♥️🦌Child!Alastor X Reader🦌♥️

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Couldn't find the original artist, if someone knows the original artist, please tell me and I will add the name here as quickly as possible, thank you.


🎃♥️A/N~ This was requested by Lindathedemon1.
I hope you all will enjoy.
Thank you to Lindathedemon1 for requesting.

Have fun while reading!♥️🎃

|Prompt #4 Microphone|


^Let us begin, shall we?^


It was nearly Alastor's birthday and the small child really wanted something special for it, so as the adoptive mother you decided that you will make a small homemade microphone.
As the child really liked to sing, you decided on that.
You grabbed the necessary materials and went straight into your workroom on the second floor, Alastor wasn't really allowed there so he never really bothered you while you were working.
You were a decorator, you made some small decorations for homes and gardens, while it was a home job you really liked it.
After nearly two hours of just trying to sketch the perfect version of the cane-like microphone, you decided on one that is fairly simple yet unique.
The top part was something like an old vintage round radio microphone piece, but the bottom was a cane-like.
You liked that sketch the most, so you decided to go with it, after planing what the color the microphone and the cane is going to be you started to work.

After nearly another two hours of work, you decided to take a small break and probably make some food, as your child was now with one of your siblings just so you could work and that Alastor wouldn't find out what you were making for his birthday.
You were grateful that your siblings could take care of him and tolerated some small mode changes here and there from him.
You quickly made your way into the kitchen and started to reheat some pasta that you still had, you quickly ate and washed the dishes and nearly sprinted back into your workroom.
You worked for another hour before you decided that you will pick Alastor up from your sibling's place.
You quickly placed everything back in its place and walked outside towards the front door, grabbing the keys you walked outside, closing and locking the door behind you.
You quickly walked towards the car, unlocking it and getting in.
The drive there to your sibling was quite long so you decided to listen to the radio for a bit while driving.

The drive went by quick for you, to your surprise, but you didn't mind it at all.
You gently walked towards the front door and knocked while waiting for a replay or for someone to open the door.
You heard some shuffling at the other end and then the front door opened revealing your older sibling.
They said a small hello before letting you in and calling for Alastor to come over.
The small boy nearly sprinted towards the front door when he saw you, his small puffy deer-like ears twitched and his deer-like tail just started to sway from side to side, he had a huge smile on his face as well.
He ran straight towards you and hugged you with all his might, he smiled while you patted his head.
"Hiya mama, are you done with work?" He said while looking up at you.
"Yes, yes I am, and I am here to pick you up and go home. Do you have everything?" You asked while still petting his hair.
"Yes, mama! I will just get my bag!" He said while running back into the living room.
You and your sibling talked for a small while until Alastor came back with his reddish-brown backpack.
You said a small goodbye to your sibling and Alastor just waved his hand through the window in the car.
Your drive home was mostly you and Alastor talking and listening to the radio, after the small ride, you made some small dinner and then tucked Alastor into his bed while saying a small goodnight and kissing him on the forehead.
You closed his bedroom door and headed towards your workroom, you decided to work with the microphone-cane for a short while before bed.
It didn't go as planned tho, you was working with the microphone-like cane for nearly hours until you noticed the sun peaking itself through your blind on your window in your workplace.
You decided not to sleep and just go downstairs and make some breakfast before you will start working again.
You were going to finish the microphone-cane today, you were determined to do it.
After making the food, eating and leaving an extra plate of food for Alastor, you quickly walked back into your workplace.

Another couple of hours you worked on the microphone-cane until you heard a small knock coming from the door, you stood up stretched and walked towards the door, you gently opened the door and looked down to see Alastor standing there, a small smile on his face.
"Sorry to disturb you mama, but I was just wondering if you had some free time for a small break, you've been working for a small while now." You heard him say while playing with his feet.
You quickly looked at the clock and decided to make a small break and spend some time with your son.
"I actually was going to take a break just now, did you need anything?" You asked while kneeling down to his height.
"Well, not really, no. But I was being quite bored actually and wanted to spend some time with you." He said while giving you his iconic smile.
You smiled back and closed the door behind you as you walked with Alastor to the living room, making some small chats on the way there.

You both made some lasagna for dinner and decided to make the dishes tomorrow in the morning as it was far too late and you didn't have the energy to do so either way.
You tucked Alastor into bed after dinner and decided to head back straight to bed as you didn't sleep the previous night.
You quickly changed from your clothes into some PJs and went straight to bed.
The next day you just made some small breakfast, did the dishes from the previous night's dinner and decided to finish the microphone-cane completely today, as you just had the cane itself to finish.
The only thing to do with the cane itself was to paint it, you decided to make the microphone a little lighter shade of red and the metal part you left alone, the cane you decided to paint a little darker than the rest of the microphone.
You made some small forms and signs here and there on the cane and around the metal part of the microphone.
After nearly two hours of working the project was done, you left the microphone-cane on the table to fully dry.
You decided to make some small snacks and watch some TV or just read a book while drinking some hot tea or coffee.
As Alastor was outside in your backyard playing you decided to do just so, you grabbed some sandwiches and walked towards the living room, turning on the TV and switching it to whatever was entertaining.

After a couple of hours, you washed the small number of dishes that was pilling in the sink and maybe make some lunch while seeing if the microphone was dry enough to place it into a box and wrap it up, as Alastor's birthday was in just one day.
You made some small chicken salad as you didn't have any other ideas of what to do, you placed the plates and the food on the dining table after the food was finished and called for Alastor to come and eat.

After lunch, you washed the dishes and went straight towards your workroom, opening the door you walked in and closed the door behind you, you walked towards the table and looked the microphone-cane all over.
The microphone was fully dried so, you decided that it was time to pack it up as Alastor's birthday was supposed to be the next next day and you had only tomorrow to prepare everything for the small party.
You placed the microphone-cane into a box that it could fit into and wrapped it up nicely into some reddish-brown birthday present paper.
After that, you placed the box down near the table and walked out of your workroom.
You walked towards your bedroom and quickly changed as you had some work to do tomorrow morning.

The next day was as hardworking as the previous one was, you drove Alastor to your sibling's place just so you could prepare the cake and the decorations and for your family member to come over while he wasn't there so that he could have a surprise.
The cake itself was a red velvet cake with a white and light milky pink frosting on it, and on top of that was a little handmade writing that said 'Happy Birthday' with some candles around it.
You placed the finished cake on a plate and left it on the dining table in the kitchen.
You then heard your doorbell ring, you quickly went towards the front door and opened it, there stood most of your family member, some cousins, some aunts and uncles, your mother, and one of your grandmothers.
You welcomed them in and said to them that you will go and bring Alastor and your older sibling with you as you were about to do that before they showed up, some of them just nodded their head while your mother and one of your cousins just said that it was ok and that they will wait in the living room, you quickly grabbed your car keys and walked outside while closing the front door behind you.

The drive went quickly and when you were at your sibling's house, you just called them from your phone and told them to come outside and that you were going to take them to your house as the birthday party was about to start.
After a short, while you saw your older sibling come outside with Alastor by their side, your sibling helped Alastor place the seatbelt on and quickly went towards the front seat.

You three listened to some radio music until you all were in front of your house, you quickly turned the car off and locked it.
You three made your way towards the front door and you quickly opened it, walking inside with your siblings and Alastor by your side.
Your mother was the first one to properly greet Alastor and wish him a happy birthday.

The party went quite alright and the time went quickly as well, you all had some fun time, eating, talking, and even singing some small songs here and there.
After the presents were opened, you left the special one for later as you wanted it to be more of a surprise than the actual one that you got.
You got him a small board game, some new toys and some books that he actually wanted.
The microphone-cane was a special surprise for later as you didn't want to spoil anything.

After everyone left you washed the dishes and decided to give Alastor the finally present.
You quickly walked towards your workroom and grabbed the reddish-brown box from it, you made your way downstairs and placed the box on the small coffee table.
After that, you quickly left the living room and walked back into the kitchen as you had some more stuff to clean.

The next day you spotted the microphone-cane in Alastors room, near his bed.
You gently smiled and walked outside of his room and straight towards the kitchen, you noticed a small tray of food and a small letter on it.
You read the letter quickly and nearly choked on your own tears, it was the most sweetest thing you have ever read.
You hugged the small letter and grabbed the tray of food and started to make your way towards the living room were Alastor was currently watching some TV.
You thanked him for the letter and gave him a huge hug, saying how much you are proud of him and how much you love him.

After a couple of days, you decided to make him a small necklace that he could place a picture in, the necklace itself was a round golden like thing with an 'A' engraved into it.
Alastor when he got it from you he wouldn't even take it off, no one could make him take it off, it was something he would treasure for as long as he lived.


And he did keep that promise, even tho he is the most feared demon in hell, he does remember his dearest mother, who took care of him and would comfort him.
Unfortunately, she isn't here with him as her soul wasn't damaged or was literally poured with sinful thoughts.
He was all alone here in hell, he still had the microphone-cane like staff that his mother made for him when he was eight and the necklace she made for him too was hanging around his neck.
He never took it off or never left his cane anywhere with anyone.
The cane itself looked different now, it was much darker in color and was much more bigger and different in some way, the metal part in the middle of the microphone had some sort of an eye on it, and the metal part looked quite rusty now.
He never knew what happened to his dear mother when he left to live in New Orleans, but he did regret not taking her with him, he did regret the sins he had committed but there was no going back now.
Not until the small announcement that he heard on TV that the princess of hell herself was making some sort of rehab thingy for sinners, and he decided that this was his way out, even tho demon from around the pentagram would be talking about him signing up for something like this, but he didn't really care anymore, he needed and wanted to see his mother again and talk with her just like he used to do.
Yes, it was his way out!


After signing in to the hotel, Charlie, the princess of hell actually asked Alastor why he would be helping and applying to the happy hotel, he didn't have the intention of telling her that he wanted to go to heaven just for his mother, even tho that was the truth itself.
The just lied that he wanted to become a better person and that he had someone waiting for him, well he wasn't fully lying, was he?
His mother was probably waiting for him to see her again there and was missing him too, just as much as he was missing her.
Charlie did ask some more questions and then gave up when Alastor didn't want to talk with her anymore until Charlie saw the necklace hanging around Alastor's neck, she decided to ask about it and she did.
Alastor just flinched a little while his deer ears went straight down, he didn't want to talk about it to anyone and not especially Charlie, she was the daughter of Lucifer himself, and Alastor didn't have the best relationship or anything with him, so he didn't want to give much of information to her.


After a couple of years, most of the sinners were rehabbed from bad to good, and Alastor was one of them.
His appearance was quite different than normal, his hair was just a tidy but lighter, his skin was now more creamish-like instead of greyish-beige.
His eyes were different now too, his sclera was now white and not red while his iris was brown with a little tint of red in them.
Yes, he still had his deer-like ears and tail but more fluffier and softer than before, the antlers on his head were now more curvier and nearly soft to the touch, they weren't much damaged either like they used to be.
His clothing changed too, instead of his usual red and dark brownish-red coat and dark red dress shirt with dark red dress pants and boots he wore a white dress shirt with a light brown sweater-vest on top of that, some light brownish-beige dress pants with some dark brown dress boots.
He no longer had his very dark red gloves on anymore instead his gloves were replaced with creamish-beige skin that matched his face.
On his back were two pair of fluffy white like snow wings, flapping gently and hitting his sides from time to time, on top of his head was a round golden halo.
He was just waiting in line just like the rest of the people from the happy hotel.
He just couldn't wait to see his mother again, talk with her, make some small joke here and there, just be there by her side again.
He smiled gently when the line started to move when the main angel came down and started to point in which direction everyone should go and with who.
Alastor didn't fully listen as he was too happy to see his mother again.


🎃♥️So I made another chapter today.
Why? You may ask.
Well, I have still 19 requests to go and I need to make them quickly, sooo~
I decided that I will do 3 free days that I will have, so, for example, I have 3 free days from work, so I decided to make 3 chapters each day, so it would be 8 for 3 days.
But I hope that the chapter was good enough I had this small idea for while now and here it is, I know that I used a prompt but the idea itself came from this prompt so yeah.
But anyways I hope you all still enjoyed it anyway.
But I will be posting 3 other chapters tomorrow, so feel free to check up on the book and see if I didn't update or post.
I hope that everyone that has the book in their library on that follows me can see the notifications from this book, as there was something very weird with Wattpad for a couple of days at least for me.
But that's all!
Have a nice stay at this weird and odd account, read some random books that I have and have a full-on blast while reading!♥️🎃

🎃♥️Stay safe and have a wonderful and lovely day/afternoon/evening ~ Feral_Snufkin <3♥️🎃

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