Rain and stupid people don't mix 2.0

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It takes a minute for me to adjust myself. With my brain running a million miles a minute and a steady throbbing starting to take over my body, moments stretched on and on.

"Hm... don't tell me you're done after one hit. That's pathetic."

Air invaded my lungs, my eyes finally focusing in on the reality around me. I couldn't feel... anything... but at least I could see. And unfortunately... I could hear.

"Get up!"

A Dark, rough voice calls from behind me, my ears barely picking up on the tone before something suddenly grabs my hair and pulls me up off the ground.

Red eyes meet my (E/C) ones, a wicked smile staring straight at me through the night as my feet lift from the ground. Pain still evades me, and with one look at the bone sticking from my leg I was happy it was so.

Reality sweeped in and out. One moment everything was perfectly clear; crystal. The next everything was thrown off and blurry. Like waves knocking over my consciousness and playing with me.

I didn't know what to do. I was still trying to comprehend what had just happened and now I was being held up by this man... I was in shock. Nothing was getting through my skull. Not the pain, not the crash, not the man right in front of me, not the hideous red eyes.


Red eyes?

Slowly, as if I was moving through molasses, my mind brought to me one explanation. A legend from long ago, one grandmothers told their grandchildren to scare them out of doing bad things...

Categorized by cannibalistic tenacious and... those glowing red eyes...

Simply known as...


"... you're... you're a..." A cough sprang from my throat as my lips tried to tell the world my discovery. Without the fear I would have been feeling in this moment in any other situation, I was left with pure curiosity.

Unfortunately... my thinking had allowed for my ears to miss everything the man had been saying... and he wasn't happy about it.

At my words he stops mid-sentence. His eyes cutting through my soul, he sends me flying backwards with little more than a flick of his wrist.

My back slams against a brick wall. Eyes wide and blood trailing down my chin I slowly slide to the floor. Once again I thank whatever angel was taking away the pain...

"Listen to me!" The man growls, walking towards me menacingly. This was the first time I saw it. The first time I saw how shadows seemed to bend away from whatever this man was. How even as he walked underneath a street light he stayed pitch black and hidden. Whatever he was... it was a thing of nightmares.

With the distance between us my first thought was to get away. Something in the way the man walked struck fear deep inside me, waking up my body and reminding my brain of its job.

I try to sit up, to move my arm to push off the wall, but... nothing happens. Like I was a statue I sit frozen against the wall, forced to watch as the man slowly approaches.

When he stands two feet away he bends slightly, his head tilting. The smile on his face stays as large as it was... and now that I think about it, the thing never seemed to move...

"So fragile. I've already broke. You far more than I intended... hm... doesn't matter much does it, in the end? You're still a meal. Broken or not..."

My breathing picks up at his words. Where I could talk seconds before I seemed to have lost the ability. Even as a scream bubbles in my stomach I can't force it out of my body. I was broken... beyond repair... whatever this monster tried to do, I couldn't stop him. No way I could ever stop him.

Fear was slowly creeping up my spine, walk up every nerve, muscle, and bone in my destroyed body... unfortunately, that called upon the pain. Every second equaled another level of pain, and I knew eventually it would become too much and I would pass out... I just hoped the man would wait to kill me when I couldn't feel it.

Then he laughed...

A cold sound. Metallic and emotionless.

"I'm only joking. If I wanted to eat you I would have done it already. We need you for more than meals, (Y/N). You're very important to us." He explains, only causing me more confusion than I had before.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Let's start over then... my name is Reiner, and I'm a ghoul. If you didn't know..." He laughs once again, wether from the shiver that ran down my spine or for his words I wasn't sure. "And I was sent here to gather you for our boss."

My breathing was starting to quicken. As I had first assumed, pain was starting to return to every wound... and it was excruciating... If I could move... if I could talk... I would be begging the man to make the pain stop... it was only getting worse.

"Why, you might be asking? Well-" the man suddenly stops. His eyes flash a bright red and he growls, turning around and straightening.

It was at this time my eyes flicker behind the man to see something... horrifying...

A car was speeding straight towards us. The rain split as it hit the window, flying off of the side of the metal. It was surely heading for us purposely, and it was not going to stop.

Within and instant, the sound of metal bending filled the air. In front of me, Reiner had his hands held out, metal held tightly and a loud growl leaving his lips.

Tired screeching against concrete and the ghouls grunts were heard. I, Of course, was too busy fighting off the pain to do much.

My eyes finally start to close, my head pulling back and hitting the bricks behind me.

Darkness takes over my vision, and this time, it stays.

The last thing that rings through my consciousness is the sharp snap of a gun. Then... silence.

(Hey, it's me again! This time... I'm going to ask you all for a favor. So, Votes really help me out as an author, so if you like the story would you mind voting on these chapters? Also, if you want to comment and tell me what I need to do to make this story flow better or make it more interesting to my readers please do! I'm not sensitive so don't worry about offended me or anything like that. Other than that, thank you for reading this story and I hope you enjoy it!)

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