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Jimmy slept soundly on his desk and woke up to a thud. "Yo yo..." "I won't tolerate this Jimmy." Jimmy rubbed his eyes and Martin laughed softly. "Is something funny Mr.Kratt?" Martin cleared his throat. "Not anymore." The professor frowned and continued to teach. Chris was taking notes beside Aviva and she put her leg over his lap. He blushed and she continued to write notes. They were in the position the whole time. Martin noticed and whispered to Chris. "Someone seems too excited." He smirked and Chris blushed even more. "Shush."

Koki sat by Martin chewing gum and blew bubbles. 'Pop' She had a bored face. The professor got annoyed with her blowing bubbles so he looked at her. "Your disrupting the class." "Huh?" Martin looked at her. "Your disrupting the class." She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Whatever. But y'all don't say anything about Aviva's leg on top of Chris's lap." Chris blushed and pushed Aviva's leg off his lap. Aviva fell off her chair. "Ah!" Koki smirked and Martin smiled. Aviva frowned and looked at Chris. "I'm sorry baby." She got her stuff and walked out the room to freshen up. Chris followed her and grabbed her by the waist.

Martin laughed softly after what happened. "Is something still so funny? Mr.Kratt." "Uh no." Martin crossed his arms and rolled his eyes." Chris and Aviva walked back into the room with Chris in an annoyed mood and Aviva wanting to hug him. Vice versa. Laura walked in the room being late and she sat by Martin. "Hey." "Hiya." She smiled and sat as if she wasn't late.

The last minutes of class they were finishing up some things and Chris got frustrated. He groaned and Aviva looked at him. "Though I understand. It still makes no sense!" Aviva grabbed her pencil and pointed to explain the assignment for why. He nodded and put away his stuff. She put away her stuff and he kissed her cheek. "Thanks." She smiled softly and grabbed his hand.

Laura snuggled against Martin and went on her phone. Martin took a pictures with her and laughed at the silly ones. She giggled and grabbed his hand. He kissed her forehead and she smiled softly. "Wanna hang out this Friday night with the crew as well?" "Um yeah, it'll be fun." Martin smiled and hugged Laura. She hugged back softly. "But first lets go get some lunch." "Sure thing." He led her to his car and smiled. "Wait for me!" Jimmy followed. They both laughed. "Of course."

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