Find The Will To Stop

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The next day at the Carver Cafe Charlie and Emma are waiting for Bella. Tyler staring at Emma through the window Charlie, reading newspaper, sipping his water, glances out the window, noticing Tyler's gaze

Charlie: Looks like Tyler can't take his eyes off you

Emma follows her dad's gaze out the window. Sure enough, she sees Tyler, standing across the street, staring at her. She shakes her head, half-amused, half-annoyed. Charlie spots Tyler's stare and chuckles to himself

Charlie: That boy never missed an opportunity to drool over a pretty girl

Emma rolls her eyes, pretending to be annoyed, but secretly a bit flattered

Emma: Ugh, he's such a creep

She mutters, though a hint of a smile tugs at the corner of her lips. Charlie laughs again, amused by his daughter's reaction

Charlie: Oh, come on, Em. He's harmless. Just a lovesick puppy dog

As Charlie speaks, Emma is lost in thought. Her expression changes, a flicker of concern passing over her face. The memory of Mike's warning about Tyler's potential dangerous behavior resurfaces. She tries to ignore it but a hint of unease creeps into her eyes. Soon Bella walks in sit table with Charlie and Emma

Bella: Hey, sorry I'm late. Biology project

Cora comes over with the food Charlie nods, understanding

Charlie: I ordered you the spinach salad. I hope that's okay

Bella is taken aback for a moment

Bella: You should order one for yourself next time. Cut back on the steak

Emma: That's what I said

Charlie rolls his eyes good-naturedly

Charlie: Hey, I'm as healthy as a horse

Cora: Uh. Say, Chief, boys want to know, did you find anything down by Queets River today?

Charlie: Yeah, we found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is, is headed east, so Kitsap County sheriff is gonna take over from here, okay

Cora: I just hope they catch him fast

Cora walk away As there about to eat Emma and Charlie sees Mike shaking his butt behind Bella from through the window. Emma tries to hold back giggles as she watches Mike shaking his butt behind Bella through the window Charlie laughs at the sight

Charlie: looks like your friends are flagging you

Bella turns looks at Mike and then looks away sighing

Charlie: It's okay if you wanna go join them. I'm just gonna turn in early anyway

Bella: Me, too

Charlie: Bella, it's Friday night. Go out. Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you and the Crowley boy's can't take his eyes off Emma

Emma: He's a jock dad and most of them only think of one thing and hardly even be serous

Bella: Yeah, he's a good buddy

Charlie: What about any of these other yahoos in town? Anybody interest both of you?

The Swan's sisters share a look

Bella: Dad, we gonna talk about boys?

Charlie: *chuckles* Yeah, I guess not. I just feel like I leave you both alone too much. You should be around people

Emma: We don't really mind being alone

Bella: We're guess we're kind of like our dad in that way

They're starting eating. The forest surrounding Emma and Grandmother Willow is alive with the sounds of nature. The trees stand tall and silent guardians, their boughs filled with the soft rustle of leaves

Grandmother Willow: Focus, dear girl. Tune out the world around you. Feel the energy within you. Let it flow through your veins like a river, then guide it with your will

Emma tries her best to follow Grandmother Willow's guidance. She closes her eyes, taking deep, even breaths. A look of intense concentration takes over her face as she tries to feel the energy within her. A subtle tingling sensation courses through her body, as if her very being was responding to her focus

Grandmother Willow: Good, good. Now, direct that energy. Imagine what you want to do, what you wish to accomplish. Picture it clearly in your mind, and allow the energy to shape itself to your will

Emma nods, her concentration deepening. She imagines the energy within her taking on a shape, a form. Her mind's eye picture a small bird, fluttering its wings. She focuses all her energy, all her will, on bringing that image to reality

Grandmother Willow: Very good. Now, push that energy outwards. Let it take a life of its own

Emma takes a deep breath and imagines the energy surging outwards, taking on the form of the bird she envisioned. In a sudden burst of energy, the air around Emma begins to shimmer and twist. A faint, silvery fog begins to materialise, taking the shape of a small bird. Slowly, the mist coalesces, becoming more and more solid, until a real bird, made of shimmering energy, flutters before them. Emma opens her eyes, her expression a mix of excitement and awe. She stares at the bird, hovering before her, disbelief and elation coursing through her body

Grandmother Willow: Well done, Chosen One. You've managed to create a creature from your own energy. It's a small feat, but a significant one

Emma is still staring at the bird, now perched on her outstretched finger. She can't quite believe what she has just done. Finally, she manages to tear her gaze away from the bird and look at Grandmother Willow with wide eyes

Emma: I... I can't believe it. I did it! I really did it

Grandmother Willow smiles warmly at her

Grandmother Willow: Yes, you did. The power within you is great, Emma. With time and practice, you'll learn to control it, to use it for whatever you desire

Emma beams, a feeling of elation and accomplishment washing over her. She gazes at the bird, still perched on her finger, and a thought occurs to her

Emma: Can I... can I do more?

She asks, clearly eager to push her newfound abilities. Grandmother Willow chuckles softly

Grandmother Willow: Of course you can, Dear. The sky is the limit, as humans are fond of saying. The power within you is as vast and as deep as the ocean. You just need to keep practicing, keep learning, and most importantly, keep believing

Emma nods, her mind already racing with ideas of what else she could do. She looks down at the bird, still perched gently on her finger, and smiles. She knows that this is only the beginning, that there are countless possibilities waiting to be explored and discovered

Grandmother Willow: But remember, Emma. With great power comes great responsibility. Use your abilities wisely and with respect. They're a gift, as well as a burden. Use them for good and you will be rewarded, use them for ill, and you will face consequences

Emma nods solemnly, her expression serious for a moment. She realizes the weight of what Grandmother Willow is saying. While her newfound abilities are exciting and powerful, they also come with a responsibility. She takes a moment to process this, to let the words sink in, and then she looks up at Grandmother Willow with determination in her eyes

Emma: I understand, Grandmother Willow. I won't misuse my abilities. I'll use them for good. I promise

Grandmother Willow smiles, clearly pleased with Emma's response

Grandmother Willow: I know you will, Chosen One. You are a good person, with a kind heart. Keep that in mind as you grow into your powers, and you will do great things

Emma nods again, her heart singing with pride and excitement. She feels a deep sense of gratitude towards Grandmother Willow, and a deep sense of purpose. She knows now that she has more within her than she ever imagined, and she is determined to use those powers for the greater good. With the bird still perched on her finger, she stands tall, ready to embark on the next stage of her journey. The next morning Emma was cooking breakfast Charlie is cleaning his guns in dining room Bella walks up to Charlie

Bella: Hey, got you another one

Bella gives Charlie another beer

Charlie: Thanks

Bella: I have a date with Edward Cullen

Charlie: He's a little old for you, isn't he?

Bella: No. He's a junior

Emma gives Charlie a plate of food

Bella: I thought you liked the Cullens

Charlie: I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town

Bella: Edward doesn't live in town. Technically

Charlie looks at Emma

Charlie: Have you met the boy Emma?

Emma: Not officially

Bella: He's right outside

Charlie: He is?

Bella: Yeah, he wanted to meet you, officially

Charlie: All right. Bring him in

Bella: Could you be nice? He's important

Charlie made a finger motion of a Halo Bella goes to get Edward

Emma: This should be interesting

Emma takes a seat with her food as Bella walks in with Edward Charlie gets up

Edward:  Chief Swan. I want to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen

Charlie: Hi Edward

Edward shakes Emma's hand

Emma: Hello Edward

Edward:  Bella won't be out too late tonight. She's just gonna play baseball with my family

Charlie: Baseball?

Edward: Yes, sir, that's the plan

Charlie: *Chuckles* Bella's gonna play baseball. Well, good luck with that

Edward: I'll take good care of her. I promise

They walk away

Charlie: Hey, *got Bella's attention* Still got that pepper spray?

Bella: *whispers* Yeah, Dad

Emma watches the scene in front of her with a mixture of fascination and slight trepidation. It's clear that Bella is excited about her date, and just as clear that Charlie is both protective and skeptical. Emma can't help but wonder what the mysterious Edward Cullen is like, and what his intentions are with her sister. As Bella and Edward leave the house, Emma watches them through the window, Phone ringing Emma picks up her phone, seeing Angela's name on the screen. She answers the call

Emma: *into phone* Hey, Angela. What's up?

Angela: *over phone* Hey, Emma! I was just wondering if you and Bella wanted to hang out today

Emma glances out the window, watching Bella and Edward walk away. She's a bit envious that her sister gets to spend time with Edward, but tries to shake it off

Emma: *hesitates, then* Uh, actually, Bella's got a date with Edward right now. I'm kinda at a loss for what to do myself

Angela: *over phone* Oh, really? Well, that kind of sucks for you, huh?

Emma: *a hint of dejection* Yeah, you could say that. I mean, I'm happy for her, but it does feel a bit lonely being home alone. It's just me and you or who going be there?

Angela: *over phone* Well, I'm with Jessica, Mike, Eric and...Tyler

Emma's heart sinks a bit at the mention of Tyler's name. She had almost forgotten about his strange behavior at the store yesterday, the way he seemed to be following her. She takes a deep breath

Emma: *hesitates and lies* Um, I can't go I promise my dad to spend time with him

Angela sighs, sounding disappointed

Angela: *over phone* Aw, that's too bad. But I understand, family first. Maybe next time?

Emma: *tries to sound enthusiastic* Yeah, for sure. Can't wait. I'll see you Monday at school

Angela: *over phone* All right. Have a good weekend, Emma. Tell Bella I said hi

Emma manages a small smile, even though her heart isn't in it

Emma: Sure thing, Ang. Bye

She ends the call and sets down the phone, feeling even more alone and left out than before. The silence of the house feels oddly oppressive. A part of her wishes she could go hang out with her friends, but the thought of dealing with Tyler's odd behavior makes her uncomfortable. She sighs, resigned to a boring afternoon alone. But not alone Charlie is watching TV. Charlie looks over at Emma, sensing her solitary mood

Charlie: You okay, kiddo?

Emma tries to put on a cheerful face

Emma: Yeah, I'm fine, Dad. Just a bit bored, that's all. I was gonna hang out with my friends, but they already made plans without me

Charlie frowns, sensing her disappointment

Charlie: That's a shame. They should have included you. *He pauses, then an idea dawns.* Hey, why don't we do something together?

Emma perks up at the suggestion, her mood lifting slightly. Spending time with her dad could be just the distraction she needs

Emma: Yeah, sure, Dad. What do you have in mind?

Charlie grins, happy to see her mood lifting

Charlie: How about a movie marathon? We could order takeout, get some popcorn, and binge a few flicks. I'll let you pick the first movie

Emma can't help but smile at the idea. Spending her day watching movies with her dad sounds much better than being alone

Emma: That sounds great, Dad. I could totally go for some buttery popcorn right about now

Charlie chuckles and jumps up from the sofa

Charlie: All right, kiddo. You get settled and choose a movie. I'll order up some grub and pop the corn

Emma smiles, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She goes to the living room and browses through the DVDs, her fingers tracing the spines of old favorite movies. She finally lands on a classic she knows her father loves. Meanwhile, Charlie hums a little tune while he orders the food and prepares the popcorn. He sneaks glances at Emma as she selects the movie, a warm smile on his face. It's moments like these he values the most, spending time with his girls. The doorbell rings a while later, signaling the arrival of their food. Charlie goes to answer it, returning moments later with bags full of greasy takeout containers and a huge bowl of popcorn. He hands Emma a container and a bowl, settling down next to her on the couch

Charlie: So what'd you pick?

Emma presents the DVD case, a classic adventure film that they've watched many times before

Emma: This one. I know it's your favorite

Charlie's face lights up in recognition. He grabs the remote and pops in the disc

Charlie: Awesome choice, kiddo. You know your old man. Can't resist a good adventure

They dig into their food as the opening credits roll, the familiar music filling the room. As the story unfolds on screen, Emma feels her worries slowly slip away. The hours fly by, marked by laughter, shouts of excitement, and the occasional groan when a character makes an idiotic decision. Charlie is as invested in the story as always, occasionally muttering under his breath at the screen. He steals glances at Emma, the warm glow from the TV casting shadows over her face. She seems more relaxed now, her earlier gloom replaced by a sense of comfortable contentedness. Later at night Charlie and Emma heard yelling a front door it's Bella's voice

Bella: Edward, I said leave me alone!

Edward: Bella, don't do this, please

Bella: It's over! Get out!

Bella slam the door then Bella went upstairs her room Charlie follow Bella

Charlie: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Bella? What's going on?

Emma went upstairs in her room Emma look outside her window in walk in closet she opened and sees Edward on the tree

Emma: *whispers* What happen?

Edward: Bella is in trouble we need to get her out of here now

Emma snarls and exits her room to Bella's room but her door was closed so she stood with Charlie

Charlie: Bella?

Emma: Bella, what's going on?

Bella gets out of her room with a bag going in the bathroom

Charlie: Did he hurt you?

Bella: No

Bella grabbing her things

Charlie: Break up with you or something?

Bella: No, I break up with him

Bella leaves bathroom goes to her room

Charlie: I thought you liked him

Bella gets out of her room with a bag

Bella: Yeah, that's why I have to leave. I don't want this. I have to go home

Charlie: Home? Your... your mom's not even in Phoenix

Bella: She'll come home. I'll call her from the road

Charlie: You're not gonna drive home right now. You can sleep on it. If you still feel like going in the morning, I'll take you to the airport

Bella went downstairs to kitchen Emma and Charlie follow Bella

Bella: No. I want to drive. It'll give me more time to think. I mean, if I get really tired, I'll pull into a motel. I promise

Charlie: Look, Bella, I know I'm not that much fun to be around, but I can change that. We can do more stuff together

Bella: Like what? Like watch baseball on the flat-screen? Eat at the diner every night? Steak and cobbler? Dad, that's you. That's not me

Charlie: Bella, come on, I just... I just got you both back

Bella: Yeah, and, you know, if I don't get out now, then I'm just gonna be stuck here like mom

Bella walk out the house and Bella slams the door. Emma peeks out the window and noticed a guy pale skin in a small ponytail blonde hair James wearing Waylon's jacket. Emma heard the door closed and the truck driving off Emma went to change quickly to her gym clothes and grab her weapon from her training. Emma leaves her room bare feet walking down the stairs Emma looks at Charlie

Emma: I'll follow her, I promise dad to bring her back

Emma hugs Charlie she can tell he was sad. Emma walks out of the house goes the tree where Bella was being stalked by James Emma use her powers she bounced footprints Emma transforms into a raven golden Emma immediately follows a footprints tracking him down Emma spent all night track the guy Emma's raven form soars through the night sky, her keen eyes scouring the ground below for any sign of James path. The cold wind of the night whips around her, but she doesn't falter in her search. As Emma follows the footprints, she can sense the weight of her mission bearing down on her. The night sky is vast and dark, and she can't help but feel a sense of unease. But she pushes on, her determination fueled by her promise to Charlie and her concern for Bella's safety. After countless hours of flying, the landscape below begins to change. The trees grow denser, and the air feels colder. Emma squawks softly, sensing that she's getting closer to her target. She picks up her speed, adrenaline pumping through her feathers. James knows he's heading to Phoenix Emma follows footprints Finally, the landscape gives way to an urban city. Emma circles lower, her eyes scanning the cityscape below. The buildings gleam in the night, a stark contrast to the darkness of the surrounding forest. She lands on a nearby rooftop, her wings folding gracefully as she takes in her surroundings. Emma lands with a soft thump on the pavement, transforming back into her human form leads Emma to a ballet studio Emma transforms into a squirrel Golden fur she goes the roof to a window and see's Bella on the floor in pain and Edward tries to fight James she growls and justs down kicking James away from Edward. In a flash of golden fur, Emma bounds down from the roof, her squirrel form a blur of motion. Her heart pounds with worry and anger as she sees Bella on the ground, clutching her arm and crying out in pain. Edward in a fighting stance facing James. Emma transforming back into her human form


Edward: EMMA!?

Emma: Go help Bella, I got it from here

Edward: Don't he'll kill you!

James runs to Emma fast but her skills was faster Emma's mind races with worry and determination as Edward voices his concern for her safety. But she stands tall, her resolve unwavering. She's confident in her abilities, having honed her martial arts skills over many years of training. As James charges towards her, Emma moves with lightning speed, her body executing a series of fluid movements. She dodges his attack, countering with a precise kick to his side, sending him sprawling to the ground. With a graceful transformation, Emma's form changes from human to tiger golden fur gleams in the dim light, and her eyes shine with ferocity James rises to his feet, clearly surprised by

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