6. New Member(s)

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"Erica, when did this happen?" I ask, helping her to the table and grabbing some of Deaton's supplies to help clean her up. "And where the hell is Scott?" She groans as she lifts her shirt. There's still a piece of bark embedded in her side and the skin is trying to heal around it. I wash my hands and put on some gloves before applying some antiseptic.

"Earlier this week, Derek came into the hospital to visit me. He made claims that becoming a werewolf would help me with my seizures and make sure that I don't scare you guys again with my health." I sigh and grab the surgical pliers. "You might want to bite down on something. But Erica, your health wasn't something that really bothered- well, no that's not the way to say it.  You weren't concerned with finding a cure for epilepsy before now." I grab the bark with my right hand and hold Erica's skin so I can pull it out in one move. 

"I've always wondered if I was going to have to worry about seizures my whole life. Derek talked to me and said the bite could help me. It would help me heal and it would keep me from being susceptible to my condition again." I pull swiftly as Erica takes her breath and I hear her hiss and her claws come out as she holds the end of the table. 

"Did he also mention the mood swings you'll get around your period? The level of control you have to achieve in order to keep from shifting when someone pisses you off? What about the danger of hunters? The intensity of your senses being heightened? How overwhelming that can be?" Erica nods and I press a cloth against her side. "This is gonna hurt." 

"He didn't tell me about them but I knew you would. So I came to see you but I got spooked in the woods because I was being paranoid about the hunters so I rammed into a dead tree when I jumped over it." She holds back a groan and drops her head a bit as I apply pressure to her side. "You should start healing in a sec." She nods and looks up at me through her hair. "Thanks, KJ." I smile small and reply, "No problem. Just try to be careful, okay? We don't know who's out there and what they're capable of. Yes, you're stronger than you used to be but that doesn't mean you're invincible."

"Now you're starting to sound like my mom." I laugh and fold the cloth before taking it off of Erica's side. Her skin is starting to close up so I wipe away the blood before bringing all the utensils to the sink. Erica rolls her tank top back down and hops off the table. I pull off my gloves and throw them out after wiping the pliers down and putting them back on the tray. I turn to ask Erica if she's seen any of the guys recently but she's gone. I sigh before going to feed the dogs and let them walk around for a little bit.


As I pull into my driveway, I see Scott standing by my door. I take my keys out of the ignition and grab my messenger bag before walking up the path. "Hey KJ." "Hi Scott," I say, unlocking the door and leaving it open behind me so he can come in. "Listen about what happened at practice earlier-" I cut him off as I take off my shoes and head up the stairs. "Don't worry about it. It was a stray ball and a lucky catch." He shuts the door and heads up after me. "KJ, it's not just about the catch. Yeah, it was cool but it's about the new kid on the team." I turn and reply, "What?"

Scott sighs and then finishes going up the stairs. "What the hell does the new kid have to do with anything?" I ask, walking into my room and placing my shoes in front of all the other boxes. "He's a werewolf with serious anger issues." I blink a few times, comprehending what Scott just told me. I throw my bag onto the bench at the end of my bed and pull off my sweatshirt. "And how did this happen?" Scott sits in my rolly chair by my desk and says, "There was an accident at the hospital. We were on the roof and he got cornered by someone that we were tracking. My hands were trapped and I wasn't gonna let him fall so I had to bite him to save him."

I sigh and cross my legs, sitting on my beanbag chair. "So out of all the people that were in danger today, it was the freshman with anger issues that was brought to the roof. You wanted to save him because of the type of guy you are and now you have a beta running around scared shitless because he doesn't know what's happening to him?" Scott crosses his arms and says, "I wouldn't say running around per se..."

I raise an eyebrow and ask, "Scott, what did you and Stiles do?" 


"YOU KIDNAPPED HIM AND TIED HIM TO A CHAIR?!" I yell when I get in the house. Stiles grimaces and starts, "Well we actually had him locked in the bathroom first but then we-" I glare at him and he stops talking mid-phrase, closing his mouth. I cross my arms over my chest and sigh. "Where is he?" Stiles and Scott point at his room door and I roll my eyes before making my way down the hall. I open the door and see Liam sitting on a chair, eyes wide as he's trying to break free from the chair. 

A wave of fear and anxiousness washes over me and I push it away, instead trying to welcome in assurance and understanding. I don't exactly know how I'm supposed to manipulate someone else's emotions but I guess I can just 'push them' into the atmosphere. I kneel down in front of Liam and start talking. 

"Liam, I'm gonna untie you and I want you to hear Stiles and Scott out. Both of them know how you're feeling right now and they want to help. They didn't go about getting you here the right way but I promise you, they don't want to hurt you. They want to help." I glance up and I see Liam nod slowly. I reach up to the duct tape over his lips and say, "This is gonna hurt." before ripping it off. 

Liam grimaces and I get a decent look at his face. He has kind blue eyes that are almost overwhelming to look into. You can tell that he's a young teenager but not a complete child. Before I can tell him anything, he starts crying. Stiles and Scott are standing behind me and I feel them move closer. I stand up as I finish untying his feet and say, "I'm gonna give you guys a minute."

I shake my head and walk into the hall, running my left hand over my forehead. I close my eyes and pace back and forth lightly, letting my mind wander and just feel the emotions of Scott, Stiles, and Liam. Fear, a little bit of anger, curiosity... 

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