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Three days after the mini-celebration of Eunna's birthday, both of the couple are busy. BEATS' comeback is happening next month, that's why he's been very busy. Eunna decided to visit him. She visited him before, but it didn't turn quite nice. On the way, she bought some snacks for them, also some iced americanos. She didn't like the taste of iced americano, so she ordered iced latte instead. She is driving the new car she bought on her birthday. A Range Rover one. It's been her dream car and she finally bought one. 


"Eunna's car is so nice!" Solar commented.

"You should buy one, Solar-ssi." Ken said.

Solar just chuckled, "Maybe in the near future.


Eunna parked her car in the basement. She made her way inside the building, and the receptionist recognized her.

"Good morning, Ma'am Eunna."

"Good morning to you too. Is it okay if I visit Jeeno?" 

"Yes, ma'am. They're currently in the third floor."

"Alright. Thank you. Have a nice day."


When she reached the third floor, she immediately heard some laughter. 

"That must be them." She thought.

Eunna was about to knock when someone open it.

"Oh. Annyeonghaseyo, noona." It was Hyun.

"Oh, hi."

"What's that you're holding?"

"Ah. Some iced americanos and snacks for you guys."

"How thoughtful of you noona. Let me help you with that."

"Thank you, Hyun."


"We have a visitor!" Hyun announced.

"Who?" It was Jeeno.

"Your lovely wife, hyung! Noona, come in. She also brought some snacks and iced americano for us."

"Annyeong." Eunna greeted.

"Hi, noona!" All of them greeted her, and Jeeno gave Eunna a hug.

All of the snacks she brought was finished in a second. 

"Wah... It is so good. Noona, can I make a request?" Kris asks.

"Sure. What is it?"

Kris was hesitant at first but decided to give it a go. "Is it okay if can I ask for Elise's phone number?"

Eunna's went wide and was shocked, "W-what? You're asking for Elise's phone number? Are you sure?"

"Hundred percent sure, noona. So, are you giving it to me?"

"Do I have a choice?" Eunna sighed. "Her phone number is x-xx-xxx-xxxx."

"Thank you, noona! You're the best!"


Jeeno said to Eunna that they'll be visiting someone - her family.

 It's a surprise for her, because they weren't there during Eunna's birthday.

"Yah, where are we going?" Eunna cutely asks.

(Eric Nam: So cute!)

"Secret," Jeeno playfully said. "Just wait, okay?"

"Hmp! Fine. I will sleep for now. Wake me up when we arrive."

"Alright, babe."

(Solar/Jaekyung: Kyahhhhh!)

(Sunggyu: My poor eardrums ㅜㅜ)


"Babe? Wake up. We're already here."

"Huh? Oh, we're her- wait! I know this place! My grandma's house. Don't tell me that this is your surprise?"

"Yup. This is my surprise for you."

"Thank you, oppa." She kissed Jeeno's cheeks and he blushed.

(Solar: Jeeno look so cute! Look at him blushing 😍)

Jeeno parked his car, and they got out.


"Is that you, Eunna?" Her grandma caressed her face.

"Yes, grandma. It is me."

"Oh my gosh. It is really you! Let's take a seat. How are you, dear?"

"I'm doing good, grandma. How about you?"

"I'm good. By the way, is this your husband?"

"Good morning, grandma."

"I like you for my grand-daughter."

"Where's grandpa?"

"At the garden. Watering the plants. It has been his hobby ever since."

"That's nice to hear. Do you want to drink something?"

"A tea would be nice."

"How about you, oppa?"

"Juice please."



Eunna was busy preparing tea and juice when her grandpa entered the kitchen.

"Who are you?" Her grandpa asks.

She turned around and saw her grandpa holding a stick. "Grandpa! I missed you!"

"Woah woah. Calm there, Eunna. I thought you were a stranger."

"That's why you're a holding a stick?" Her grandpa just laughed.

"Did your grandma ask you to prepare a tea for her?"

"Nope," she replied. "I volunteered. Do you want coffee or tea?"

"Coffee will do."

After preparing the drinks, she set it in a tray, and carried it.

"Let me carry it." Jeeno said.


"Thank you for visiting us, Eunna and Jeeno. We had a great time. Visit us again soon, okay?" 

"I will, grandpa. Don't forget to drink your medicines. We'll go ahead. Bye, grandma and grandpa!"



Q: How long it has been when you last visited your grandparents?

"Five years. I was a trainee back then, that's why I don't have the time to visit them."


A/N: Ten more chapters

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