♥️🦌Toddler!Alastor X Reader🦌♥️

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Drawing is made by this amazing and talented person right here --> PalettePainter On DeviantArt
Please go and check them out, they are amazing with drawing, plus the art style is quite amazing by itself.


🎃♥️A/N~This was requested by Thelordchanka, I hope that you will enjoy.

I hope you will all enjoy and thank you to TheLordChanka for requesting this.
I am so sorry that you needed to wait for it so long. But I was taking a hiatus, so I hope that you understand.

have fun while reading!♥️🎃


^Let Us Begin, Shall We?^


You were currently waiting for your deer of a boyfriend, who was just going to be gone for 2 minutes.
But hey, guess he said heck that and decided to stay up there for more than 1 hour.
You were bored just waiting for him, so you decided that you gonna watch some TV.
You knew that Al didn't like all that modern crap and all, but you just couldn't live without TV and the internet.
After watching the TV for more than half an hour now, you decided that you would check on him.
You just thought that he maybe fell asleep up there or maybe started taking a long shower.
You were just going up the stairs when you heard a small child-like giggle.
You stopped for a moment before going up the stairs again.
You went as quickly as possible towards yours and Al's bedroom.
You two had a medium bedroom that was also attached to a small bathroom.
You opened the door to your bedroom and went inside.
You looked around the room for your deer boyfriend but didn't see any sign of him.
You went towards the door to the bathroom and knocked on it gently.
You waited for a moment before knocking again.
No one answered so you just gently opened the door and looked inside, but to your surprise, you didn't find anyone in there.
You closed the door before turning towards the bedroom door.
You went outside of your bedroom before hearing another child-like giggle.
You quickly went to the guest bedroom, you opened the door and looked inside.
You didn't see anything at first glance but heard another giggle.
You went inside the bedroom and looked around again.
You saw Al's Cane that was laying on the floor near the guest bed.
You gently picked the Cane up and placed it near the dresser.
You looked around the room once again but didn't see Al anywhere.
You even checked the quest bathroom but didn't find him there either.
You left the bathroom and went back to the guest bedroom.
You once again gently took the Cane in your hand and you were about to leave the room when you heard the giggle again.
But this time it was coming from under the bed.
You looked behind you and looked straight at the bed.
You placed the Cane near the door and went back to the bed.
You kneeled down and looked under the bed.
You didn't see anything at first glance until you saw two small deer ears popping from under the end of the bed.
You reached your hand towards the things? And tried to take it from under the bed.
When your hand was just about to take a hold of the thing, it turned around and looked you straight in your eyes.
You backed a little but stopped when the thing started to crawl from under the bed.
When you saw what that was you gasped slightly.
It was your deer boyfriend but he was in a toddler's body, or um... He himself turned into a toddler, specifically.
He looked at you and smiled slightly, reaching his small hands towards you.
You smiled at him and picked him up.
He grabbed ahold of your sweater and started to play with it.
You once again smiled at him and started to walk out of the room, not until you grabbed the Cane as well.
You quickly went back to your bedroom and placed the Cane there.
Before leaving with the small toddler in your hands.
You went downstairs with the toddler and placed him on the couch.
You gave him some paper and crayons that you had and left him to color, you went quickly to the kitchen for something to eat and drink.
You had some knowledge on how to take care of children or toddlers so you didn't mind taking care of small little Al.
You picked some milk and some {fav fruit} sauce and placed it on the kitchen table.
You picked a small cup and poured some milk in there before heating it up, you picked a small bowl and poured some {fav fruit} sauce into it.
You picked a spoon and place it into the bowl.
After everything was done, you picked the bowl and cup and went back to the living room.
You saw the toddler draw something on the piece of paper that you gave him.
When he heard you, he looked up and smiled gently at you, you returned the smile and place the bowl and cup down on the small coffee table.
You picked the toddler up and placed him in your lap.
You picked the bowl up and started to feed the small toddler the {fav fruit} sauce.
After he ate everything, you placed the bowl down and picked the cup up with the milk.
You helped him drink it and when he was done, you placed the cup back on the table.
You took a small tissue from the tissue box that was one the table.
You cleaned his mouth a little before placing the tissue down on the table and picking the toddler up and placing him back on the floor, where his papers and crayons where.
You picked the bowl and cup up as well with the used tissue and started to walk toward the kitchen.
You placed both cups and bowls into the sink and went back to the living room.
You saw the toddler drawing again, so you went and grabbed the remote control and turned the TV back on.
You turned on some cartoon that would entertain the toddler and to your surprise it did.
You guessed that when Al was in this form he didn't care about modern things.
You saw the toddler watch the TV for a while until he turns towards you and started to wobble his way towards the couch.
You saw him struggle a bit but to your surprise, he managed to walk or uh, wobble his way there.
You picked him up and placed him on the couch before turning towards the small mess of papers.
You stood up and started to pick up the papers and crayons that laid on the floor.
You placed them on the coffee table and sat back down on the couch.
You picked the toddler up and laid down with it, you picked a blanket and placed it on top of the both of you.
The toddler nuzzled himself into you and started to fall asleep.
You yourself started to feel sleepy as well.
You left the TV on and closed your eyes not before giving the small toddler a small kiss on the forehead.
He giggled gently before turning his attention back to the TV.
You didn't know what happens after that because you fell fast asleep.

{The next morning~}

You woke up to some weight being on top of you.
You gently tried to push the weight of off you but it didn't work.
You gently opened your eyes and looked at your torso.
You smiled gently when you saw that your deer Al had turned back to normal.
You saw that the TV was still on and picked the control from the small table near the couch.
You turned the TV off and tried to fall back asleep.
But too you couldn't, you once again tried to take the extra weight off you and somehow you did it.
You placed the blanket back on to your boyfriend before heading to the kitchen.
You picked some milk, eggs, bacon, some pancake batter, and some coffee.
You placed everything on the counter and started to make some breakfast for both of you.
You started with boiling some water in the kettle and then heating up some pancake batter in the pan.
You did the coffee first and then you started to make everything else.
When you were done with the pancakes, you started with the eggs and then bacon.
When you were done with that, you picked two plates and placed everything on them.

{After placing breakfast on the table~}

You were about to go back to the living room and wake up Al when you heard some footsteps behind you.
You looked behind you and saw a very tired yet calm Al, he smiled gently at you.
You smiled back and said a small good morning before giving him, his cup of coffee that you made.
You two did eat breakfast until the doorbell rang.
You stood up and walked towards it.
You opened the door to see a very tired Charlie and behind her stood a very angry and tired Vaggie.
You looked at them confused before stepping aside for them both to come in.
Both of them soon made them the way towards the kitchen to talk with Alastor whole you still didn't say anything about what had happened yesterday.
The three of them or um... When Al and Vaggie argued and Charlie trying to calm them both down had stopped, you explained to the two of them what had happened and why Al couldn't come yesterday to the hotel.
Charlie understood but yet was a little angry that you didn't contact her.
You told her that you forgot and that you had a lot to do with the small toddler.
She said that she understands and that she and Vaggie shall leave.
You said a small goodbye before closing the door.
Well, the last thing to do now was telling Al what had happened.

{After a small explanation to Al what had happened~}

The only thing he did after you explained to him what had happened was well nearly fainting on the kitchen floor.
You gave him a cup of water before trying to calm him down.
You told him that no one else knows about that, well beside Charlie and Vaggie now.
He calmed down and the rest of the day you two talked about what popped into your head.


🎃♥️I really hope you liked it, I kinda did have much of an idea for this one, but after I started writing this happens and here we are.
Once again I really hope you liked it and that you all enjoyed reading this.
I'm sorry for not posting much but I took a small hiatus so yeah.
But I am coming back with a lot of new ideas and the rest of the requests that I got.
So please be patient and I will post as soon as possible.🎃♥️

|Words Counted~1857|

🎃♥️Hope You All Are Staying Safe And Have A Wonderful And Lovely Day/Afternoon/Evening~ Strawberry_Traveller♥️🎃

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