Turn the vid on for atmosphere!
"Mingyu? Have you ever liked somebody?"
All the confidence Mingyu had in himself were swooshed away by one question. He didn't know what to answer; because he does have someone he likes.
Mingyu was scared. He was confused.
Woozi was nervous. And terrified.
"U-U-Um.." Mingyu stuttered once again and felt his words shredded right from his tongue; raw.
The elder started chewing on the corner of his bottom lip anxiously as he didn't know what to expect. He wanted the other to tell him that he does certainly like him, but a small part of him doesn't want the younger to say so.
Mingyu figured it was time. He needed to tell the boy sooner or later, whether he liked it or not. He started recollecting the tiny amount of strength left in him with a deep inhale.
"This is--"
Just in time to save the moment, the blonde decided to cut him off. He somewhat didn't want to hear what the other had to say at the moment. All Woozi cared about was being with him. He didn't want to lose Mingyu; he felt as if they had met in a previous life and were meant to be reunited. He sensed a sort of familiarity, but he didn't wanna go in too deep.
"You know.." Woozi started with his head hung low, not facing the younger. "Your eyebrows look really cute when you're serious." He snapped his head up to Mingyu and did something he wouldn't have anticipated himself.
He lunged forward so quickly no one could've seen clearly with the naked eye, and pressed his plump pink lips onto the other's black eyebrow softly with his eyes shut.
Mingyu was greatly startled and his body even slightly shuddered at the elder's touch as he froze in bewilderment. He loved it. He loved how the butterflies swarmed around his stomach non-stop, he loved the feeling of Woozi's lips on the spot above his eyes. He couldn't imagine how it would feel if they were on his lips.
After a few moments that had felt like forever, Woozi pulled away and stood up with a sly smirk to hide all the emotions he was feeling; delight, embarrassment, joy, fright, carefree, and so much more all at the same time, overwhelming him greatly.
Mingyu fumbled with his words as it scattered around him, opening and closing his mouth only to produce such bizarre sounds.
But then one word was successfully pronounced, and it would probably be anyone's reaction to what had just evolved.
Woozi laughed aloud at the younger's choice of response, slightly clutching his stomach and bending his body. "You should've seen your face!" The elder pointed at Mingyu, still laughing his heart out.
It was that funny. He wasn't feigning.
The short blonde spread his arms playfully, looking down at the taller who was still stiff in his position. "I was just playin' around, shrug head."
But Woozi perfectly knew he wasn't joking. He'd been longing the small action of affection for quite a while now.
Mingyu widened his eyes, and it was very clear that he was beyond annoyed with the glare Woozi was receiving.
If looks could kill, he would've never made it outside this room.
"I'm going home. You coming or what?" Woozi checked his watch, but then snorted in embarrassment as there was nothing to see other than his skin. "Oops."
Mingyu was gradually getting more annoyed by how Woozi was acting as if nothing happened. Because something did happen. It was a huge something for him.
The taller dully muttered a yes as he slowly stood and grabbed his backpack without looking at the other.
The elder thought it was better this way. It was better that he didn't know Mingyu's feelings, it was better if they'd just stay friends, it was -hopefully- better that his junior didn't know he had an affinity for the same gender.
Woozi smiled exhaustedly as he nodded and turned around before the tears that were threatening to well up could glisten down.
Silence surrounded them the whole way to the shoe lockers. It wasn't the awkward kind; it was more of like an apologetic quiescence.
Woozi bent down to unlock the locker but was shocked to see floods of cheesy pink love letters pour down like a waterfall. Mingyu was just as shocked; he didn't know the elder would be so much of a victim to this awfully weird tradition.
The shorter grunted as he kicked the papers away in utter annoyance. "Seriously?" He continued kicking them endlessly until Mingyu went and came back with a huge plastic bag.
Woozi took a moment to finally process and grabbed the item, now stuffing it with pointlessly violent pink papers written with feelings. He didn't need those; he was satisfied with who had in mind now. And he wasn't planning on altering his love away soon. Or ever.
"Thanks." Woozi muttered as he stopped momentarily to watch Mingyu dive in to help.
The younger look up with a smile painted across his lips. "No problem."
Woozi felt his heart flutter and somersaults in his stomach in a thousand different directions; he hadn't had this feeling for a long time. He surely missed it.
After a while, the floor was clean with not one letter left, the room filled with the sounds of exhausted yet satisfied pants. The blonde proceeded to wear his shoes and so did the younger.
They walked out to the gate and out of it without an utter of a single word. Until Mingyu decided to break the ice with a question that has been burning in his mind.
"Why did you kiss my eyebrow?"
A smile unknowingly formed on his lips slowly as he stated the reason. "I thought I told you already. You wanna hear it again? Is that it?" Woozi teased the black haired, nudging his shoulder with a bit of effort.
"No! That's not it." Mingyu's cheeks flushed crimson red as he playfully pushed the elder; a little bit too hard.
"Hey!" Woozi complained as the other almost caused him a black eye if his reflexes weren't fast enough to avoid crashing face first onto a pole.
Mingyu laughed so hard at the blonde that he was starting to snort a little bit. Woozi thought it was disgustingly adorable.
They laughed along the way non-stop, sometimes even racing to see who was faster but both would stop almost simultaneously to catch their breaths and Mingyu would tease his senior by running before he was finished. It was a really good time for them.
Finally arriving at the elder's residence, both stopped to face one another. They couldn't help but to keep the grins taped to their faces.
"I enjoy being with you, really." A subtle smile crept its way to Woozi's lips as he patted the younger's shoulder.
Mingyu's lips edged from ear to ear at the other's confession. He was glad that it wasn't a one-sided feeling. "Yeah."
"And look, you're not stuttering anymore! That was fast." Woozi acclaimed with a beam of satisfaction.
The younger blinked at the sudden fact, only then he realized that it was actually true. "You're right! Thank you, Woozi!" Mingyu was so happy that he didn't care about what he was doing now.
On the other side, the blonde was absolutely streaked at the unexpected action of the black haired junior.
Mingyu had embraced him a tight bear hug, very slightly swaying the shorter's body from side to side for comfort reasons. The senior snuggled and sniffed into the other's chest, hearing the taller's rapid heartbeat going in unison with his as a response. Mingyu smelled of car freshener. The leather kind. Woozi loved it.
Both wished time would just stop so they could enjoy this moment 'till God knows when.
To add it all up, their height were perfectly balanced for a couple, Woozi could hear the soothing beats of the other's heart perfectly.
He thought it was beautiful. That they were meant to be.
Being aware of their surroundings, both let go; slowly. They wanted to stay in each other's arms forever, but knew they couldn't.
"Your welcome."
Silence passed for a moment or two, until Woozi decided that he should go inside. "I'm going insid-"
"Wait!" Mingyu cut the elder off, somehow shy yet eager to ask him for a small favor. "Please kiss my eyebrows again."
The other's eyes widened in total shock; so many things happened today. But nevertheless, his heart melted right away at the younger's request.
"Lemme see." Woozi cutely tiptoed to see clearly, holding onto the hem of the taller's shirt. He chuckled right in front of Mingyu's face, "your eyebrows doesn't really look cute right now." He slowly stood back normally and looked up at his junior.
Mingyu unknowingly pouted in disappointment. He wanted to feel those plump lips against his face once again. "Really?"
The shorter resumed his light action, forming a slight fist in front of his mouth. "Here, what do you say if we make a deal?"
"What kind of deal?"
The elder cleared his throat before speaking. "I will kiss you in one condition; you have to kiss me somewhere unpredictable. But lips and thighs are off-limits. Sounds good?" Woozi extended his hand to reached the other's.
Mingyu pressed his lips into a thin line and obliged. "Sounds like a challenge to me. Deal."
"Great." Woozi grinned as he kept shaking the younger's hand, not wanting to let go even for a bit. And little did he know Mingyu wouldn't retract his as well.
Without any other words, Woozi rushed inside his house after waving over his shoulder to the taller.
Mingyu caught himself blushing thinking about today's events. It was too much; yet felt just right. He didn't know when another day like this would come around.
Soon, he hoped.
Hearing Woozi explain their deal in his head motivated something inside him greatly. He didn't know what it was, but boy was he thrilled to find out.
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