The walk back to the castle feels extra long today, Wednesday thinks she may be loosing her mind. Even the cold, painful wind whipping across her skin didn't shake her out of it.
She held his hand. She held Xavier's hand.
A year ago she probably would've rather cut said hand off.
Perhaps he's actually a witch and his power is mind control. That would explain everything.
Or maybe she'd been wrong about him. Maybe she shut the wrong person out all along. It's not truly her fault, it's all she is used to. It's just what she does, everyone knew that.
Wednesday does admit however, that it did feel nice. Having someone to listen for once, someone who didn't let her push them away.
Especially because for once she had no ideas. The stalker is a mystery. A massive question mark taunting her at every step.
Tyler is in prison, Thornhill is as well. Wednesday had been rather unaware she had other enemies.
It seems she's been unaware of a lot lately.
She hasn't had any visions since last school year, she wasn't complaining though, they were far from pleasant. Maybe with goody gone they'd simply stopped.
She gets back to her room around midnight, expecting Enid to be asleep.
Instead she finds her with Ajax.
"Disgusting." Is all Wednesday says, covering her eyes before she can even see what's going on. She turns and shuts the door again, heading back down the stairs.
Now she truly was lost, she had no where to stay. She finds herself wandering back outside, she was certain it was not her intention but she ends up outside Xavier's art studio.
Before she can even knock the door swings open.
"Wednesday? What are you doing here, I thought you went to bed?" Xavier is in a long jacket, nearly down to his ankles. He has a scarf wrapped around his neck in a loose fashion. If Wednesday hadn't known better she'd say he looked good.
"I was on a walk, Ajax decided to disgrace me with his presence in my room." She scowls at the memory, very much missing her typewriter at the moment.
Xavier laughs, she fails to find what is funny. Wednesday does however find she quite likes the sound of his laugh, normally she finds them unpleasant and loud. His however? She could listen to for hours.
"I have a spare bed in my dorm," Xavier says looking nervous at her possible reaction. "If you need somewhere to sleep."
Wednesday tilts her head, considering the offer. It is possible that Ajax has left by now, but there's also the high possibility he hasn't.
"Do you have a typewriter?"
A very confused expression spreads across his face, "I can't say I do."
In the end, exhaustion won and she agreed. Letting him lead the way back to his room even though she was very aware of where it was.
Wednesday didn't actually mind his room, it was neat. The only clutter at all was his art spread across the walls. Rowan's side had remained untouched, as if no one had ever been there at all.
She grimaced at the realization she'd be sleeping in his bed. Xavier who'd been watching her take in his room noticed immediately.
"I can stay in his bed if you want, you can have mine." He offered immediately. Did the boy take classes in chivalry? It was absurd.
She felt her stomach flip at the offer, having no idea why. In the end she refused. She wasn't concerned by someone who was long dead.
Xavier went and took a shower as she walked slowly around his room observing in his art. Every time she saw it, she was more and more in awe of his talented.
Impressing Wednesday was nearly impossible to do, yet he does every time.
Apparently Xavier hadn't had the thought to bring a change of clothes with him to the bathroom so he walked back in wearing only a towel.
Wednesdays eyes betrayed her. Traveling across his chest and up to his face. His wet hair hung dripping in front of his eyes, water trailing down his cheek to his jaw. She came to a horrifying realization, he was pretty. She found him pretty.
It didn't go without his notice as his face flushed immediately, apologizing and grabbing a change of clothes rushing back to the washroom.
They didn't speak much after that. Wednesday slid into bed, waiting for Xavier to shut out the lights.
As they were drifting off she whispered a thank you, unsure if he was even awake.
There was a pause and then he replied "always."
Wednesday slept incredibly, that was until she was woken up at 4am by yelling.
"Stop, stop you're hurting me."
She jolted up, immediately sliding out of bed and walking to his. He was thrashing in his sleep. Sweat covering his forehead, his face contorted as if he was in pain.
For once Wednesday was worried. She didn't know what to do or how to help. She just knew she wanted it to stop.
Thinking of how he always comforted her, she carefully rested her hand on his arm. "Xavier," she whispered. "Please wake up, Xavier."
It wasn't working. His thrashing had slowed but she was still muttering, whimpering.
Wednesday gripped tighter, shaking him slightly. "Xavier", she repeats. This time almost shouting it at him.
After a few more attempts he sits up, almost crashing into Wednesday's face who'd been hovering over him.
He was clearly in a daze, he stared blankly in front of himself for a second before the situation dawned on him and he began apologizing over and over again.
"It's okay," Wednesday said softly.
Xavier's apologies stopped, he turned to look at her finally. She noticed tears shining on his cheeks.
"Are you okay," she finds himself still holding his arm. She doesn't wish to let go.
He shakes his head but doesn't elaborate. She doesn't ask.
She goes to move, to head back to her bed but he stops her, grabbing her hand. "Wait, stay for a second please." He's basically begging, for a second she doesn't see Xavier Thorpe, she only sees someone who's been alone for far too long.
For just a moment she sees herself.
She stays. Wednesdays sits on the edge of his bed, allowing him to hold onto her hand.
"It was my dad," Xavier says out of nowhere. Wednesday looks at him blankly. So confused. "In the nightmare. It was my father, not a monster or a hyde in case you were wondering."
She would've rather there be another monster. Wednesday had found herself a new enemy, not her stalker, or Tyler or Thornhill, but Vincent Thorpe.
For the first time, what he'd shared in the art studio before he'd been arrested finally registers with her.
She didn't ask for more details or an explanation, she just stayed there. She sat for what felt like hours, until her hand went numb. She waited for him to fall asleep. Only then did she stand and head back to her bed, falling asleep with Xavier on her mind.
In the morning they didn't speak about it. The only reference to it was as she was leaving, he pulled her into a hug, whispering thank you into her ear.
She allowed it. The hug. Part of her wanted to melt into him and stay there. It was nice being held, feeling safe for just a second.
After a moment Wednesday pulled away, insisting she had to get to class. He offered to walk her but she declined.
The entire day Xavier Thorpe plagued her mind, she worried about him. Wishing the time to meet in the art shed would come sooner.
Wednesday Addams was getting soft and it was all Xavier's fault.
next chapter will be better this was just a fluff one
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