the drawing belongs to this talented person right here --> artsyfeathersartsyblog on tumblr
Please go and check them out, they have some amazing art on their profile/account!
🎃♥️A/N~This was requested by Frisky908.
I hope you will all enjoy and thank you to frisky908 for requesting a part 2.
have fun while reading!♥️🎃
^Let Us Begin, Shall We?^
It was now a week since Charlie and Vaggie brought Baby Hush to your house, you've been quite overprotective of this ball of fluffy fur.
The small troublemaker could get under your skin sometimes but you quickly forgave him.
It was actually another one of these days that Husk decided that he will go and play with some of your paints and brushes that you left for them to dry.
Well our little kitten decided that it would be fun to play with them, well BIG mistake on that one.
He was once again covered in paint from head to toe, but he didn't seem to be troubled by that, well you on the other hand were.
You were kinda annoyed at him for always going after your paints and brushes all of a sudden.
You brought him once again to the bathroom to wash him again but that didn't go so well either.
He now decided that it would be a good idea to play a small game of hide and seek with you, so now you are literally looking everywhere in your house to find him.
{After a small search for the troublemaker, you find him, hiding in your room just under your computer desk}
You grabbed him once again in your arms and walked back to the bathroom with him, you placed him on a small towel that was currently dirty as well, you used it to dry some paint from the floor when Husk left to hide from you.
You walked towards the door of the bathroom and closed it and after that locking it.
You walked back to the towel to find it empty, you looked around the bathroom and immediately spotted two yellow eyes staring right at you from under the bathtub.
You gently reached your hand towards the bathtub to get the kitten out of there but he wouldn't budge.
So you decided to 'leave' the bathroom so you could wait outside the door and catch him then.
You waited for a while and after a solid 2 minutes of waiting for the troublemaker he came out, looking around the other corner before he mewled and gently clawed at your hand, but you wouldn't budge this time.
You once again closed and locked the door while still holding the kitten in your free hand, you walked gently towards the sink to rinse and then wash him properly this time.
It took you some time to wash him but it was worth it, even tho it left you with some small scratches here and there.
You were now drying the kitten with a clean towel that you got from your bedroom before you even came to the bathroom.
You were just done with drying him when suddenly you hear some knocking coming from your front door.
You quickly grab Husk, but not too quickly to somehow hurt him.
You walked down the stairs while still holding your small kitten who was currently playing with your hoodies drawstring cord? {have no clue what it's called, it's like a string that is coming from your hoodies hood, so you can adjust the hood itself, have no clue if that is making any sense at all, but whatever}
You walked calmly to your front door and looked through the peephole, you saw Charlie and Vaggie standing there with someone that you actually didn't know, you gently unlocked the door and opened it.
That caught Husks attention as he looked at the people that disturbed his playtime.
He at first looked confused but then started to hiss and claw at the new demons way.
The demon just gently chuckled before trying to either pet or just poke Husk's nose or head.
You said a small hello to the three and let them go inside, you four + Husk went straight to the living room.
You told them to sit down on the couch while you placed Husk on the floor while sitting right next to him.
Charlie explained who the new demon was and why he was there with them.
She explained that he could try and to turn Husk back to normal but if that doesn't work, she kindly asked you if you could still try and take care of him until he is back to normal again, of course you agreed with the that, telling Charlie not to stress and overthink this.
{A small-time skip because I don't know how to somehow try and turn people or demons back to normal, so yeah.}
After the three left you grabbed the now sleepy Husk and walked towards the stairs, you quickly walked upstairs and straight to your room.
Charlie told you if that doesn't work or anything happens tills tomorrow, you need to contact her and you all will try again until it works.
But you noticed that it made Husk all sleepy, so it should be working right?
You placed the now very tired kitten on the small pillow that you bought for him some days ago.
After placing the kitten down you walked towards your dresser and picked some pj's from one of the drawers, you walked to the bathroom and changed quite quickly.
After changing you grabbed the rest of the clothes and walked back to your room, you placed the clothes on the chair near your dresser and walked straight to your bed.
You grabbed the blanket and gently place it a little further so you could get in the bed.
After settling yourself down, you placed your blanket back on top of yourself and the now sleepy kitten.
He nearly crawled towards you and mewled gently, you placed a small kiss on his head before singing a small lullaby that you would always sing when he was stressed at work or just simply annoyed, {play this song here for a while ~ You Are My Sunshine By Johnny Cash.}
You snuggled the kitten more before singing once again, you know that it was calming him down, sometimes at work, you saw that he had some of his big stress/panic attacks, so you would come and sing this song to him and it immediately calm him down.
Most of the time you would be called by Charlie or Vaggie because Husk would have his big panic attack at work, so you were just happy every time that he didn't get hurt after having those panic attacks.
{The song ends here~}
{Time skip to the morning~}
You woke up to someone nuzzling them self to your neck, you weren't that scared after all you knew that it was probably kitten Husk that is trying to get some small attention from you, or he is just awake and is quite hungry and is trying to wake you up.
You groggily opened your eyes to see some fluffy fur being right next to your nose, you petted the now normal Husk and tried to somehow push him of off you, so you could get dressed into something normal {or stay in your pj's that fine too} and make some breakfast for the both of you.
He somehow loosened his grip on you and you gently pushed the rest of his body of off you, you stood up and placed the blanket back on top of him.
He nuzzled himself into the blanket and the pillows that you had on your bed, you quietly walked to the dresser and picked {whatever you want, your choice} and quickly yet quietly walk to the bathroom.
{After changing, or not}
You walk quietly to the kitchen to make some breakfast for you and the sleepy kitten, you grabbed your phone that was still lying down on your coffee table in the livingroom and started to play {Cupid By Sam Cooke} and nearly started to dance to the song.
You grabbed what you needed and started to make the eggs and bacon first.
After that you started to make some toasts with butter and then some pancakes with waffles, you added some maple sauce with it and some strawberries, blueberries and some cherries and some raspberries, you even added some whipped cream with that as well.
You made some nice coffee with whip cream and some bits of chocolate and carmel.
You were a cook in the happy hotel {Or as the demon that you meet, AKA Alastor, name it the Hazbin hotel, so you just went with it.}
You heard some footsteps before you made the coffee but didn't pay much mind to it, you just didn't really pay much attention.
So when someone started to creep right behind you and nearly made you jump out of your skin while trying to nuzzle their head into your neck as well... unexpected.
You turned around to see a very tired Husk who looked quite pleased that his favorite music was playing and that some good coffee was waiting for him, plus cuddles.
And other plus no work... so more CUDDLES!!!
You poked his heart shaped nose before grabbing both mugs and walking to the dining table, Husk followed behind you as you tried to make a small chat while placing the mugs down on the table.
He just either shrugged or just nodded his head while trying his best not to make a snarky comment, like he didn't feel like being an asshole to the person that LITERALLY took care of him.
He sat down on the opposite side of the table and started to eat while trying to make the conversation a little longer, you two chatted like that for a while and then started to eat the rest of your breakfast.
{Time skip to after breakfast}
You two were just lying down on the couch, well it was more like you were lying down on the couch and Husk well... he was more nuzzling his head into your stomach while trying to take a small nap.
And you weren't even going to stop it, you just started to pet him while humming a small song.
You texted Charlie earlier and told her that Husk was back to his normal self and that he is fine.
Now for the rest of the day, you two will be lazy and just cuddle on the couch while either humming, listening to songs, or just simply napping while cuddling.
🎃♥️Here it is, sorry for such a long time to write this, but I was trying to edit some books on my main account so I couldn't write this, plus my laptop was being a douche so yeah.
My laptop wouldn't properly loud and wouldn't even start wattpad for me when it did loud, so I have no idea what is going on with that, but now it is quite better, my mom's boyfriend did something, and it is perfectly working now.
He said that the battery wasn't properly placed in or something, but then the thing is I didn't even touch the battery, I don't need to touch it either way.
So I have no clue what the hell happened there but it works now so it's all good now.
I hope you all like this one, I personally love how it turned out, I love that I include some of the songs that I actually enjoy and that are very good and calming.
I really recommend listening to the two songs if you just want to calm down or if you just need to relax a bit and just I don't know, drink some tea/coffee/chocolate and read a nice book. Don't know...
But either way, that's all that I had to say, once again thank you to frisky908 for requesting a part 2 for the Baby!Husk X Reader.
I really hope you all enjoyed it and have a nice read.
I really appreciate every single one of you who even started to read this book.
I mean I didn't even think someone would read this thing.
I just posted this because I didn't see a lot of Hazbin hotel characters as children or toddlers or babies or just making the reader the child, so I said that I will make one myself and here it is.
I mean it, everything I write right now is a true and honest word, I really didn't think that someone would read this and take some time off of their day to read this.
I'm so freaking happy right now!!!
I really love all the support and the nice comments that everyone is leaving, even the small funny or vine comment make me laugh, I just freaking can't.
I will post 4 more after this one, so please be patient and I will post the next on in just an hour.
So stay tuned for that.♥️🎃
🎃♥️Hope You All Are Staying Safe And Have A Wonderful And Lovely Day/Afternoon/Evening~ Strawberry_Traveller♥️🎃
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🎃♥️Oh, whoops... this will be as well posted on my Quotev ~ SnowyBean or SpaceTrash I think one of them, the icon is a zim one, you probably can't miss it.♥️🎃
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