She didn't wake up for a day.
Xavier was sick with worry and guilt. It was obvious to everyone he blamed himself.
He hadn't ate and hadn't slept, Enid and Ajax had tried their best to get him to but he refused. So instead they stayed up with him.
Enid was also devastated. She'd been crying non stop since she'd come into the tomb. If you were to ask Ajax who was more broken by Wednesdays state he'd be unable to answer.
Yoko was apprehended by the police immediately but Vincent was still on the run and it was eating Xavier alive.
The way he saw it? This was entirely his fault, if it weren't for him they would have never been after Wednesday in the first place.
Xavier didn't move from Wednesdays bedside, he just sat there waiting for her to wake up. It was the worst form of torture for him.
He missed her snide words and her blank stares. He missed the way sometimes he'd catch her off guard and she'd blink or start to smile, turning away to hide it. To him she was perfect, he was enthralled by everything about her.
To see her laying there, motionless and lifeless, broke him.
He had been staring at her heart monitor screen for about two hours now. He'd planning on staring for another when a quiet voice interrupted him.
Wednesday was awake.
"You look awful." She stated her eyes tracing Xavier's face. From Wednesday that was about as good as an are you okay.
He smiles softly, "I'm just glad you're awake."
For once Wednesday can pinpoint the expression on Xavier's face. Guilt.
"It's not your fault Xavier." Wednesday says. When he doesn't respond she moves her arm, reaching for his hand.
Xavier watches silently as she intertwines her fingers with his own. "I don't blame you." She adds after a second.
"My dads still out there."
Wednesday squeezes his hand, "that's okay, the cops will find him, he's famous, he can't hide forever."
Xavier nods eventually, "are you in a lot of pain?"He asks dreading the answer.
"No." Wednesday lies, hoping to see some sort of relief on the boys face.
He shakes his head, "since when are you a bad liar Wednesday."
"I find it difficult to lie to those I care for." She responds. "Help me get up Xavier."
He looks at her as if she's gone crazy, she's unsure why.
"Absolutely not you just woke back up."
Wednesday glares at him, "please. I just want to go back to your room."
"I will, once you've been seen by a doctor." Xavier says with a tone that Wednesday doesn't even bother arguing with.
As they wait for the doctor Xavier updates her on how Enid's doing. Wednesday responds and says she's unsurprised by Enid's hysterics and it makes her itch to make Vincent pay for making Enid so upset.
Right now Enid's in class as the new principal forced her to go, but she will definitely be there to see Wednesday as soon as it's over.
The doctor comes in and tells her she's okay to go and it's a miracle she recovered so quickly. Finishing by saying "your boyfriend can take you to your room now."
The word replays in her mind as they walk back to Xavier's room. She has to lean on him slightly for support as they walk, but she doesn't mind. It gives her an excuse to have his arm around her.
It's the second time in 24 hours Xavier's been called her boyfriend. Granted, first time was by Vincent Thorpe so take that how you will.
Wednesday never really saw herself as the person to be romantically involved with anyone, let alone find herself ever with a boyfriend. Yet when it comes to Xavier? She doesn't despise the idea.
When they're back in the room he goes to help her into Rowan's bed, insisting she needs to rest more but she shakes her head.
"I'll sleep in yours." It was a statement made by her, one Xavier saw no point in arguing.
He got in bed after her, saying if she were to be bed ridden he would be too. He pulled her close, resting her head on his chest again.
Wednesday looked up at him, his face so close she could see every detail. She'd never realized how truly pretty he was until now.
Back in the crypt as she was dying, her one thought, okay well she had two. First one being that she really absolutely despised Vincent Thorpe but the second being she had so many regrets. Most of them to do with Xavier.
She had shut him out for so long, pushing him away and had never been planning on explaining how she felt. In that moment though, she'd been so scared she'd die and he'd never know how she truly felt.
"Mhm," he says sleepily, his eyes meeting hers.
"I'm sorry." Wednesday says quietly. She never thought she'd say those words again, let alone to Xavier.
"For what?" He looks genuinely confused.
"I didn't wait, for that I'm sorry. You were right, my visions weren't accurate, and I- I knew I needed you I just didn't wish to admit it." She says it so fast some of her words slur together but he knows what she means.
Xavier pushes a piece of hair away that got loose from her braid away from her face. Running his fingers along her cheek after, letting them come to a rest by her lips. "It's okay, you're okay that's all that matters."
Wednesday finds herself moving closer to him, their noses pretty much touching now. She can feel his breath on her lips. "In the crypt, your dad said some things. About you. How you feel."
Xavier opens his mouth to say something but Wednesday cuts him off, still talking.
"I feel the same."
With that Xavier presses his lips to Wednesdays, doing what he'd wanted to do forever.
After a second she kisses back.
It's as if the rest of the world fades away and it's just the two of them. She feels herself melting into him. Never wanting this moment to end.
His lips are soft, his hand resting on her cheek is gentle.
It's as if everything aligns for her in this moment, everything suddenly making sense. The stomach aches, the stomach flips, the obsession, the inability to get him out of her mind. The way she wanted to murder any girl that got near him.
She'd been falling for him all along.
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