🐟👓Child!Baxter X Reader👓🐟

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🎃♥️A/N~ This was requested by Blacksmith42gmail.com.
Thank you to Blacksmith42gmail.com for requesting.
I hope you all will enjoy!

Have fun while reading!♥️🎃


^Let Us Begin, Shall We?^


You were walking towards the local orphanage where you are going to work at, it was your first day today so you didn't want to be late.
You opened the large door to the orphanage and walked towards the front desk, there you saw a large cat-like demon sitting there and doing some paperwork when she saw you she gently smiled and said a small hello.
You said hello back and told her that you are here for your very first day of work, her smile widens when she heard you say that.
She said that she was expecting you and that you were just there to see the orphanage and probably talk with some of the kids and get to know them a little as you will be taking care of them.
You nodded your head and walked with the cat demon to a medium-sized room that was filled with kids that were either playing with toys, reading or drawing, or even making something out of clay.
She called out to the kids and nearly everyone ran towards her, saying a small hello and asking her who you were and if you were here to adopt any of them.
The cat demon explained that you are a new caretaker in the orphanage and that the kids should listen to you.
One by one the kids went towards you and said their names, while you said yours to them.
Most of the kids were probably from 4 to 9 and not higher than that.
You saw one particular child that didn't even mind to come over or even didn't make a sound from his spot.
When the cat demon saw that he didn't want to come over, she walked towards him and started to talk with him, he just shook his head and started to do whatever he was doing.
The cat demon walked back towards you and said that the child's name is Baxter and that he is really shy and quite panicky, you just nodded your head and started to walk towards the small anglerfish demon.
You sat down next to him and gently started to speak.

"Hello there. What's your name? My name is y/n." You said while gently smiling at the child.

"I-I'm Baxter. It's n-nice to meet y-you t-too." He said while looking away from his book and at you.

You smiled again at the child and started to talk with him about what he likes to do and other stuff, after that you told the small child that you need to talk with the cat demon that you heard someone call Minx.
You walked towards the front desk again and found Minx sitting there finishing her paperwork, you said that you talked with Baxter and that he is a little more open towards you.
She just smiled and nodded her head, after you sat down on a small chair that was in front of the desk, Minx started telling you more about Baxter and the other children that their parents left here.
Some of them just weren't ready to have kids and left them here, while the other were abused and were just dropped off here with nothing but what they were wearing.
Baxter was one of them that the parents just didn't want, and when he was adopted the adoptive parents would just drop him off after some days and say some pretty mean stuff about him and about his behaviour.
You couldn't believe that some people were like this, that they could drop their kids here and not even care about it.
You told Minx that you would go to the kids and see how they all are doing, she just nodded her head and told you that she will be there in a second.
You walked towards the other room and looked inside first, seeing some kids playing while the others were watching the small TV that was playing some sort of a Disney movie.
You walked towards the still reading Baxter and sat down in front of him, he looked up from his book and gave you a small smile before starting to read again.
You asked him small questions about the book and if he liked it, to that he just responded with small answers and saying that the book was alright.

After playing, reading, and cooking something to eat for the kids, it was your time to go back home and come back tomorrow morning.
You said a small goodbye to the kids and the walked towards the front desk, saying a small goodbye to Minx and telling her to call you if there was something wrong with one of the kids, that you will be here to help if something is wrong.
She thanked you for today, said a small goodbye back and told you that she will call if something is wrong, you thanked her and walked towards the front door not even noticing Baxter watching you leave with a sad expression.

The next morning you were occupied from head to toe, quite literally.
The kids wouldn't leave your side for even a minute, and you had quite a lot of chores to do too.
You made them breakfast as Minx was helping some of the smaller kids make their bed and change into their daily clothing.
After breakfast was ready and everyone was there, you placed everything down and walked back to the kitchen to clean the rest of the bowls and other stuff that was there.
The kids ate quite quickly and then brought the plates, bowl and even the utensils to the kitchen, saying a small thank you for the food and then they left to play.
When Minx was done with the beds, she helped you clean the dishes while asking you how you are doing and how do you like your new job.
You answered her the best you could and told her that you like the job as it is nice and quite not hard-working as you thought that it's going to be.
She smiled at your answer and placed the last plate down, you whipped your hands on the small towel and then walked towards the small living area where the kids were playing.

You once again played with the kids, read them some books, watched some movies with them, and even helped them to draw.
You tried your best to pay as much attention to every child that was there and not neglect any of them, some of the kids wanted more attention than the rest, but once again you tried your best to pay attention to everyone and not pick favorites.
From time to time, you would talk with Baxter and read him a few book until the rest of the kids started to drag you away to do something else, every time the kids would drag you away you never noticed the small sad expression on Baxter's face while he tried his best not to show it.

After the day was over again, you said a small goodbye and goodnight to the kids and walked to the front desk again to see Minx talking with a sad Baxter that was gently shaking from crying.
She told Bater to sit down while she will talk with you, he obeyed and sat down while you and Minx walked towards the other end of the room to talk.
She told you what was wrong with Baxter and you nodded your head while telling her that you can talk care of him.
At first, she was hooked but then smiled and told you to come with her to sign some papers.
Baxter has some sort of phobia of being forgotten as Minx told you, she also told you that he really likes you and that he is somehow sad when the other kids drag you away when you are reading or playing with him.
You know that the kid is touch starved as he didn't have any nice parents or even adoptive parents so there is an explanation, you mentally told yourself that you need to be patient with him as Minx told you that he can have some very hard mood swings.

You walked with Minx towards the front desk where Baxter was sitting and waiting for you both, she gave you some papers to sign and you gladly did it.
Baxter was watching you both out of curiosity and expected for you to yell at him or something but you didn't do that but thanked Minx for the paper, signed it and then gave Minx back the paper with a small smile.
Then you turned your head towards him and gave him a small smile, walking towards him you gave him a small hug while saying that everything will be fine.

"Come on, we are going home." You said with a small smile.

He couldn't believe what he heard, you wanted to adopt him, but then his head started to yell at him that you will be like the rest of the people that adopted him, but then he just shook his head and smiled gently at you.
He told himself that he will try and trust you and see if you were just like the rest.

After taking some of Baxter's stuff from his room, you walked with him towards the front desk, saying a small goodbye and goodnight to Minx you both then walked towards the front door.
You walked with him towards your house even tho it was quite late, the bus stop was quite far away, so you decided to walk.
The walk was quite fast and you both were in front of your house in merely just minutes.
You unlocked and opened the door, motioning for Baxter to walk inside first, after he was inside you walked and closed the door behind you.
You placed the keys down and then placed Baxter's bags near the door, you saw him looking around the small living room.
You grabbed his bag and told him to follow you, he did as he was told and followed you to a small guest room.
You placed his bag near the bed and told him that this will be his new bedroom, he smiled at you and thanked you while taking some stuff out of his bag.
You helped him and then walked back downstairs and straight towards the kitchen, you decided to reheat some food and eat.
After the food was done you called for Baxter to come downstairs and eat, he was there in just seconds.
You gave him the plate and started to eat, making some small talk here and there with the small seven-year-old.

After dinner, Baxter helped you with the dishes even tho you told him to go and change for bed and sleep, he just shook his head and told you that he wanted to help you clean.
You just smiled at him and started to clean everything then placing it down for it to dry.
The dishes were done in nearly just minutes and you decided to just go and sleep as it was late and you had work tomorrow as well.
You told Baxter that he needed to come with you tomorrow as you didn't want to leave him alone at home and that it was quite dangerous, he just nodded his head and told you that he understood.
He walked towards his room and changed while quite laying in his new bed, you walked towards your room, changed and quickly walked to see if Baxter was in bed.
You gave him a small kiss on the forehead and told him a small goodnight before turning the night lamp off and leaving the room.
You walked towards your own and quickly laid down on your own bed, before you dozed off to sleep you decided to go with Baxter to the store and buy some stuff that he will need for his room, some clothes and probably some toys and books if he wanted.


🎃♥️Sorry for this one and the previous one for being so shitty but I don't have any more ideas to do for the requests, so I'm very sorry if some of them will be shitty but I'm tired to the bone and I have the worst headache ever.
I will try to post one more today, but I don't know if it will be fully finished, so I'm sorry if I won't post it today, then it will be posted tomorrow morning or afternoon.
But I hope you all enjoyed nonetheless, and will still enjoy the new chapters that will come out soon.

Hope You All Are Staying Safe And Have A Wonderful And Lovely Day/Afternoon/Evening~ Feral_Snufkin
|Words Counted 2098|♥️🎃

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