Not In That Dress

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"Cole?", I call out, putting in a pair of earrings into my ears.

"Yeah?", he calls back.

"I'm going out with Y/f/n", I inform him, heels clapping against the hard-wood floors of our apartment.

"You're not going out in that are you?"

"Cole, chill. it's just a dress"

"A dress that's too revealing for a dinner", his voice becoming stern as he spoke and his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Cole, please not now. I'm not gonna fight with you over some fucking dress", I roll my eyes at him and sigh as I grabbed my handbag and keys before heading out the door. Cole quickly stands up and races over to the door, blocking it before I could reach the door handle. His arms were crossed over his chest and his eyebrows were in the same slight furrow they were in before.

"I won't let you leave until you change"

"You're being ridiculous. Stop being a fucking child and move, before I move you myself". Cole sighs and moves out of the way.

-Time Skip-

I unlock the door, head spinning and vision blurred.

"Cole?", I call out, voice slurring.

"Are you drunk?", he asks.

"I am not drunk", I state.

"Are you sure?"


"Can you tell the time?", he asks, raising an eyebrow and smiling slightly. I stumble over to the clock on the wall and point my finger at it;

"I am not fucking drunk". Cole laughs and grabs my hand, guiding me to the kitchen and lifting me up on the island counter-bench. He took my shoes off and unzips my dress, lifting me up gently to get it down my hips.

"Stay here. I'll be right back okay. In the mean time, drink some water", he says, filling a glass of water and handing it to me, before disappearing.

Cole's POV

I came back to the kitchen with makeup wipes, and I found Y/n passed out on the bench, with a half-drunken glass of water next to her, almost about to slip out of her hand. I grab it and sit her up and wiped off the makeup from her face, picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom. Gently placing her on the bed, I grabbed some sweatpants and one of my shirts and got her dressed in the before placing the sheets over her, before crawling into bed next to her and cuddling her into me.

"I'm sorry for being such a jealous idiot before. You looked amazing in that dress and I love you", I whisper and kiss her forehead.

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