Bakugou's P.O.V
I got to work around nine. After I had dropped Kirishima off I had wondered if he always walked to work and if he was usually late like that. Whatever it was, I was glad. I really wanted to talk to him again after knowing he had a kid. I figured even though he moved on and he had a kid with someone else could at least have Alani play with his daughter. She was intrigued with Shoga for some reason. When she would come home, she would play with her dolls and different toys, always talking about her. It had only been a day since she started school but that was all she would talk about. She was almost like a sibling.
The drive to school was filled with little giggles and talking about arranging a play date soon. I figured I would give him a few days and have Alani and Shoga get more comfortable around each other. While Alani was sweet, she could be a bit sassy. Maybe it was her age or maybe because I was her dad with the same kind of personality. Whatever it was, she had always had trouble making friends but the girl was almost different. She would just brush it off and continue playing with her. And that made Alani happy.
Picking her up from school that day, she continued telling me how Shoga likes the doll with the red hair because it looks like her papa's hair. I wonder who her other dad was. And the more I thought about it the more I got sad. Not because he had a kid but that the other dad was yellow. The exact situation with me. I had never found anyone after him. I was always stuck not wanting another person in my life. I just wanted him. I didn't realize I had zoned out and before I knew it we were home.
Walking in the house, Alani runs to her room and I sit on the couch. I decided to text Kirishima and ask if we could set up a play date. For the kids of course.
Bakugou: Hey! I was wondering if you want to do a play date soon? Alani really enjoys playing with Shoga.
Not a second later I get a response
Kirishima: Tomorrow? Shoga won't stop about the playdate. Mine or yours?
Bakugou: You house sounds good! Tomorrow after school?
Kirishima: k.
Closing my phone with a sigh, I go to Alani's room. Opening the door, she had one of her play dresses on over her clothes, already changed out of the school uniform. Right as I kneeled down to her level, she runs over and wordlessly takes her plastic crown and places it on my head. Taking a feather boa, she throws it around my neck small pink fluff flying in different directions. "Daddy do you wanna have a tea party?" she asked, grabbing the play tea kettle and cups, 'pouring' me a cup of tea. "Sure!" I said, taking the cup from her hands and pretending to drink it. Doing the same, she giggles pouring more 'tea'. "How about we make some cupcakes for this tea party?" I said, hopping up off the plush carpet of her bedroom. Being a dad has softened me up quite a bit.
Grabbing the ingredients, she begs to mix and pour the various dry ingredients together. Handing her the whisk, she mixes it messily while I get the cupcake tray and put the cupcake liners in it. While I preheat the oven, she grabs the buttermilk, eggs and various other things from the fridge having done this thousands of times already and putting them in a new bowl, mixing the wet ingredients together. Grabbing both bowls, I pour them together and mix them, scooping the mixture into the tray. Handing it to her, she slides the tray into the oven. High fiving me, I close the oven door setting a timer for 15 minutes. I start making some chocolate frosting in a new bowl while she goes to the bar stools and perches herself on the counter, watching me mix the chocolate frosting.
"Shoga said her favorite cupcakes are chocolate but with rainbow sprinkles. She said she likes the rainbow. Do you think she likes princesses?" She said, trying to dip her finger in the fluffy frosting. Shooing her hand away, I almost forgot about her playdate tomorrow. "Well, I guess you can find out tomorrow. Shoga's papa said you could have a playdate tomorrow." I said, scooping the frosting into a piping bag. She starts cheering, jumping off the counter and dancing around the kitchen. Right as I cut the tip on the piping bag the timer went off. Turning it off, I grab an oven mitt and take the cupcakes out, letting them cool before putting the frosting on top. "How about you set up the dining table for a tea party and I'll bring the cupcakes over?" Nodding, she runs to her room and comes out with the play kettle and tea cups.
Placing the cups and tea kettle on the table, I feel one of the cupcakes, deciding they are cool enough to put frosting on. Piping the fluffy chocolate on them, they smell delicious. Grabbing one for each of us, I bring them over. "You can have one before dinner but only one." I said, handing her the cupcake. She quickly peels off the liner and takes a big bite out of it, washing it down with a sip of 'tea'. We both sat at the table and enjoyed our cupcakes. "Okay, I'm going to start dinner. Do you have homework?" I asked, walking to the kitchen and cleaning up the cupcake mess quickly putting the extra cupcakes in one of those glass displays on the island.
"A little bit. We have to trace our names on a paper Mrs. Adams gave us." She said, running to grab her backpack from her room. Taking out a few ingredients for dinner, I start cooking a simple pizza. Alani came back from her room a second later with a piece of paper and a pencil, starting her work right away. Finishing both the pizza and her homework in a matter of thirty minutes, she wanted me to check it. I had already taught her how to count, write, and spell well. She was having a bit of trouble with reading so I had gotten her a few princess books that she would read right before bed. She had enjoyed them and her reading improved.
Taking the pizza from the oven, I cut it and bring it over to the cleaned table. Taking a slice we both enjoy the pizza, talking about school and the play date tomorrow. "Can I bring a two princess dresses with me? What if she doesn't like princesses? Do you think she likes princesses?" "I'm sure she does." I say, finishing the first slice of pizza and grabbing a second one. Satisfied with my answer, she goes back to eating her pizza. After a while, we both get full and tired. It was 8:30 and she needed to be in bed. "Go get you pajamas on and clean up your room okay." I said, picking up her plate and putting it in the sink, cleaning up my own mess in the kitchen. She ran to her room, I assume putting on her pajamas and cleaning. Finishing up the kitchen, I go to my room, changing my own clothes then go to Alani's room.
She was in her pajamas and her room was cleaned but she was trying to stuff her dress up clothes into her backpack. "They won't fit with all my dolls in there!" she exclaimed getting angry and ripping them out of the bag. I wonder where she got that from? Folding them up from off the ground, I try to stuff them in there myself, fitting them in perfectly. "You can't just shove it in your bag you have to fold it." I said, calming her down. Walking over to her bed, she grabs a princess book off the shelf handing it to me. "I want you to read tonight." She said, yawning as she climbed under the covers. Turning on her night light, I turn off the over head light and sit on the carpet. The book she choose was a new one that she hadn't read before. It was called 'two halves'.
"Once apon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She always wore a beautiful necklace with two beautiful jewels. She wore the necklace every where she went and never took it off. One day, when she was on a walk through the enchanted forest, the necklace broke and one of the charms fell off. The princess however, didn't notice until she got back to the castle. She was very sad about it and went on a search. But she still couldn't find it. Little did she know, the prince had come across it in one of his journeys through the forest. Going to the princess, he returns the lost charm and they fall in love. One day, the whole necklace was lost. The princess thought it would never be found. But it turns out that the prince made the necklace charms into two rings and they got married. The end."
Soft snores came from her bed as I placed the book back on her shelf and pulled the covers over her. Kissing her on the forehead, I whisper a small goodnight before heading to my own room and falling asleep myself.
A/N So, I hope you enjoy Bakudad. It was a really sweet chapter to write and I tried to make it enjoyable! Who would you rather have for a dad; Kirishima or Bakugou? Hopefully you enjoyed it an much as I did writing it! Votes and comments are appreciated! I love you all! Thanks for reading!
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