Battling Brock

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(Gold/my POV)

"Gold why aren't you focusing on the OldRivalshipping mini story in your mini collection of 'Getting into Relationships'?" Blue gets mad.

"Hey I'll only make that one if you kiss me." I smirk.

" better not tell Green." She kisses me. 

"Ok I'll make right after this I finish this Chapter." I say

"Wait." She stops. "Do-do you think Green likes me?"

I smirk again "I see right through him. He hides it well though. You on the other hand don't"

She stands there shocked. It's funny since she is the one always teasing everyone about who they like. I just ignore her and continue onto my story.

Hope you like this one.

(Ash's POV)

I woke up today having a weird feeling. I am versing the most disgusted rivals out of all of them. Well, he won't see it coming.

I go to the Pokemon League and just sit there. The matches haven't started yet so no one else is here. I then here footsteps behind me. 

"Hey, let me battle you!" I recognized the voice. It was Brock.

"Alright, where?" I respond.

"Follow me."

We go to the back of the Pokemon center and that's where the battlefield is. But we weren't alone. A few of my rivals and friends are there too.

"I'll be the referee." says Clemont, "The battle will be a 1 on 1."

"Hold it." Brock says. "Use your Pikachu!" 

What? Look the only reason I chose to use Pikachu against Trip is because I thought his pokemon wouldn't remember. Brock's Pokemon are definitely going to remember. I'm hesitant at first but give in.

"Pikachu try not to show any emotion except battling. If they see your excitement or anything, they'll know, ok?" Pikachu nods.

"Alright, Brock who's your Pokemon going to be?" I ask

"Steelix come on out." Oh no. This is the First Pokemon me and Pikachu first battled on our journey. It was an Onix back then but it's definitely going to recognize it. 

"Battle begin!" Clemont says.

"Steelix use Earthquake!" 

"Quick attack then jump." Pikachu jumps sky high. "Now land on Steelix and use Iron Tail over and over!" Steelix recognizes it. It's eyes grow wide and it looks at Pikachu.

"Steelix shake it off!!" Pikachu goes flying.

"Pikachu use Thunderbolt and you know where!" Pikachu hits a nasty Thunderbolt on the ground and Steelix falls into the hole. "Finish it with Iron Tail!" 

"Wow...whoops Steelix is unable to battle! Pikachu wins which means the match goes to Red!" Clemont says.

I leave heading back to the Pokemon League. 

(Brock's POV) 

How did Pikachu beat Steelix with just 2 Iron Tails?

"Hey Steelix you okay?" I say looking at the Pokemon lying on the ground. But it's eyes are facing in the direction where Red left. 

"Alright, Red didn't have to totally beat Steelix like that." Max says.

"No...remember Steelix is a Steel type and Iron Tail is also a Steel type. Iron Tail wasn't very effective but Pikachu somehow made it pretty effective." 

I ask Dawn something "Did you recognize that Floatzel, from before    Dawn?" 

"I felt like it belonged to me before but I traded it with..." she doesn't continue.

"When we meet Red again bring Aipom out!" I tell her.

Could it really be you Ash?

I decided to take a break from the rounds and all I made it so Brock would like to battle Red. Brock didn't want to battle Red for experience. No, he wanted to battle Red to see if any of his strategies are familiar. Sorry if this story was too short. Anyway I am busy today so the next chapter will be around evening. Sorry if I keep you waiting. Well, enjoy your life!

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