Ngl I'm simping for Zenon and Dante as well :)
Double update!
Zenon POV
I watched with amusement as (y/n) was training back in her own kingdom.
I had found a way to enter her kingdom undetected, relishing in her misery.
"Don't worry, (n/n). I'll help you forget about that asshole noble."
I wish I had magic to remove memories, but I didn't.
Soon, (n/n).
You'll be my queen and we'll crush them all.
Reader POV
I was taking my frustrations out on the training grounds used by my ancestors to prepare for war or just training.
It was a battleground with someone in the control rooms helping with the simulation of battle.
"There!" Yuno beside me extended his wind magic out towards the epicenter of the earthquake simulator.
"Alright, bet." I concentrated and extended my mama out to the area, creating a total mana zone as Mereleona Vermillion taught me.
"Winter Magic: Absolute Zero."
The entire simulation became very cold and dropped to many of degrees below zero.
"Robe of Hestia."
I made sure Yuno was fine since he didn't have the magic to keep himself warm.
I had never used this spell before, but it appeared the last time I saw Langris.
It had been a solid two days and I was too busy with training to speak to him about battle strategies.
I knew I had the Clover King's ball tonight, but I assumed I wasn't going to attend with Langris seeing we were no longer a thing.
Yuno let out a yelp and called out to me. "Focus, (y/n)!"
I checked the temperature and saw I was approaching my limit of -100°C.
"Try to push past your limits and don't worry about me," he said.
I listened to his words and saw a portal appear.
What the hell is Langris doing here?!
He flinched at the cold and warped himself to the control room, his voice filling the speaker.
I ignored his voice, listening only to the cold winds and the ice forming on the sides of the glass.
The air was barely breathable.
If it weren't for the Robe of Hestia, Yuno's blood would've frozen and he would've been shattered to smithereens.
He would've also choked at the low air pressure.
I looked down at my hands and saw the ice around them since I was wearing my ice armor was sharper than ever as I slowly approached -120°C.
Let's see how cold I can make this.
I was also pushing Fana as she was keeping the control room from shattering from the cold with her flame magic.
"(y/n)," Langris repeated. "Make sure not to overexert yourself again."
Shut the hell up.
I drowned out his voice, not caring right now.
"(y/n)? It's getting colder," Yuno said quietly.
I could barely hear his voice as I lowered myself onto a thick chunk of ice that was once a pond, making sure the animals underneath the thick layer were alive.
I opened a piece of ice, forming it into a huge bird.
"Winter Creation Magic: Falcon."
Thank you for teaching me about this technique, Nozel.
I hopped onto the falcon and I heard a crack and saw Yuno was moving towards the center of the ice hurricane, using his wind magic to calm it down.
"Good work, Yuno," I said to him. "Now concentrate. Use the technique I taught you."
His amber eyes narrowed with knowledge of what I was telling him to do.
"(y/n), stop! If you keep making it colder, this whole simulation is going to break!" Langris was shouting on the PC.
I ignored him, extending the powers of Hestia to them.
"Shut your mouth, Vaude. I'm doing hot girl shit."
I could tell he was upset, but I didn't care.
Go beyond your knowledge of your magic.
Surpass your limits.
I opened my eyes and raised my left hand, preparing to attack Yuno since we were both training together.
He had found out the other day that it would be best to train with me as I had an attribute of wind and we would be going to a war where it was cold.
But if I could control the winter itself, we could have the upper hand.
"Winter God Magic: Aura of Kali."
Yuno moved quickly, noticing how I was taking away the only thing protecting him from the cold.
My body started to move to my will, extending mana rays everywhere.
"Wind Magic: Bow of Borealis."
He had difficulty with countering the spell, but I heightened the effects, pushing him past his limits.
"You can do it!" I said to him.
"Fuck!" He lost grip of his magic and I sighed with disappointment, recalling the magic.
The ice melted and seemed into the pond.
When the simulation returned to its normal state of a navy blue room with hexagonal tiles, I frowned.
"That was disappointing, Yuno."
He groaned in annoyance. "I know, but-"
I shook my head. "We'll continue tomorrow."
I placed my hand on his head, patting it.
"Come on, let's go see what the issue is that would bring Vaude over here to my kingdom."
Yuno accepted my hand and we walked out of the room to the control center where Fana and Fanzell were rewatching the fight to analyze it.
Langris eyed me and Yuno, his gaze drifting to my hand that was holding his.
I let Yuno's hand go and walked right past Langris to go see what they saw.
"Fanzell, tell me what went on."
"Well your body turned into a state of bitter zero," he said. "I remember your father telling me about it. If you make even one mistake, you run the risk of hypothermia. One of the symptoms is memory loss. I'd advise you not to use that spell. And if it weren't for Fana, all of us would be cold popsicles! Good work, Fana!"
I watched myself move through the simulation, not liking how I created that ice bird when I did.
"I should've made the falcon earlier," I grumbled, disappointed with myself.
"Perhaps. But that was an amazing display of power," Fana complimented.
I shook my head. "But it wasn't enough." I turned to Langris and crossed my arms, my ice armor melting back into a ball of ice and popping out of existing to reveal my Golden Dawn uniform. "And Vaude. What are you doing here?"
"Don't call me Vaude," he said. "I hate it."
"Just get on with it. I have important things to do."
"Yeah, like getting laid by the vice captain," Fana whispered, making Fanzell jab her side.
I ignored her comment. "Well? I haven't all day."
"Can I talk to you? Alone?"
"Fine." I opened a portal and he followed me through.
We were back in the astronomy tower, the star hologram still moving.
"I'm here to talk to you about the ball tonight-"
"Don't worry, Yuno agreed to accompany me." I looked at him with a blank expression, despite the raging inferno inside me that wanted to leap into his arms once more.
He's made his choice.
"Oh." He turned around and opened a portal. "Then... I shall see you later since I have to go anyway. Good day, Your Highness."
"Don't call me that," I said to him, but he was already gone.
Langris POV
I arrived with my family at the castle that was rebuilt.
The unloved Clover king was hosting a ball for the Magic Knights, but I knew it was actually Lord Julius' choice.
I stood by the drinks with a deadly aura surrounding me, especially when mothers were eager to introduce their daughters to me.
Word spread quickly that I was once more available.
And that applied to (y/n) as she was the crown princess.
Another shipment of flowers and gifts arrived at her room and I got rid of it since it was cluttering up the halls as (y/n) hadn't been to the base in days.
I heard people talking quickly and quietly, rushing towards the entrance.
"What's going on?" I asked Kirsch.
"It seems Her Royal Highness has arrived," he said. "And I bet she looks beautiful as usual."
I scowled and he only smirked.
"What? From what Mimosa tells me, you broke it off with her. Someone's bound to sweep her off her feet, Langris Vaude." He patted my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "And I plan for that to be me."
He left, bumping my shoulder.
I gritted my teeth and Finral must've noticed what just happened.
"Oi, little bro! What did that narcissist say to you?"
I walked away from Finral. "Nothing to you. Piss off, shithead."
"Ah, there he is. The same old sour Langris." He crossed his arms. "You know, you won't get her back if you continue to act like this. I don't know what made you end it, but you're going to regret it."
I ignored him and started walking towards the exit to leave, but I spotted her.
Kirsch was trying to escort her in, but she was linked up to Yuno who only stared with his usual annoying stare.
"I'm sorry, but I've already got a plus-one, Kirsch."
"But what about Langris? He's here."
"What about him? He's not my concern. And I'm pretty sure he's too busy to even attend."
"Oh come on! You love him, right? He's yours, right?"
It became very silent, some people looking at me and awaiting her answer.
(y/n) lifted her gaze to meet mine.
I felt like someone had stabbed my chest and ripped it open.
"He isn't mine, Kirsch. He never will be."
It felt as though someone kicked my stomach.
I wanted nothing to do but run away from this horrible feeling.
But I also wanted to scratch Yuno's eyes out as he leaned closer to her.
This was my choice.
And I have to stick by it.
Even though it hurt, I couldn't have her worrying about me when it was time to fight.
Her priorities shouldn't be on me, but herself and those who live in her kingdom.
"I'm sorry," Kirsch sweatdropped. "I just assumed you still love him."
(y/n) didn't respond, her face cold.
I didn't sense any of the familiar warmth in those icy (e/c) eyes that normally gazed me with affection.
It felt as though someone had trapped me in the shadows and I couldn't escape it.
I opened a portal and ripped up my invitation to the ball, leaving it behind me.
"I'm going," I said to Finral. "If Father looks for me, tell him I'm doing paperwork."
I didn't wait for him to respond, exiting back to my room.
It hurt too much to think she could move on so easily- and with Yuno of all people!
I was jealous of the wind mage as people had whispered about him taking my place as the vice captain of the Golden Dawn and not to mention he was so much better than I.
(y/n) knew of those concerns and still met with him.
She even trained with him in her own turf!
It pissed me off beyond belief, but it was her life and one I was no longer part of.
Or at least, not in the way I wanted.
Not anymore.
Haha...little do you know what I have planned out for this rewrite.
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