chaper 3 the date

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(🌺🌹this is what your wearing if you didn't see it 🌺🌹) We walked in to the restaurant as the waiter sat us down at a table by a window. I looked around seeing all the neatly set tables and beautiful flowers on each table . With cute couples sitting at each table smiling and laughing together having a good time with one another.We got to our table and gray pulled out one of the chairs and gestured for me to sit in the chair that he had pulled out . I smiled and sat in the chair thanking him as he pushed it in for me and sat across for me. We sat and looked at the menu for a bit and the order. "So (Y/N) ...I know that is a touchy subject ...but I want to know more.... about you and your past if you don't mind " Gray said breaking the silence between us. I looked at him a bit shocked at his question and finally Answered him a bit nervously " Ok... I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone else please?" I say a bit down "r-really?! Yes of course I won't tell any one I promise " Gray said in shock and quickly spoke again " Thank you and if you don't feel comfortable telling me some thing then you don't have to tell me " He gives a soft smile grabbing my hand. I take a breath collecting my thoughts and started to speak " When I was born I was left all alone I grew up in a small village with no family when I was about 5 the hole village was destroyed everyone one was dead except for me. I started to walk around trying to find someone and ended up in the mountain's when I found my dragon Isolde ( Isolde means ice if you want to know it took me for ever like an hour or two to find a nice easy ish name for you guys ) he took me in and raised me tell the day he left. I went to a near by town wear i was an outcast when some guys attacked me with magic it was 8 agents 1 they finally got me weak enough so they could tie me up with rope that stopped me from useing any magic. A few years later I escaped and lived alone tell I found snow who pushed me to do better every day and pushed me to join fairy tail " I had finished talking and looked at gray he was a bit shocked at every thing I had said
Grays point of view
(Y/N) went through all of that and still smiles and has a good time."Gray? Are you ok? "(Y/N) says I quickly come back to reality to our date " Huh oh ya thank you for telling me about your past (Y/N) sounds like it was really messed up but any ways how do you like fairy tail so far? "
(Y/N) point of view
"It's been awesome even though natsu keeps trying to fight me " I say with a smile " Ya I know the feeling that flame brain wants to fight every one to prove he's stronger " Gray chuckles a bit. As the night goes on we get our food and eat talking about anything really we finish eating and a two plates with a piece of (Fav/cake) cake on each is set in front of gray and I. I look at gray who had a smile on his face "go ahead and eat it (Y/N) I remembered you like (Fav/cake) cake so I decided to order us some when you went to the bathroom " I smile "thank you gray " I say and start to eat it with a blush on my face ' he Remembered my favorite cake ! How sweet of him ' we finish our cake and we get the check . I grabbed it and was about to look at it when gray pulls it out of my hand "wha gray let me pay please" I say not wanting to make him pay for all of it "nope not going to happen (Y/N) I'm paying if you like it or not " He's say with a smile and pays for it . We get out of the restaurant and start walking down the street . Gray grabs my hand holding it tight "I want to take you somewhere follow me " He says smiling "ok " I blush a little pink smiling .  A few minutes later gray stops in a feld of flowers and grass with a beautiful waterfall and stream "where here " He smiles "it's beautiful gray " I said looking around not even seeing grays blushing face. "(Y/N).. " I look to Gray focusing on his cute blushing face "yes Gray? " I say blushing myself " Will you be my girlfriend? "Gray says making me blush more with a big smile " Yes of course!" I jump in to him bring him into a hug making us fall him on top of me . We both start smiling laugh. He leans in closer to my face kissing me a bit shocked at the sudden kiss it took me a bit to kiss him back.  He pulled away from my lips slowly with a smile looking down at me. "Well aren't you excited to be my girlfriend "gray say with a smirk " Ya just a little "I say smiling we stay there for a while tell it got really dark out so we started walking back to town.  We held hands the hole time. We stop in front of my door still holding hands " Thank you for tonight gray I had a lot of fun "I smile " It's no problem (Y/N)  and I have one more thing I want to give you " He smiled and pulled out a black box and opened it for me to see a beautiful silver key necklace "gray it's beautiful! "

"Gray I love it! Thank you!" I turn around and move my (H/L) (H/C) hair as gray puts the necklace on me.  I turn to face him with a big smile and a light pink blush "your welcome (Y/N)  and you look so beautiful by the way " Gray smiles and kisses my cheek "thank you and its getting late " I say a bit sad that this night has to end "ya good night and sweet dreams cutie I'll see you at the guild tomorrow " He says with a smile as I walk in to my house and close the door to see gray start walking home .  I walk up stairs and got ready for bed and fell right asleep playing our date over and over again in my mind as I sleep. (Pretty long but ya sorry it came out so late guys hope you like it)

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