Chapter 1

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*****I can't take credit for Grief. All the props go to SamLizzyEast; it's her OC, but I hope you love this fic just as much as I loved writing it! ^_^*****

Grief P.O.V.

I sat on the same rooftop every night, just looking out at the town before me. It was the only place I could go to escape the confinement of underground and the loathing of the other homunculi. It was my own little hide away. I had been coming to sit on top of the same building, every day at the same time, for an entire year. And each day, a girl would walk down the street right before or right after nightfall. It always depended on how much of a rush she was in to get home. She often wore black tights or shorts and combat boots. Sometimes she'd wear tank tops, t-shirts, or even sweatshirts, but they were always one of three colors: black, white, or grey. Her curly, midnight hair would always sway down her back in a loose ponytail, and she always wore a crimson hooded jacket with a black flamel on the back of it. Her signature weapon, a bow and quiver of arrows, would be strapped to her back as she warily made her way home every evening. And she was always singing the same song. Over and over again, every time she walked by. Some days I felt that she was singing for me, like she knew she had an audience. And then there were those special days where I felt as if she was singing to me. It was a ridiculous thought, I know, but somewhere deep in my mind, I knew that she was the only reason I came back every night.

There was one particular day where the storm clouds had rolled in and it was pouring rain. Thunder and lightning boomed and crackled all around, but still I sat there, just hoping for the chance to see her. She turned onto the street, her stride slow and precise, her melodic voice rising over the crashing thunder. She feared nothing, she was in no hurry. Her hood was pulled up over her head, hiding her face. I scooted closer to the edge and I heard a small clattering sound as I kicked a rock off the edge of the roof, sending it falling to the pavement. Dammit, why couldn't I be more careful? She whirled at the noise, her weapon drawn and aiming an arrow in my direction. "Who's there?" she called into the darkness. I started to scoot away from the edge, but she let the arrow fly, piercing straight through my chest and sending me crashing down to the street below. "O-ow," I muttered, lifting myself up off the ground and ripping the arrow from my chest. A red light flashed around the gaping hole in my torso and it closed up. "That wasn't necessary," I said, frowning at her. Her full, pouty lips were twisted into a menacing scowl, and her bright golden eyes stared through me: suspicious, wary, and afraid. "What the hell are you?" she yelled over the roaring of the storm. "I-I am Grief...a homunculus," I answered, my voice barely audible.

"You, you're a homunculus?" she asked, her voice soft yet unwavering. "Yes, but I-I'm not going to hurt you," I said, stepping closer to her. Her weapon lowered the slightest bit and I took that oppurtunity to snatch it away. "Hey! Give that back," she cried. I smirked, feeling a tiny bit of courage. "Your name," I demanded. Her face went blank and she tilted her head to the side. "Huh?" I set the bow down in front of me and smiled softly at her. "What's your name?" Even in the darkness of the storm, I could see her face turn red. "I'm Artemis. Artemis Elric," she replied, looking up at me with a gentle smile. 'Elric? Elric...she couldn't be kin to Edward Elric, could she?' I thought, suddenly worried. "Daughter of Edward Elric," she finished, beaming proudly. I smiled weakly at her. "Until tomorrow, Artemis," I whispered, taking off into the night. "Edward Elric's daughter. Great, I had to go and develop an obsession for Edward Elric's daughter. Geez, I'm a smart one. It's a miracle she didn't completely obliterate me right then and there," I muttered to myself, racing toward the nearest entrance to the underground tunnels. 'It's not like you would've stopped her if she tried. Idiot," a voice hissed from the back of my mind. "Oh shut it, Guilt," I growled.

Artemis P.O.V.

I stood in the middle of the street, staring around like a moron. 'What exactly just happened?' I silently asked myself. I shot a young man and he had fallen off the roof, then ripped the arrow out and healed right before my eyes. He claimed to be a homunculus, but those are only creatures I've read and heard stories from Dad about. From what I heard, homunculi were supposed to be these awful creatures, not handsome teenage boys who fell from rooftops. And it was so strange how he looked at me. His dark charcoal-grey eyes seemed to look straight through me. His long black, almost-blue, hair hung over his eyes and stuck to his neck. Instead of wanting to run, I had the urge to reach up and brush the hair out of his face. He was perfection. I had never seen another person like him, and maybe that's because he wasn't technically a person. He said, "Until tomorrow." That meant I was going to see him again. The thought made my heart flutter with excitement. I picked my bow up and started toward home. He had called me by my name. This stranger had said my name, and the way he said it sent shivers up my spine. It was as if he was meant to have my name on his beautiful lips, like it was his title to call me by. That sounds crazy, I know, but it just sounded so right.

I was sopping wet by the time I got home, and Mom wasn't happy about it at all. "Filea mia, what were you thinking staying out so late in a storm like this? Why didn't you come home sooner? Now look at you! You'll be lucky if you don't catch pneumonia!" she scolded, following behind me and cleaning up the stream of water that I left behind as I trudged up the stairs toward my room. She continued to fuss, but it was all noiseless chatter. All I could hear was his voice. 'Artemis. Artemis. Artemis.' over and over again. It repeated in my head like a mantra, until that's all I heard. I shut my door behind me and quickly changed into dry clothes, placing the wet ones in the hall for Mom to pick up. Sighing, I threw myself onto my bed, being lulled to sleep by Grief's soft voice. 'Until tomorrow, Artemis.' I shut my eyes and his greeted me as I entered the dark world of slumber.

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