-Time skip-
2 months later-
Yoongi's birthday is tomorrow and I still have no idea what to do for his birthday?
Things that he likes..
He owns me.
It's our routine.
Holly? Leo?
They're his kids.
Yes cake.
I'm actually a genius.
I went to a bakery shop near our house. It took me just 10 minutes of walk.
I was greeted by tons of cakes with different flavours and sizes. Great. Damn great.
Which one for Yoongi?
Chocolate chip for Yoongi.
I got 2 hours left before Yoongi got home. I quickly went back home and put the cake in the fridge, took out some meat and grilled it. Yoongi's favourite.
I took a shower and get myself ready. I wear a white summer dress that Yoongi bought for me and put a simple makeup.
I ran out of the room and stand infront of the door, waiting. Another 2 minutes left.
I quickly brushed my hair, need to look good for him.
I heard footsteps and keys jingling.
"Baby I'm–wow"
I chuckled.
Yoongi did left lots of kisses as soon as we both entered the kitchen.
"Why are you so pretty" he cupped my face and kiss my chin.
"Yoongi stop" I burst into laughter. Cheeky.
I pushed Yoongi to the table and he unwillingly sat on the chair.
"You for dinner?"
"Tasty" He laughed.
"Meat for dinner and me for you to watch only. No touching during dinner"
Yoongi pouted.
Yeah. Act like it never work on you.
"Go wash your dirty hand Yoong"
"But I only touched you"
"I am a bacteria and you will get food poisoning"
He was washing the dishes when I was trying to make zero noise while taking oit the cake. Luckily, he did not notice anything. Or he just act like he saw nothing.
I was standing behind him when he said "Is the cake for me? For my birthday?"
Sure, he really knows me inside out.
And sure, I can never surprise him.
"It was supposed to be a surprise but again you know everything" I lazily put the cake in front of him and hugged him from his back.
"I love you Yoongi"
"I really do. Thank you for these years you have spent with me. You are amazing"
"And, you are crying" I placed my hand on his chest. He cried. He cried everytime I did this.
My love for Yoongi will never end.
Wow. Finally after what thousand days. A day before my exams start and this book finally meet its end. Its bull sjit end.
Its getting worst. Pardon my grammar as I tried to finish this book as soon as possible and I have to study for tomorrow's exam. Wish me luck! I really need to get flying colours this time. It is a big exams.
I think I will start writing again on december, maybe. Because tomorrow's exam is the trial for a month and the real exam starts in 2 months which in november and end in december so I willll try my best. Love yall,
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