Valentine's Day!

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"Now I'm busy studying for the test coming up." "But it's just one day." "Laura, I can't..please." Laura looked at Martin and sighed. "Well I can't force you and I'll go get my things." She left and Martin sighed. "Laura-." Jimmy looked at Martin and shook his head. "It's Valentines Day Martin. She's your girlfriend and your gonna study." "I have to JZ." "You have the rest of the week man." Martin sighed and grabbed his laptop. "I'll talk to Chris about it too, he'll understand what it's like to be busy and having a girlfriend."

"Hey hey!" Aviva smiled and Kissed Chris's cheek. "Hey baby, Whats up?" Chris smiled and closed his book. "I was gonna go get some lunch. Wanna come?" "Yeah let me just finish writing something down." "Okay." She Smiled and Chris packed his stuff. "Let's go." He grabbed her hand and they locked fingers.

"Chris!" "Martin?" Martin ran to him in line. "I have a question also hey AC!" "Hi." Aviva smiled and Martin smiled as well. "Anyways, There is a an issue." "What is it?" Aviva ordered for them both and  for Martin since he was there. "Let's sit down yeah?" "Okay and baby girl I'll pay." Chris swiped his card and Aviva got the lunch. "Thanks." "Yeah no problem."  Chris sat by Aviva and Martin sat in front of them. "So Laura wants me to spend Valentine's Day with her but I'm busy and well I'm not sure what to do." "Don't study, it's Valentines bro! A day for you and your girlfriend or boyfriend." Aviva sipped her tea and laid her head on Chris's shoulder. "Yeah Mk, It's a sweet day and it's time for yourselves." She put her hand on Chris's lap and smirked. Chris blushed and chuckled softly. "Yep."

Martin sighed. "I'll see what I can do and I don't know what to actually do for her." "Well last year, Chris got me roses, chocolates, stuffed animals, balloons. We went to the fair and saw a movie, ate at a restaurant and he decorated the reserved hotel room with rose petals, candles, gifts and such beautiful lights then we made love." Aviva Smiled and hugged Chris. "And the year before he-." "Okay Okay baby." Chris said as he kissed her cheek. She giggled and Martin thought for a while. "Maybe I could write her a song." "Well you do play guitar bro." Martin nodded and ate his lunch.

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY BABY GIRL!" Chris said he woke her up with breakfast in bed. Aviva smiled softly. "Aw baby your so sweet to me Cariño." Aviva kissed Chris's lips and he kissed back deeply. "Te amo." "I love you too." "Also I have something for you as well my love but you'll have to wait." She hugged Chris and he snuggled against her.

"Hey Laura, Happy Valentines Day." Martin handed flowers to Laura and smiled. "I decided to spend this day with you and I wrote a- What's wrong?" Laura looked down and sighed. "Martin...since you said you couldn't I decided to go out of town today.." "But Laura I-." She kissed his cheek and hugged him. "I love you and I actually have to go." She felt sad and Martin felt heart broken. "Laura..." He hugged her tightly and she hugged back so tight as well. "Bye." "Bye.."

Martin went home and laid in bed lonely. He missed Laura and felt so alone. "Oh Laura...come back.."

"This is fun!" Aviva said as she rode the horse with behind her Chris. Chris scooted so close to her that he enjoyed having her by him. Aviva blushed softly and smiled. "Chris your um.. so close I can feel your area." Chris smirked. "And?" Aviva rolled her eyes playfully and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

After the day they had, they both headed to their apartment which was obviously decorated by many things.  "Now let's have some time for ourselves Chris.." She kissed his neck and he blushed. "You got it babe." They kissed for a while and Chris picked her up. Aviva giggled softly and held onto him. "I love you so so much!" "I love you so so much even more!" They laughed and kissed. Aviva wrapped her legs around Chris's waist and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Mi amor.." "My beautiful Latina.." He kissed her neck and sat down with her on his lap.

Martin on the other hand was lonely and studying. "Laura.." He couldn't focus so he went to sleep without her beside him. "Chris is so lucky he's with Aviva right now.." He Smiled sadly. "I'm glad he is cause he didn't ever celebrate Valentine's Day til Aviva came. Unlike me in high school, I'd celebrated it." He grabbed his phone. "Ima call him and she's what he's up to."

Chris's phone rang and he had Aviva on top of him. "Oh yeah!" He moaned and heard his phone ring. He ignored it and bit his lip. "Yes! Like that!"

Martin waited and frowned. "I'm your brother pick up." He called again and waited. "Ugh."

Chris heard his phone ring again and reached for it. "Hold on babe." He answered. "Hey, Whats up bro?" "Nothing much I just finished studying and since Laura left I was wondering if you were busy." Martin shrugged. "Actually yeah I am." Chris chuckled softly and Aviva kissed his neck. Chris smirked and enjoyed it. Martin felt dumb then he blushed. "Wait are you like busy busy?" "Yeah." "My bad Chris, I'll call you tomorrow then." "Alright. See ya bro and take care." "Thanks and you too."

Martin sighed sadly and fell into his thoughts. He looked through his phone with pictures of Laura and him. "Happy Valentines Day..."

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