Chapter 4: We've got you

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Chapter 4: We've Got You

Persephone knew what had to be done. She dropped to her knees, almost about to scream at the anger she felt towards her husband.

"Orpheus, baby. I need you to slide the key under the door! Come on, baby. Just one more thing and then we've got you." Persephone rushed the words into Orpheus' ears.

There was a few seconds of nothing, then a metallic scrape on the floor as the key slowly was pushed to the other side of the door. Persephone grabbed the key and only had a second to process how bloody the key truly was. "That meant Orpheus was not in very good shape at all." Persephone snatched up the key and put it in the key hole and turned the key until there was a click of the locks inside the door and the doors opened wide. The view on the other side was truly horrific, there were trails of bright red everywhere, bloody handprints on the walls and furniture, pools of blood that were too big for one human to produce, and Orpheus...

Orpheus was far too pale, eyes red and puffy from crying. He was sweaty, almost like he had run a mile in the desert. He was curled into himself, laying in a puddle of his own blood, with both hands clutching his stomach. The wound was the most horrible sight, the knife was still embedded in the stomach. Persephone heard Hermes gasp behind her, the two paralized by the sight of the boy... dying. Eurydice on the other hand screamed to Orpheus and ran to him, carefully laying his head on her lap, stroking his sweaty hair away from his forehead. She had tears running freely down her cheeks, Orpheus was still sobbing from the fear and the obvious the pain he was going through.

"Orpheus... I- I love you so much, you're going to be okay. I love you so so so much, Orpheus." Eurydice whispered to Orpheus, who was taking in wheezy breaths.

"Eur-Eurydice. I-I-"Orpheus gasped in pain, he squeezed his eyes shut and tears jumped from the corners of his eyes.

"Shhh... don't talk, lover," Eurydice looked at Hermes and Persephone, "we have to help him."

Persephone and Hermes wasted no time coming to Orpheus' aid. Persephone took one look at the wound, then looked at the sad sight in front of her.

"Hold him down," She instructed Hermes, then looked at Orpheus, "baby this is going to be very painful, but you need to stay strong." Persephone ripped two strip of fabric from her dress, tapped Orpheus' cheek. His loving hazel eyes looked at her, "You'll want to bite down on this." Orpheus weakly nodded, and bit down on one of the pieces of black fabric.

"Okay, on three." She once again looks at Orpheus' scared, wet eyes looking at Eurydice. "One," Eurydice looked up from her lover's eyes to look at Persephone then back to Orpheus, "two," Persephone looked at Hermes, who was looking at Orpheus and was also holding down his arms. Hermes was looking at his godson's pained face. Persphone took a breath and gripped the hilt of the knife, Orpheus's eyes grew wider. "Three." Persephone pulled the knife out of the poor boy's stomach. Orpheus let out a blood curdling scream through clenched teeth, he screwed his eyes shut. His arms strained against Hermes' grip, but he was too weak to really fight against the god. Eurydice began whispering sweet nothing into Orpheus' ear as tears streamed from his beautiful hazel orbs. The wound began to bleed profusely once again, she placed the other piece of fabric against the wound and pushed down against it. Orpheus let out another pained yelp, and Eurydice sang him the song they once sang together, this wasn't the first time they've sang this song but it most definitely won't be the last. Eurydice's voice echoed through the office.

"I was alone so long

I didn't even know that I was lonely

Out in the cold so long

I didn't even know that I was cold

Turned my collar to the wind

This is how it's always been"

Orpheus slowly began to relax underneath Persephone's hands as the song of love registered in his brain. Orpheus' breath began to steadily even out.

All I've ever known is how to hold my own

All I've ever known is how to hold my own

But now I wanna hold you, too"

Persephone looked up from where her hands were pressing on the wound, to see a sweet sight. Hermes had moved from holding Orpheus' arms down and was holding one of Orpheus' bloodied hands, aswell stroking Orpheus' cheek, wiping the tears from his godson's face.

"You take me in your arms

And suddenly there's sunlight all around me

Everything bright and warm

And shining like it never did before

And for a moment I forget

Just how dark and cold it gets

All I've ever known is how to hold my own

All I've ever known is how to hold my own

But now I wanna hold you

Now I wanna hold you

Hold you close

I don't ever wanna have to let you go"

Persephone realized her pressure had let up from the wound and she began pressing down on it. In return, Orpheus once again started whimpering, his body tensing under the new pressure. Eurydice began to sing stronger, in an attempt to calm Orpheus down like she had moments before.

"Now I wanna hold you, hold you tight

I don't wanna go back to the lonely life

Say that you'll hold me forever

Say that the wind won't change on us

Say that we'll stay with each other

And it'll always be like this

I'm gonna hold you forever

The wind will never change on us

As long as we stay with each other

Then it will always be like this"


Thanks for reading, Humans of Earth! Hope you enjoyed this, I will be switching up the uploads! I'm going to upload 2 chapters tomorrow because they both are shorter ones. Farewell! Remember to 1) surround yourself with people who's eyes light up when they see you coming, 2) slowly is the fastest way to get where you want to be, 3) the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing.


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