7 Nightmeres Come True Too

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Dan looked around a darkened hallway. It was hard to see, but not impossible to tell that he was in a hospital. As if by instinct, he lifted his foot and put it down in front of him. He continued to stride forward, each step becoming more difficult and painful to take. It felt like he was walking through jello.

He soon came to an open door along the left of the seemingly never ending hallway. Inside was a vast ice surface, in fact that was all that was there. Just an empty Olympic sized ice rink.

Without a second thought, Dan placed his foot onto the the frozen water, his black skates suddenly on his feet. As he skated out, the weight on his ankles seemed to lighten up causing him to glide as easily as ever on the smooth surface of the freshly cut ice.

As he skated farther out, he saw two figures in the distance standing by the wall. Dan soon realized that it was Phil and Gracie, causing a pang of jealousy and sadness to overflow him. Then to Dan's despair, they did the unthinkable; they leaned toward each other and pressed their lips together. They looked so happy together, like nothing could separate them. The two made an ideal couple.

When they pulled away, they looked over at Dan, happiness covering every inch of their faces.

"Dan," Phil greeted skating towards him. He gave Dan a pat on the shoulder with his other arm around Gracie.

"So, you two are a couple now, huh?" Dan confirmed, eyes dropping.

"Yeah, we'll ever since you died Gracie's been there for me," Phil explained.

"Died?" Dan cocked his head looking at Phil through confused eyes, "I'm right here, Phil! I'm not dead!"

"It was really sad when you died from that sickness, but Gracie picked me back up," Phil went on, "I was so upset that you put all that pressure on me. It was so overwhelming with you being sick, I was so worried about you. Especially since you told me you loved me, it was so hard to be around you. Eventually, you're heart stopped, and all the stress was gone, but the sadness remained. Gracie here pulled me out of that and now it's like you were never even there."

"Phil, I didn't die," Dan reminded him.

Phil began skating towards the door, still linked with Gracie, "I'm sorry that I loved Gracie more than you, but it did really hurt when you died. I had to move on ahead of time or I would have become depressed. We all knew that this was going to happen to you."

Something inside Dan suddenly erupted at that moment. Tears began to stream down his face as he sobbed so hard that it hurt. He chased after them, screaming and yelling Phil's name, but it was like he couldn't even hear Dan, "PHIL! PLEASE, DON'T LEAVE ME! COME BACK! PHIL, I'M NOT DEAD! I'M STILL RIGHT HERE! PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME! PHIL!"

The couple just continued to walk forward, out the door, and into the dark hallway as Dan followed yelling and screeching.


Phil and Gracie's skates were gone. The two were now walking in their usual athletic shoes as they continued down the hall and into a room on the right.

"PHIL!" Dan bellowed. He ran after them, skates still laced tightly on his feet. The blades crunched like nails on a chalkboard with every step he took on the tile floors. When he got to the room, Dan jumped back at what he saw, his breathing completely stopping.

Inside was a hospital room. Gracie was gone, but Phil sat next to the hospital bed crying and clutching the hand of the patient laying in it, who was none other than Dan.

"You died," Phil said quietly as he sniffled.

"I'm not dead! I'm right here!" Dan tried to convince him, but he was too discouraged to shout anymore.

Suddenly blackness invaded everything, and then the colors of a room came into view.

"It was just a dream," Dan whispered to the nothingness around him, "Thank goodness."


"Oh, you're awake," Phil said as he poked his head into Dan's room when he got home. A giant smile was spread throughout his face, and the light danced on his excited blue eyes.

"Yeah, I have been," Dan told him. He was laying in his bed, just staring at the ceiling, "I was having bad dreams."

Phil's excited expression faded, and was replaced with concern, "Bad dreams? What kind of bad dreams?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," Dan rolled over to his side to face Phil, "How was the rink? Anything exciting happen?"

Phil's childlike kid in a candy store smile returned as he sat down on the edge of Dan's bed, "You're never going to believe it! Gracie's given me a second chance! We're going out tomorrow after skating!"

Dan's heart dropped. There was Gracie, being the ideal girlfriend in a rough patch in Phil's life while Dan was the spiky, painful area that he was trying to avoid. He knew Gracie was exactly what Phil needed, even if it hurt like hell, but at the same time, couldn't let that happen. Dan loved Phil so much and he only had a short amount of time left to show him how he felt. Phil deserved to be happy, but so did Dan.

"Hey, Phil?" Dan twiddled with his thumbs and refused to look him in the eye, "Do you think that maybe... I dunno... that Gracie might not be the right person for you?"

Phil whipped his head around to look at Dan, bewilderment and even hurt in his eyes, "What?! Why would you say that?! I thought you supported me!"

"And I do, but it's just that I don't think you two would make the best match," Dan went on.

Phil stood up and blinked, "What's wrong with you?! You're supposed to be my best friend! Why would you say something like that?!"

"I just don't think she's right for you!" Dan snapped.

"You're not giving her a chance! If you'd open up your eyes, you'd realize that she's exactly what I need right now!" Phil screamed.

Dan fought with everything he had to keep tears from pouring down his cheeks, "Gracie's a bitch! She's blinding you from what you have right in front of you!"

"And what's right in front of me?! My best friend dying?!" Phil shot back.

"YOU'RE SO OBLIVIOUS!" Dan screeched, "Why can't you see that there might be someone else out there who might love you even more than Gracie?!"

"Dan, what are you saying?!" Phil interrogated, anger still remaining dominant in his voice.

"I'm saying get out!" Dan ordered sitting up and pointing at the door, "Just get out of my room and leave me alone!"

Phil huffed and shook his head before doing exactly what he was told, slamming the door shut behind him with a loud thud.

Dan immediately hopped up from his bed, dizziness overtaking him, but he pushed through it. Grabbing a t-shirt, jacket, and sweatpants, Dan threw them on and headed for the door. He didn't want to be in this flat with Phil any longer. It hurt to much to be near him in so many different ways.

Dan trudged past Phil's closed door and hobbled down the stairs, holding onto the railings for dear life itself. Without looking back, Dan swung open the front door and slammed it shut behind him as he just walked away. He had no idea where he was going to go, but he didn't give a second thought to getting out of that flat. Home no longer felt like home.


Yo m8s! New chapter, yaaaaaayyyyyyy! Hahahaha... Haha... Ha... H... A... I need a life. Not really much to say other than check out Ship_it_like_fedex's other stuff and follow us for more stories to come in the future.

Stay a fetus!


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