[21] The Unbreakable Vow

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Reader POV

I walked up to the Hall of Kings, knowing I was in The Void.

I heard someone calling my name and to my shock, it was Langris.

"(y/n)! What are you doing here?!"

I held a finger to my lips and he went silent.

I grabbed his hand and used my magic to bring us to the rim of a candle, using a shrinking magic to make us so tiny.

"What the hell...everything is so big!"

"That's because we're small, Langris." I didn't take my eyes off the strange man with iridescent eyes and albino hair.

"Wait, that's the king of gods!"

"No shit," I said. "I'm currently spying on him."

"But your grimoire! Back on earthland, you're literally gaining spells at astronomical levels!"

I shrugged. "So?"

"How can you not be concerned!?"

"I don't know. Now shut up or else I'll make you normal-sized and the king of gods will attack you since he doesn't know you."

"So he knows you?!"

"Of course. I saw him when I was reincarnated into an elf." I held my lover's hand.

"(y/n), I won't attack him," the king of gods didn't turn around. "I know you two are here."

I sighed and made us normal-sized. "Sorry."

"No need to apologize, dear child. It's actually remarkable to see that this young man destined to be yours truly will follow you anywhere." The king of gods leaned down and patted Langris's head with affection. "Now, why did you come here, (y/n) Korenthan."

I gulped. "I would like to request something. An unbreakable vow."

His soft smile turned into a serious stare. "Do you know what you are asking, young one?"

I nodded. "Please, Your Highness."

"Then what would you be willing to give up? The magic required for an unbreakable vow will be massive."

I leaned into him, letting go of Langris's hand briefly and telling him what I would offer up.

"Are you certain, young one?"

"What the hell did you promise?!" Langris looked pissed off. "And what do you want to make an unbreakable vow for?!"

I said nothing but took his hand again, staring at the king of gods who was thinking deeply.

"(y/n), you must tell me! What did you ask for?!"

The king of gods looked to me and I shook my head. "Sorry, young man. I cannot tell you. But I can tell you this: her request was odd. Most people request to be powerful or rule an empire. Hers is more...down to earth."

"What did you ask for?! Tell me! I can give it to you and you won't have to make an unbreakable vow!"

I could understand his frustation, but he could never give it to me.

Unless I personally transferred some of my magic to him in a way, or he could take on fate itself.

"I don't think I can accept that, Miss (y/n)." The king of gods frowned. "You see, you already have it."


"I'm sorry, but I can't help you with what you already have."

"I don't understand what you mean."

The king stared at Langris briefly. "Son, you really can actually give it to her. But I won't tell you what it is, but you'll know soon."


I squeezed his hand, bringing us out of the void. "Thank you, King."

"No problem."

I woke up with Langris beside me on the hospital bed, seeing Dr. Owen sitting down with Patri and Lord Ledior.

"Your Highness," Dr. Owen said. "What happened in the void?"

"Nothing. I tried to make an unbreakable vow, but was rejected. Apparently I already have it."

"Just what did you want?" Langris asked me with annoyance. "Just tell me and I'll give it to you."

I looked up at him with a deep blush. "To be a family."

His face went red. "R-really!? You'd make an unbreakable vow for that?!"

"Yes! In our previous life, we didn't get to do that. Fate is cruel, Langris. I want to make sure you and I are able to stay together."

"Baka, I almost lost you today! Like hell I'd let you go!"

Patri glared at Langris. "You'd better treat her well, noble. Don't you dare harm her or I'll kill you."

"I'd never."

Lord Ledior sighed. "What exactly do you mean by family, young lady?"

"You know exactly what I'm saying, Lord Ledior."

"Well, I suppose rulers need heirs. But I absolutely refuse to let you get her pregnant right before a war, Langris! Promise me you won't do anything like that just yet!"

Patri crossed his arms and nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Don't do that shit yet. You've got all the time to do that later."

Langris mumbled something but nodded, a blush on his face. "I'm not stupid! I wouldn't get her pregnant anyway until we're older! For crying out loud, she's about to turn 17! That's too young to have a kid."

"Exactly." I said.

"But if you can't control yourself, at least pull out-"

"I'm done." Dr. Owen left the room. "Lady (y/n), if you wish to engage in those activities, be sure to be safe. We can't stop you from doing something."

The adults left the room and Langris closed the door behind them, smirking.

"So, you want to have a family with me sometime, love?"

"Knock it off, loverboy. I'm on my period. And they're right. I can't be worried about the safety of a kid during a war."

He sighed and climbed back onto the bed with me. "I know. Now shut up and sleep. I almost watched you die. Like hell I'd let that happen again."

We fell asleep like that.

When I woke up again, Langris was already up and humming, running his fingers through my hair and gazing down at me with that smile.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

He leaned down and kissed my lips. "I'm afraid I can't stay with you right now, darling. I've got to
do something about my position as the vice captain of the Golden Dawn."


"I think I know someone who would be better suited to be the vice captain. Not to mention it would give me more time with you."

I didn't know what he was saying, but let it go.

And an hour later, I heard the news.

Yuno came rushing towards me with determination in his step. "(y/n)!!!!"

I looked up at him, putting my grimoire away since I was studying the new spells. "Yes, Yuno?"

He caught his breath, wrapping me in a hug which was abnormal for him since he was always so stoic.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Huh? Wasn't it you who suggested it to him?"

I gave the wind mage a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

"(y/n), Langris stepped down from the position as the vice captain. He gave me the position, saying that someone close to him made him realize that I was better suited for the job. And we all know he's only close to one person and will admit it. You."

"Oh...congratulations!" I hugged the wind mage back, a smile on my face.

The door opened and in came Langris with a pissed-off expression.

"Seriously, Yuno? I just gave you my position in the squad. At least respect the fact that (y/n) is mine."

He got off me, apologizing.

"Langris, he was just thanking me. Don't get your locks in a twist."

Langris only glared at Yuno and the latter left after casting me one last smile.

"That damn brat. He should know his place," Langris grumbled as he crawled on top of me and rested his head on my chest. "And to think you're younger than him."

"Calm down, Langris. He's just excited."

"Excited, my ass. He doesn't hug anyone."

I shot him a glare and he stopped speaking.

"Now, come on. Let's look at these spells. I think you and I will be able to compare notes on spacial magic."


Sorry for the shorter chapter :)

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