shelter in rhodes •ch 13•

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(Y/N) woke up beside the fence in Rhodes, she had moved over to the town and was able to live temporarily in the small area near the fence with the other folk

She had came up with the lie that she was out with her husband when he was killed by a bear, she managed to escape, leaving her to end up in Rhodes during a desperate escape.

She stood up and glanced over to Wanderer, who was hitched on a nearby tree

She slipped over to him and placed a hand on his neck, she missed Smoke dearly but she was more than grateful to have Wanderer by her side.

"Mornin' ma'am" greeted a man as he waved his top hat towards her

"Hello sir, what brings you here..?"

The man was plump, he had grey hair and was dressed fancy suit with a bushy yet slim mustache.

"Oh, well I'm selling some miracle tonics, I'm from West Elizabeth but I've had to replicate over here due to all my clients dropping dead due to that Cholera outbreak" he had a strange accent and seemed to be unpopular in the business department, a deceiving feeling slipping into (Y/N)

"What's your name sir, if I may ask?" She gave a small tip of her hat

The man chuckled and adjusted his tie "I am Nigel West Dickens, famous salesman!" He announced proudly

"Well Mr. Dickens, you mustn't be too famous because I've never heard of you before, and I seem to know many"

Nigel blinked in shock and then shook his head "well maybe you can get to know me better by possibly purchasing some of my tonics, I'll even give you a discount!"

(Y/N) gave her head a shake "sorry Mr. Dickens, but you see I'm broke and I'm surviving off of 5$, I'm lucky to get discounts for food from the general store but that doesnt mean ill be able to go around and buy what I want"

Nigel sighed "ah yes, I've met many like you before, it'll all get better eventually"

(Y/N) glanced back over to Wanderer and then back to Nigel "well I must be going now, I'm looking for my ga- erm... family "

Nigel watched her mount up and he gave a nod "alright, you be well now Ms. (Y/N)!" He took off his hat and waved as she began to trot off

This world has a variety of people, and than man has con artist written all over him


After a while of asking around town for any sightings of gang members, she had been returned to her feelings of hopelessness, thoughts of her starving and never returning entered her mind as she lead Wanderer through the streets

Suddenly she spotted a crowd, mainly consisting of women in fancy dresses holding up signs.

Oh look, a protest, just wonderful...

She slipped over and glanced around, then suddenly a hushed whisper caught her attention

"Arthur do something!"

(Y/N) quickly tried to get a glance at the man but a lady bumped into her and shoved her back

"Sorry ma'am" apologized the women as she turned around

(Y/N) glanced up at her sign and then back down to her "i-its alright ma'am" she lied as she moved over to the side and tried to see if the man was still there

But to her disappointment, we want there, she only got a glance of the other guy he was traveling with, who looked nothing like a gang member.

Great, the one chance I get to get back with the gang, ruined by a bunch of feminists wanting to vote

The bitter through left her mind and she went back over to Wanderer, who she had left by the nearest building. She grabbed his reins and lead him over to the grocery store, hitching him up and heading over to the stairs, she stepped up and glanced over her shoudler to glare at the protesters before entering.

Her gunshot wounds were slowly becoming infected, blood had dried up in large patches through her poncho and she was getting messier and more sick each day

She went up to the owner and smiled as he slipped the catolouge towards her

"How you managing today miss (Y/N)?" He asked nicely

(Y/N) glanced up and sighed "not too well... thought I had saw my family but those damn protestors got in my way... if I live like this for a few more weeks then I'll be dead and then I'll never find them.."

The shop owner lifted a hand to excuse himself and moved to the back, he came back with a sack and he set it down in front of her

"Here's some bread that can last you a few weeks, I'll only charge ya 2$!"

(Y/N) slowly shook her head "dont worry, I'll make it through, ill just buy a can of strawberries today with a glass container of water"

The shopkeeper gave an understanding nod and grabbed his bag, going into the back and returning with her order

He placed it down and tapped the cashier

"That'll be 50 cents" he paused and waited to see how she would react to him greatly lowering the price

"T-thank you" she gazed down and placed her dollar on the counter whome he took it and got her change.

She quietly grabbed her stuff and change and slipped into into her satchel "thank you so much mr, have a lovely day"

The shopkeeper waved "you too ma'am!"

(Y/N) moved over to wanderer and mounted up heading back to the fence to eat her daily meal.

She dismounted to let Wanderer graze around while she sat under the tree and devoured her can of strawberries in a matter of seconds, followed closely by her water.

She tossed her trash to the side and looked up to the sun, giving a sigh and feeling her body grow hot

These wounds are getting more and more infected as each day passes, and as each day passes I'm getting even more hungry, I wont put that salesman out of business by taking all of his supplies for more than half off... but, of i keep this up I'll get a fever and die in more than two weeks..

So today Arthur died for the 6th time and I've been a sad sack of shit all day because I just love all of my virtual cowboys 🤠💕
Let's just say after experiencing all of the endings, I'd recommend the honorable ending where you help John. The dishonorable ending where you go for the money would be one of the ones where its gonna fucking break you seeing Arthur so hurt

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