tilted his head up to stare at the blue, blue sky but still keeping his feet on ground.

'I think so too' Woozi typed and showed.

"But you're worth more than the universe, hyung." Mingyu gave the significant other a loving smile, sending tints of red showing on both cheeks, and not to forget the rapid beats his heart was pumping.

Woozi let go of the taller's hand, now cutely fiddling with his fingers in reflex of embarrassment as a pout formed on his lips.

Mingyu let a chuckle slip out of his lips as he wrapped his arm around the elder's neck to grab him before planting a kiss on his head and a ruffle of hair to go along with.

"Where do you wanna go now?" The junior asked, taking a look at Woozi's face as they continued walking. "Oh! I know exactly where to go, come on."

Mingyu took hold of Woozi's hand and dragged him as he started running.

He decided to stop a bit just in case Woozi was exhausted, remembering that he has longer legs than Jihoon does.

"Are you tired?" Mingyu asked worriedly as he scrunched his eyebrows at the pained expression Jihoon was sweating and panting in. The elder tried to stand properly, but failed terribly as he instantly crumbled in the other's arms.

"Jihoon-hyung! Let's go take a seat, okay?" Mingyu slung Woozi's arm on his shoulders, dragging him to a nearby bench and settled him down.

"What hurts?"

Woozi took the phone out and typed, 'I think I might have sprained my ankle. You were running too fast, I guess.'

Mingyu apologized immediately, bowing multiple times in hope it could relieve him some of the guilt. But then again no, he doesn't think so.

"If you can't walk, I can carry you all the way." Mingyu nodded and stood from the bench.

The blonde widened his eyes and shook his head rapidly in obvious disagreement. 'Let's just go home. We can go another time.'

Mingyu shook his head as well, "No, I'll be fine, seriously. Leave it to me." The younger squatted in front of Jihoon. The senior sighed in defeat and finally agreed, not propping his body on the other's back before Mingyu stood up and fixed the position of Woozi's body.

"Ready to go?"

Jihoon nodded and hugged the carrier's neck, softly snuggling and taking the smell in.

He smells like soap, Jihoon thought.

Closing his eyes slowly, he unconsciously fell asleep on Mingyu's shoulder, his breath coming in from his nose and coming out from his mouth. They were slow, but steady.

Mingyu unknowingly chuckled softly from his senior's cute yawn, as he fixed their position from time to time in order to keep Woozi from falling.

"We're going to Busan, if that's alright with you."

The elder nodded and held Mingyu a little bit tighter, partly in happiness and excitement.

arriving at the station, Mingyu dropped his lover on one of the benches, as he was already awake.

With a ruffle of Woozi's blonde hair, Mingyu cracked a lopsided grin. "I'm gonna go buy the tickets, alright?" The elder nodded as he showed a thumbs up.

"Hey, can I get two tickets to Busan? Closest department time, please." Mingyu sweetly greeted the quite buffed lady with a tender smile as he fished his wallet out of his pocket.

"F*** off." The woman rudely spat as she took another suck out of her cigarette, her eyes bloodshot red and swollen from intense weeping.

Mingyu was obviously taken aback from such an attitude the lady was giving him. But he nevertheless stayed calm and patient. "Are you ok? Is there something I can help you with, perhaps?"

She glared daggers.

"Don't give me the 'are you ok' bull crap. All you handsome boys ever do is- is- is- uGH! You break hearts, you call them fat and ugly, and you still ask what went wrong!"

Mingyu blinked at the sudden outburst slash mental breakdown before his eyes. "W-What exactly h-happened?"

"Oh, you heard me! My boyfriend of 4 years dumped just because I gained a whole lot of weight." The woman disgusting inhaled all her snot back inside from her nostrils.

"Whoa. That's so not cool." Mingyu nodded understandingly as he propped his elbows on the counter, leaning his weight onto it. "Need some tissues?" The tall male offered a small pack.

"Sure." The lady nodded a small thanks as she received the tissues.

"What's your name, miss?"

"Im Song-eul."

"Well, I think that's a beautiful name. As beautiful as the owner." Mingyu flashed a cheeky smile. "Why do you care so much about what others think of you? You should be happy right now because God created the blessing that is you."

With another snot, Song-eul's eyes were filled with flattery and hope. "Y-You really think so?"

"I know so." Mingyu nodded.

"Wow, you're such a nice young man. Any girl must be very lucky to have you." Song-eul chuckled happily. The male was glad at the sudden change of mood.

"Well," he shrugged and peered over Jihoon's way. "Would you like to meet my boyfriend?"

"Oh!" The woman gaped, embarrassed. "I didn't know, please forgive me."

"It's alright." Mingyu smiled bashfully. "Oh, I just remembered. He sprained his ankle a while ago. But I'll be sure to tell him you said hi."

"Alright then, here you go. Two tickets to Busan." She slid them through the hole. "-on the house." Song-eul finished with a angelic smile. "Consider it a thanks."

"W-What? I-I can't do that, I have to pay." Mingyu shook his head.

"You're welcome. Now off you go, I'm sure he's a keeper." She gave an eye-smile as a wave found its way to her hands.

Mingyu thinly smiled and nodded, "don't forget to keep a smile on your face okay? It suits you very well."

"Thank you. You too."

Mingyu returned with a huge grin playing on his lips as he took a seat beside the older male. Woozi was fiddling with his phone, Piano Tiles 2 was his center of attention at the moment.

The junior watched as Jihoon scrunched his face and cutely puckering his pink pouty thin lips. He was more than beautiful to Mingyu's eyes.

"Hey, we're leaving in almost half an hour. So wait, okay?"

Jihoon nodded eagerly, though not sparing a glance at the other.

Mingyu let out a small chuckle and rested his arm on the smaller's shoulders as his head followed. "I love you."

Woozi hit a wrong note, startled.

The latter turned his head around, only to be met with big and beautiful brown eyes staring into his own,

and he could've sworn that,

he couldn't be more in love.

"I love you too."

They leaned in for a kiss.

And nothing could ever be so simple yet enough.

Mingyu was enough.

He wasn't what Woozi was looking for but when he found Mingyu, he stopped looking.

It was something way beyond love, he was sure of it.

kim was unfair how he embodied two elements in one,

youth and love.

that was the same day he proposed to me. he promised to never leave my side, both in my happiest and worst moments. he gave an oath to always protect me, to love me with care, to be the perfect husband. he swore on his life to never fall out of love with me.

i said yes, of course. how could i not?

a very wise woman once told me to fall in love with someone's eyes, since it's the only body part that doesn't age. so if you fall for their eyes, you'll fall in love forever.

but she was both right and wrong.

you fall in love with someone for who they are, not how they look like.

you fall for how peaceful they seem when they sleep.

you fall for the way they look at you.

you fall for someone who can offer you safety in their arms.

you fall for how they can calm your nerves down even at your highest peak of temper.

and me, lee jihoon, have finally found my save haven.

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