groceries and panic •ch 16•

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(Y/N) sat beside Javier as the wagon traveled along the road to rhodes

"Honestly that whole meet up sounds like a trap, I wouldn't trust those putos if my life depended on it" remarked Javier as they passed by a field

"Hmm?" (Y/N) hummed as she looked over to Javier

Javier relaised he was thinking out loud and immidiantly ducked his head "sorry, I was just reflecting over that meeting that Arthur told us about"

(Y/N) chuckled and shook her head "it's alright, and honestly I couldn't agree more... they are the same bastards that killed me and Sadie's loved ones after all"

Javier nodded and kept his eyes on the road as he hummed silently "how come you don't talk much about your family mi querida..?" He pondered

(Y/N) stiffened and took a sharp intake of breath, she glanced over at him as he glanced over as well with a soft expression "i-its alright if you don't want to talk about it, I understand how you feel, ya know... loosing a family and all"

(Y/N) sank down a bit and sighed "no no it's not that I'm not ok, I'm feeling way better than I've felt back at Colter..." she leaned on his side and closed her eyes as he wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders comfortingly

"I-its just that, I feel like if I dont talk about them much things will shape up to be better, or maybe it's just that I miss them so much it just hurts to bring them up..." she gave a choke and relised she was staring to cry

"Oh jeez..." she giggled awkwardly in a sad tone as she pulled away from Javier and wiped her eyes "ugh I'm such a damn wreck sometimes" she joked

Javier stared at her in worry and pulled over, turning to face her and placing his arms on her shoulders "hey hey hey, look, todo va a estar bien" he paused as he noticed her tip her head to the side in confusion before giving a soft smile "everything's going to be okay"

(Y/N) gave a sad smile while trying to pull herself together, wrapping her arms around Javier before breaking into a sob "I just wish that I had died back there with them, maybe then I wouldn't have so many memories of them suffering in their final moments, maybe my brother would still be alive if he hadn't sacrificed himself for me... what a stupid mistake..."

Javier's eyes widened and then he softly smiled and wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly "he made a brave decision, because without him, I wouldn't have you, the gang wouldnt have you, you're such a positive impact in our lives and help us out in so many ways that you may not reconize... You may have lost your family, but you had also gained a new family... us..."

(Y/N) closed her eyes and breathed in Javier's scent as she gave a small sad smile as he began to brush his fingers through her hair "I'll be here for you every step of the way.." he breathed softly

(Y/N) pulled away from him and a smile spread across her face "thank you Javi.." she giggled

"Any time mi amor" he smiled back and wiped a tear from her face

(Y/N) wiped her eyes dry and then looked back up at Javier with determination in her eyes "now come on! Let's go buy ourselves some medical equipment!"

Javier laughed and picked up the reins, slapping them down "let's just make sure we don't accidentally run over someone while in rhodes!" He joked as they passed through a barn


"We're back!" Cheered (Y/N) as Javier drove the wagon into camp, the sun setting in the distance as she leapt off the wagon and ran over to Dutch as she spotted him by the fire smoking a cigar

"Nice job you two!" He beamed as he watched Javier hop off of the wagon and give the horses a pat on the head

(Y/N) glanced around for another gang member, wondering how the meeting went, she walked over to Dutch's side and leaned over, looking over to his tent before backing up and looking at Dutch

"where's Arthur?"

Dutch glanced down in surprised and picked the cigar from his mouth and twiddled it around in his fingers "Micah said he probably took a diffrent route home or went off to fetch something after the meeting ended"

"How did it end, and more importantly, when did it end?" (Y/N) asked, anxiety beginning to grow inside her

"Didn't really end too well since it was pretty pointless, all we really did was make a few remarks here and there and leave... and it ended around 30 minutes after we left" Dutch sighed and put his cigar back in his mouth

(Y/N) worriedly looked over her back and turned back to Dutch and gazed at him pleadingly "We should really go and search for him, make sure he's alright"

"Oh I'm sure he's alright ya coot" sneered an all too familiar voice as (Y/N) whipped around to come face to face with Micah

"Knowing old Morgie, he'll be perfectly fine when he rides up to camp as the knight in shining armor as per usual" he sneered as he looked up to Dutch and smirked "ain't that right boss"

"Exactly, Arthur will be perfectly fine" Dutch responded half heartedly and (Y/N) flinched and backed up "well I still think we need to look for him..." she whimpered

"Well if it's looking you want to do than how about you go make yourself useful and go take a turn at guard duty!" Spat Micah bitterly

"Oh leave her alone you greasy man!" Snapped an older voice as Micah turned around and flinched as Ms. Grimshaw was staring at him angrily "last time I checked you dont make the rules around here!" She walked forwards and her face softened "Here sweetie, I can see you're troubles so let me go make you a cup of tea to try and calm your nerves"

"Thank you ma'am" (Y/N) gave a small, warm smile as Ms. Grimshaw lead her over to the small fire by Pearson's wagon and began to work on a cup of tea for her


(Y/N) sat her now empty cup of tea beside her as her and the rest of the girls in camp took over the campfire, telling each other embarrassing stories until they all quieted down as they heard hooves hitting against the ground

(Y/N) and the others turned their heads around to see Arthur's horse trotting into camp, a lump on it's back slowly slipping down until it fell off, revealing it to be a very weak looking Arthur

"Arthur?!" Yelped (Y/N) as she leapt up from the log and scrambled around the tents, racing over to him and skidding to a hault "oh my God-" she croaked as she cupped her hands over her mouth in fear as her eyes landed on a nasty bullet wound on his shoulder

"Arthur?" Asked Karen in a worried tone as she stepped up beside (Y/N), Mary-Beth at her other side

"Arthur!" Exclaimed Dutch as he walked over as well, fear glimmering in his dark eyes

"I told you it was a setup Dutch...." groaned Arthur as his eyes flickered slightly open

"My boy.." Dutch cracked "my dear boy what?"

"They got me..." Arthur weakly explained "but I got away.."

"Yeah you did" Dutch remarked sadly as he crouched down beside him along with (Y/N) on his other side

"Ms. Grimshaw I need help! Reverend Swanson!?" Dutch raised his voice as he looked around the camp for the two

"He was gonna set the law on us.." Arthur growled to Dutch as Dutch and (Y/N) helped him up. "Oh of course he was" Dutch replied as Mr. Pearson approached from behind (Y/N)

"I'm sorry Arthur!" Pearson confessed as he stared hopelessly at his injured friend

Dutch snapped his head up and narrowed his eyes "it is a bit for apologies..." he whipped his head around and looked once more for Reverend and called out "Swanson!"

Reverend popped our from behind a tent and his eyes filled with worry as he spotted Arthur "Mr. Morgan.." he gasped and walked over to help the others with Arthur "Mr. Morgan you're safe now"

Ms. Grimshaw stood aside as Mary-Beth helped out as well "let's get him to bed" she worriedly ordered as they helped Arthur stand, causing him to groan in pain

"It's all going to be alright Arthur, we're here" (Y/N) explained with worry as she felt her heart crack at the pain expressed on Arthur's face

"You're safe now..." Dutch explained again as they carried him over to his tent and set him down

(Y/N) gave a worried glance at Arthur and then was lead away by Karen "we should give him some space" she murmured softly as Mary-Beth joined the two

'What a mess...'

I went on a giant break and I guess you could say I went on sort of a writer's block but now I'm back and hopefully can get back into uploading more to push further into the story qwp
Anyways I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully these future ones will be longer than the old ones too :'>

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