Disney Proposal

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"Tell me why, you wanted to come to Disneyland again?", I asked Cole as I stepped out of the car.

"Because I thought we could have some fun on the few days I have off", he laughs. We line up and after half an hour later, we get in and walk through the gates. Excitement filled up in me as we walked towards the Sleeping Beauty castle. Cole suddenly becomes quiet and fidgety, but I decided to let it go. We wore our Mickey and Minnie ears.

"Hey, uh, let's take a photo", Cole suggested. I smiled and agree, pulling out my phone and opened up snapchat. We took the photo, and I put my phone back in my pocket. I lean up and kiss Cole, and he kisses back. He breaks the kiss and gets down on one knee.

"Y/n, I've been in love with you since the first day we met. You've been the light of my world and I don't know what I'd do without you. So, Y/n, will you marry me?", Cole asks, opening the box, which revealed a gorgeous diamond ring.

"Yes!", I exclaimed, embracing Cole in a tight hug. We both smile and kiss each other, hearing the sound of a few people clapping. I break away and laugh, watching as Cole spilled the ring on my finger.

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