Candy Apple

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I finally was able to focus on the movie after a while. Once I did, I realized that this was probably one of the worst films I had ever seen. It actually made me want to laugh. I flicked my eyes down to look at Kai and Jay. They were so into the movie it was honestly kind of cute. Nya and Lloyd had fallen asleep on each other by the end and I didn't blame them. I would have done the same if my seating arrangements were a little more favorable. As the credits rolled, those who were awake began to shift and stretch. I slowly lifted Nya's legs off of my own so as not to wake her and rose up carefully from the couch.

"That was fun, thanks guys," I whispered, "That movie sure was... something." I chuckled as I stepped around the boys, headed to my room.

"Are you going to bed? Don't you want to stay and hang out some more?" Jay asked.

I looked at my watch. I guess it was only seven-thirty. However, I finally had the chance to be out of Cole's presence and I wanted to take advantage of that asap.

"I don't know, guys, I'm kinda tired. Plus, a good part of your team is already out for the night." I pointed at Nya and Lloyd still snuggled on the couch.

"Aw, we don't need them." Kai attempted to persuade me. "C'mon, why don't you stay? It's not like you have anything better to do. You're really telling me you're going to sleep for eleven hours?"

He had a point. I didn't have to be up until six-thirty and I really had nothing to occupy me in my room. I sighed.

"Fine." I plopped myself down beside Zane. "So what are we going to do?"

The boys shrugged. "Usually we do whatever dumb idea comes to us first." Jay said. That sounded about right. I had a feeling half the scars on Kai's face were from stupidity opposed to combat.

"Oh! Let's teach her how to backflip!" Jay's eyes sparkled. Yup, that really was a dumb idea.

"Haha, no way! That's ridiculous."

"I actually find that to be a good suggestion," Zane chimed in, "This could be your first step into athletics (Y/n)."

"Not you too Zane!" I laughed "I know I said I wanted to try sports but I'll fall flat on my face if I attempt that."

Cole, who had been silent this whole time, perked up. "Let's do it." Ah, yes, a chance to watch me fail and gain ammunition to tease me with later. Honestly, what else did I expect at this point? The two boys stood and grabbed my hands, pulling me off of the hardwood and leading me to an empty space in the room. I tried to resist but my laughter evaporated my strength.

"No, please, Kai, I can't..." I giggled nervously.

"Shh! You'll wake the children." Kai ignored me.

"Ok, we'll start easy. Stick your arms out straight to the side and Kai and I will each grab one. Then we'll all squat together and you have to kick your feet up and flip backwards." Jay was explaining all this to me with more confidence than he should have had. I looked at him doubtfully and opened my mouth to dispute again but Kai assured me I could do it. I looked at Zane and thought of the conversation we had in the kitchen. He gave me a thumbs up from where he was sitting.

I inhaled. "Ok! Let's do it."

"Ok, ready? One, two-"

"Wait, I'm not ready!" I gasped, still trying to be quiet. Cole scoffed from where he was reclining on the couch. He seemed incredibly amused. I'm sure this was a much more enjoyable show than the movie we just watched.

"Come on, you got it! It's no big deal," Jay encouraged. I took another deep breath and waited for the countdown.

"One, two.. three!" I pushed off the ground as hard as I could and flipped all the way upside down only to swing back the way I came, unable to make a full rotation. When my feet hit the ground again, I couldn't stop laughing. Kai and Jay giggled as they tried to shush me, but they were being just as loud. They teased me for looking so accomplished even though I didn't even make it all the way around. We tried again but got the same outcome. The room was full of laughter and shushing. We couldn't contain it. How Nya and Lloyd slept through it all, I couldn't tell you.

Even Cole was chuckling a bit. "How can you be this bad? This is so pathetic." Even though his words seemed sharp, I could tell he was laughing more with us than at us. Kai and Jay both looked at him.

"Cole! We need your help! You have to push (Y/n)'s legs all the way over."

"No, let her try a few more times, she'll get it eventually." His smile was wide.

"Come on, Cole, please? She's hopeless!"

"Hey!" I attempted a whisper but I was still hushed.

Cole pondered for a moment until finally sighing in surrender. "Fiiine."

I had my reservations about him touching me again but I was in too good of a mood to care. We set up the flip for a third time. We all bent our knees and on the count of three, we all stood as I pushed against the floor. This time I felt Cole's hand under my ankles to help me go over. However, once I was fully upside down, he tightened his grip and stopped my rotation. I was left hanging there, helpless. Everyone laughed as I tried to wiggle my way out but it was no use. Even though I protested, they had my arms and legs so I was at their full mercy. After a few seconds, Cole pushed me all the way over.

"You did it!" Jay congratulated me.

"Jay! Be quiet!" Kai hissed at him.

We all tried to stifle our giggles as much as possible. Cole looked down at me with an amused gaze.

"Your face is all red. Maybe I should change your nickname to something more suitable."

"Thanks, but I'm all set on nicknames." I rubbed my stomach which now ached from laughter.

"Haha, like you get a say, Candy Cane."

"Candy Cane? That's terrible. Plus only half of it is red."

"I'll work on it."

"Oh no you won't!" I protested. Cole ignored me.

"How about Candy Apple? Red on the outside yet still sour on the inside."

I glared at him sternly. "No."

"Yess~" He sang as he strolled out of the room.

Uhg, how annoying! It was his tomfoolery that made the blood pool in my head in the first place. My cheeks would have remained their normal color if he had just done what he was supposed to do. Despite my irritation, I found myself smiling again. Definitely not at him, if that's what you're thinking! Still hate him, always will. There's no way I could feel anything for him except pure loathing and that's that.

After Cole had left, I continued to mess around with Kai, Jay, and Zane. Lloyd woke up eventually and slipped from underneath Nya to sleepily sway to his own bed. We decided it was probably time for all of us to do the same. Jay carefully lifted Nya off the couch and carried her sweetly to her bed. Kai grumbled something under his breath but I couldn't quite make out. Whatever I guess.

We all said goodnight as we went our separate ways. That night I slept a lot better, even though the thought of a certain someone kept me up for a short while.

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