chapter 15

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I woke up the next day and immediately went downstairs to see Monty at the kitchen table smiling at me,

Monty: so, today's the day the concert is, huh?

Freddy (me): Yeah! I'm so excited!

Monty: ah bet! Now, since we are some of the music band members we have to go to school early, so, go and get dressed and ah will wait here for ya,

I go upstairs and got dressed and went back downstairs and went to school with Monty, I was wondering what Monty was going to say if I confessed to him, but then again, I just wanna get it out of my system, it's

embarrassing to even think about it.

We get to the school entrance and saw Roxy and chica, Roxy immediately singled is over but, she looked so happy,

Freddy (me): Hey Roxy! Are you excited for today?

Roxy: Yeah! I'm so fucking hype! Isn't it exciting!

Chica: yeah! I'm so happy!

Monty: well, we better get in there and practice our asses off!

I elbow Monty and look at him,

Freddy (me): could you not swear please? You too Roxy,

They both nod and we head into the school and put our things in the lockers,

Roxy: oh wait! I remembered something!

Freddy (me): yes? What is it?


Freddy (me): oh, I totally forgot about that! They should be handed out before the concert,

Monty: what time does this even start?

Chica: Oh! It starts after school,

Monty: oh, we still have a few hours to practice,

Roxy: yeah! And the best thing is! We only have to go to one class! We can skip the rest! This concert this is a life saver!

Freddy (me): well, we do still have to learn,

Roxy: yeah, but anyway, let's get in that music room and practice!

We all go to the music room and practice until the bell for first classes rang, there were a lot of students then usual, they were all talking about the concert, that made me happy that they are excited!

Monty: well, let's get our books for the first class then, aka our only class for the day,

I chuckled then grabbed my books and went to class, it was all the some, nothing had changed, but some people were whispering about the concert and how Monty was going to be performing, but then I heard Bonnie's name, I held back my tears just thinking about him, I wiped away the tears that were forming and went back to paying attention to class, after class I went to the music room, I was the only one there, I was surprised Monty didn't follow me but I did see him going to the bathroom, I waited for the others, I was getting stuff ready for practice till I was interrupted by a familiar voice...a voice I knew,

Leon: well, look at this, your all alone?

I turned to the door of the music room to see Leon, I was shocked and stood I was shaking when I saw that he got closer,

Freddy (me): get away from me!

Leon: I will, but, under one condition...

Freddy (me): what...what is it?

Leon: well, just let me become your boyfriend! It's that simple

Freddy (me): NO! not after what happened at the store!

Leon: well, looks like I need to force you-

Before he could finish a book was thrown at his head,



Leon: and what are you going to do-

His eyes then shot right at the door way where Roxy was, there, there was the principal, I was relieved then saw Monty running in the music room, I ran to him and hugged him


Freddy (me): I'm fine,

The principal, Mr.walker came into the room, and his face was looking so angry, he looked like he was about to punch Leon but he didn't,

Mr. Walker: LEON! We're you seriously going to practically hurt one of my students!?

Leon was shocked, Roxy then looked at me,

Roxy: hey, Freddy? Are you okay?

Freddy (me): yeah, how did you know that I needed help?

The principal then took Leon away and.i was still by Monty's side then Roxy answered,

Roxy: well, me and chica were heading back and saw that Leon guy at the door, then you started yelling at him then chica went to go and get the principal and Monty, chica right now is still processing what she saw but, she is fine, I just hope your fine,

Freddy (me): I'm okay, he didn't do anything, but I was still scared

Monty: fuck...that bastard, the next time I see him I'm gonna!

Freddy (me): Monty, I am fine,

Roxy: is that why Monty usually follows you 24/7?

Freddy (me): yeah,

Before roxy could say anything chica came in the room crying then ran to hug me,

Chica: Oh thank goodness your okay!

I hug her back then look at Roxy

Freddy: well, let's just, practice okay? It will get our minds off things

Roxy: yeah, let's practice,

Chica: alright Roxypoo!

Monty: pftt- she still calls you "RoXyPoO"

Roxy: you shut up!

I laugh then we get practicing, I was thinking about what had happened to Leon, but I didn't think about it much, then we continued to practice till the show...

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