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It was already dark when they came out of the amusement park.

Since Pon was going back tomorrow, Aonn dragged his tired body and went to Electric City with him.

Pon was also tired.

On the subway on the way there, he dozed off against the railing.

When they arrived at the station, he was practically carried out of the crowd by Aonn and almost took the wrong exit even following behind him.

"You little heartless b*stard," Aonn picked him up by the arm and tugged him in the right direction, "you've forgotten the roads in your hometown after moving away only three years ago?"

Pon suddenly became energetic and walked forward wide-eyed, "I remember coming out of here and going there."

He was right.

Less than a hundred meters from the underground station, there was a large electrical appliance store on the left, and on the third floor, in the photography section, the two were dazzled by the wide range of cameras.

After he described his needs to the shop assistant and said that he wanted a camera suitable for celebrity chasing, the shop assistant recommended a suitable model and also recommended a telephoto lens.

Pon had never used a camera before and the experience was fresh for him.

He asked Aonn to take two steps back, stand under the light and let him try to take a few pictures.

Under the guidance of the shop assistant, Pon quickly mastered the techniques and was praised for his camera skills and composition.

"No kidding. He has won the gold medal in a painting competition. Composition is a piece of cake for him." Aonn used the opportunity to boast, took the camera and looked at the previews, asking Pon to send him a copy.

Pon leaned forward to take a look, only saying "No" and "Don't" a couple of times modestly and just smiling shyly.

It was always something to be proud of when you won an award.

Dr. Kenta told him to learn to recognize his own strengths while overcoming obstacles.

In the past, his source of confidence was always others but now he was finally learning to acknowledge himself.

He stayed at Aonn's house for one night.

Early the next morning, Pon packed up his things, bid farewell to Aonn's parents and Aonn, who was too late with his homework and had to work hard, then he set foot on the road to the train station.

He didn't get a discounted ticket for the return trip.

Pon thought it would be good to take the train so he could watch the scenery alone while slowing down the pace and thinking about many things.

He had just made arrangements for the next ten hours or so of travel when he suddenly received a call from Benz.

"Brother, you haven't left yet, have you? Hurry up, hurry up, change the ticket!"

Pon was puzzled, "Why do you want me to change the ticket?"

"P'sai is on a trip in the capital today. Go and take a few photos for me!"

"A trip? Take pictures?"

"Yep, to make a cover shot. I'll send you the address, you wait at the door, there must be a lot of fans there. Remember the black business car you saw last time? He should be using that one, and when he goes in, seize the opportunity to take a few pictures for me, just use your mobile phone."

Pon didn't react for a while once he realized Benz wanted to send him to the frontline.

"I'm almost at the train station, you can see other people's photos of him on the Internet..."

Benz hurriedly interrupted him, "No, this is the last event before P'Sai goes to the shooting site and I've just learned about it. That series is very long. If I miss this opportunity, I might not be able to see him for several months. I will definitely regret it to death. If there was time, I would buy a plane ticket and fly over now!"

Pon was taken aback.

He remembered that Sailub rarely picked up TV series with a large number of episodes.

He was too easily annoyed to stay at a site for too long, he was also still on the rise, no way he didn't have other offers, how could...

But now was not the time to think about it. Pon curbed his overactive mind and spoke to the phone, "Mom won't let you come if she knows."

"Oh, why are you like this?" Benz complained, 'Brother, I'm calling you brother, can you do this for me?'"

Pon hesitated just for a moment, "No."

Benz was used to Pon's soft temper and agreeable tone these days. He probably didn't expect to be rejected.

He struggled to persuade him, "Just delay for a while, just for two hours. It's very easy to change the ticket. If you can't, I'll help you."

Thinking back to seeing that man unprepared when he had come to the capital last time and thinking of the unexpected encounter at the airport two days ago, Pon took a deep breath.

The thrilling tension and the faint pain in his chest seemed to be still there.

He couldn't see him anymore. He had to stay as far away as possible.

Listening to Benz's words, Pon didn't hesitate again and said as a matter of fact, "No, I'm returning."

Pon was actually very bad at rejecting others.
Before, he had also gone to school for a while.

At first, as a gesture of goodwill, he would bring many small snacks to school every day to give to his classmates.

One day he got up late and forgot to bring them. His classmates were very upset. No one said a word to him all day.

Later, his mother hired a tutor for him. He studied at home for a few years and studied painting too.

Then his brother appeared and suggested that he should integrate into society and communicate more with others.

Only then did he go back to school again and enroll in a painting class.

Some of the classmates in the painting class were not easy to get along with.

When he spoke, someone would always laugh, but he still liked places with people around.

Occasionally, some classmates would borrow painting tools from him and he was also very happy to help.

It made Pon feel that he was no different from others, that he was needed, not superfluous.

When he was with that man, this desire for recognition had almost reached its peak, so Pon never refused any requests from him.

He hoped that he was no different from a normal person in his eyes, hoped he would like himself as much as he liked him.

Or he didn't even need to like him as much.

Half, one-third, or even one-tenth would be enough.

But in the end it failed.

The "likes" he thought he got were all a misinterpretation, all a perfunctory pretense that the man was forced to make.

Thinking of this, Pon was lost and couldn't help but start to worry.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his rejection on the phone was too blunt.

Benz was young and for a little boy chasing a celebrity, such a blow was the most unbearable.

Obviously, there were many euphemistic ways to make him less sad but he was so stupid that he chose the roughest and most direct one.

If it weren't about that man, he wouldn't be in such a hurry to refuse.

After being uneasy all the way, Pon was still a little nervous when he got off the train at the station, fearing that no one would open the door for him when he went home.

Then he saw his mother and brother waving at him under the street light at the exit of the station.

Sammy stepped forward quickly and hugged him in the autumn night, "You're back, Mom missed you so much."

Beny on the side rolled his eyes fiercely, "It's only been three days. If you don't know, you'd think he hadn't been back for three years."

When the three of them got in the van, Pon handed Benz the camera in the box.

Benz took a closer look and raised his finger to the tip of his nose, "For me?"

Pon nodded: "En."

Benz immediately took it, opened the box, took out the camera and looked at it again.

After a while, he held it up and pointed the lens out of the window. Then, afraid that it would get dirty, he put the lens cap back but he couldn't put the camera down.

After he played for a while, Sammy reminded Benz that he hadn't thanked his brother yet.

Benz couldn't stop smiling and said to Pon awkwardly, "Thank you... brother."

Hearing her call him "brother", he knew he was not angry.

Pon breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You're welcome, we agreed I'd give it to you if there's a money prize."

Benz pursed his lips and muttered, "When I ask you for help seriously, you refuse. When I say something casually, you remember it in your heart."

Pon was amused, "It's my fault that I lack the ability to distinguish between them."

"That's not..." Benz said sullenly. "Later, I thought for a while, it doesn't make sense to ask you to help me take pictures. I still have to save money and see him with my own eyes."

Sammy, who was driving, didn't hear him clearly, turned her head and asked, "Where are you going that you need to save money?"

Benz hurriedly denied, "Not going anywhere, I said I want to save money to get a new car for our family."

While talking, he gave a look to Pon and pon cooperated, not revealing his secret.

Sammy was deeply gratified by her son's understanding, which triggered a family education lecture.

She was still talking when they got home, saying that she would replace the car at the end of the year and they didn't need to worry about it. She also told them not to spend their pocket money frivolously and to spend every dime on the right thing.

Pon, who had cut the price of the camera in half when reporting it, wiped away a cold sweat secretly, thinking that fortunately he had listened to Aonn's suggestion, otherwise he didn't know what he would have to listen to.

As soon as he put down his things, Pon was called downstairs by Sammy, "Come, come, let's see where this photo fits."

The family portrait taken at the entrance when he participated in the competition last time was printed.

It was twelve inches long and was also framed with an ostentatious wooden border that made its presence felt wherever it was placed and was quite eye-catching.

Benz couldn't help rolling his eyes again, "It's too big for the wall, Aunt Lisa can't help but laugh when she sees it."

He said that but still held one side with Pon and held it high on the wall to find the right spot.

In the end, they chose the wall facing the window in the dining room.

As the eldest son in the family, Pon gingerly took on the hard work.

He climbed onto the stool, knocked the nail into the wall and turned his head to see the two people who opened their arms to protect him from falling from both sides.

Pon was a little embarrassed, "This little height is fine, no need to support me."

After hanging up the photo, he still got down with the help of the two of them.

Pon, who was blushing, was just about to run, when Sammy grabbed him and hugged him.

With her two sons in her left and right arm, she faced the family portrait that had just been hung on the wall, and suddenly sighed, "That's great."

Benz laughed, "The three of us in this photo look really stupid. Oh my God, the more you look at it, the more stupid it is. Let's take it down!"

Pon also laughed, but not because the photo was stupid, but because he felt happy for the first time since he was reborn.

In the past, he had lived in a big house and he didn't worry about food and clothing.

He didn't know the hardships of life and he didn't need to taste the warmth of human affection.

A delicious meal and a cute toy could make him happy all day long. Even so, there were still times when he was not satisfied.

Ever since he realised he wasn't quite the same as everyone else, there hadn't been a day when he didn't want to be smart and normal.

Because he was stupid and unlikeable, he secretly cried many times, complaining about the injustice of heaven, and even gave up at the last moment of his life, feeling that he shouldn't have been born in this world.

But now, he was extremely fortunate to be able to continue to live in this world, able to fulfill all those unfinished regrets.

But who would want to leave if they had the chance to stay?

Looking at himself and the happy people in the photo with him, Pon lifted the corners of his mouth and curved his eyes, repeating Sammy's words, "That's great."

"Brother, why are you... don't you think it's stupid to hang the photo here?"

Amidst Sammy's frantic complaints, Pon solemnly chanted several times in his heart, thank you to those who have been and still are good to me, thank you to fate and to God for being willing to give me the chance to do it all over again.

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