"Is, when I said you could have half of my closet, I meant that literally. You have an insane amount of cardigans and scarves. Where the hell are you getting all of these?" His eyes peek out from behind a pile of clothes we decided we were going to donate. "I grabbed everything I had. I haven't worn some of the cardigans in a while but you can look through them and take a few if you want." I collapse onto my bench and lean my head against the wall. "Me taking clothes from your side of the closet isn't gonna help us. Both of us have too many clothes."
Isaac shifts so he's sitting flat on the floor and staring at me. "Hey, we're doing this right now which is good. We're solving the problem and I know that this is gonna take a while but I promise we're gonna be done in no time." I glance over at my clock and say, "We've been doing this for an hour and the closet looks the exact same." Isaac laughs and responds, "We still have to go through shoes and pants too." I groan and close my eyes, pulling my tank top strap back over my shoulder before leaning my head against the wall.
"You wanna take a break?" Isaac asks. I nod with my eyes still shut and sigh. When I open them, Isaac is tossing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walking to my room door. "Is, I can walk. I'm not dead you know." He taps my leg and responds, "I know. I just think it's fun to pick you up when you least expect it." I roll my eyes and reply, "If I was 5'7", you wouldn't feel like you needed to pick me up."
As he reaches the bottom of the stairs, the blood rushes to the top of my head and he answers, "There'd be no fun in that." I shake my head and he throws me onto the couch. I laugh and try to catch my breath and let the blood start flowing normally to my head before sitting up. "Wait, do you know if Scott and Stiles are doing anything today?" Isaac shrugs and grabs his phone from his pocket. "I can check but they might be working on a project. What about Lydia?" I shake my head and say, "Her mom took her to California on Thursday night and she'll be gone until Tuesday."
Isaac presses his lips together and collapses next to me, pulling my legs over his lap. "I'm guessing you haven't told her about you're connected dreams then." I shake my head and lean it against the cushions, looking at Isaac. "I mean I knew she's been having nightmares and waking up screaming recently but I never knew that a big part of them were about me. It just sucks knowing that I'm the one she's worrying the most about." Is nods and looks me in the eye. "Hey, you have plenty of time to come up with what you're gonna say when we get back to organizing." I chuckle before closing my eyes and letting my mind wander.
Once Isaac and I start moving stuff around and coming up with ways to use stuff we already have around the house to create more space, it's actually not so bad sharing space with him. "Hey, look at us." I say, looking away from the sweaters I'm putting on hangers. "We did it." He's sitting on the floor, organizing his shoes and putting his clothes in my under-bed storage and in cubbies. I hang up the last sweater and pull my bonnet down over my forehead.
"Are you feeling specific about dinner? I was thinking Indian or Thai." Isaac nods and answers, "Indian all the way. I need chicken masala in my life right now." I laugh and nod, brushing my hands off. "M'kay I'm gonna call them and place the order now." I walk out of my room and head down the steps, skipping every other step just to see if I still can.
As soon as I land at the foot of the steps, the doorbell rings. I arch my eyebrow and head to the front door, curious about who it is. When I look out the side window, I see Stiles and Scott looking around with their hands in their pockets. "What the hell?" I mutter. I open the door, feeling the evening air through my black tank top and basketball shorts. "Stiles, Scott, I thought you guys had a project." "We finished it. Listen KJ, we have something we need to tell you but we think it's best if you sat down for it."
I cross my arms over my chest and puzzled say, "Okay," as I move from the doorway. Stiles and Scott step in, heading to the kitchen and I shut the front door, locking it back. I slide into a seat at the island and sit my chin in my hand. "Y'all are scaring me a little bit. What is it?" Stiles leans closer to me and say, "We know where Erica and Boyd are." I lift my chin from my hand and raise my eyebrows, "Really? Where? Are they okay?" Scott presses his lips together and says, "Derek won't tell us because he wants you to go with him." I raise my eyebrow and curl my lip. "Is he outside?" Stiles nods and I turn to see Isaac coming down the stairs.
"Hey guys, what's going on?" Scott clears his throat and looks over at Stiles who's thoroughly staring at the floor. "Stiles..." He starts. He looks up and says, "Essentially Derek is being the normal dick he is and being difficult so he won't tell us where Erica and Boyd are but he wants KJ to go with him." Isaac looks between the two and says, "Absolutely not. Are you guys insane?! It's pitch black outside and we don't know where she's gonna be going."
I roll my eyes and reply, "She is right here and she can make decisions for herself." Scott leans his head and my direction. "So, you meeting him in the car or not?" Isaac looks over at me with widened eyes and asks, "He's here?!" I nod and answer, "Yes. And I'm going with him." I march up the stairs and Isaac is right behind me. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie laying across my bed.
"KJ, you can't seriously be considering going with him?" I turn and pull my hoodie over my head, facing Isaac. "Is, I have to. Erica and Boyd have been gone for almost a month and I haven't been able to do anything about it. I owe this much to them." I slide into the sweatpants and grab my phone from the counter. I brush past Isaac to get to the door and he grabs my arm quickly. "KJ, what if something happens?" I press my lips together before replying, "Nothing did earlier. I'll be fine, Is. I promise."
I keep walking down the stairs and meet Stiles and Scott at the door. "KJ, are you sure about this?" Scott asks, glancing at Derek's car parked in front of the house. "Absolutely not. But I have to do it for them." He nods and Stiles presses his hand over mine. "Please be safe." "And come back." Isaac says, standing by the stairs. I smile and run over to give him a hug before walking out of the house and to Derek's car.
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