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It was a picture perfect day in our city. Sun beat down on the ground without pause. Not even one cloud stood between the sun and its crops. It was one of those days even the most antisocial people wanted to spend outside.

I, of course, sat staring out a window at such a world. My eyes skim over the passing people of the city ansently. Some wore bright colors; the carefree bunch bound and skip down the sidewalk with little worry bringing down their smiles. Others were completely grounded, some with a phone to their ear while others simply walked along in a 'don't look at me' fashion. You could almost see their brows furrow with the stress of their working lives.

These people cross cross each other; a perfect blend of serious and carefree amongst the stress. Some even walk off the safe haven of sidewalk  into a busy road. In these narrow lanes sat car's bumper to bumper. Their residents had headaches visible from a mile away. Every so often an annoying honk would sound from one car or another, cutting through the peaceful day and even through the thick walls of the cafe I had to take residence in.

Our cafe was tucked away in a tiny corner of the big city. It was one iin which you knew the owner and most of the visitors because they lived right next to you. We — My friend and I —had been coming to this same cafe for years now. First for the amazing coffee that always seemed to have the right amount of creamer and now for the cozy feel that engulfed us when we walked through the door. Many days had been spent here together gossiping about the latest drama in high school, studying for our college exams, or more recently simply talking about the challenges of being an adult.

"...Oh, and you should have seen his..." Said friend's voice rose out from the background to meet my ears. The lift in her voice portrayed her pure joy in her words. It was an uplifting outlook on the topic.

My eyes flicker to my best friend. Light hair fell to her shoulders, laying on the smooth fabric of her newest fashionable top she had picked up on the way home yesterday. Dark eyes sparkle like the shallows of a Hawaiian ocean, falling into depths when you would look for too long. The most dazzling feature, however, was her smile. It spread from cheek to cheek; so bright it turned the ends of my own mouth up in a copy.

As she babbled on I could see her smile only grow. Every word she spoke seemed to add more joy to her movements. By this point (F/N) had taken to shaking around her hands happily with every word she spoke.

What was she talking about, you ask? That was simple enough. Anyone in their right minds would be able to tell from her shit-eating grin. To put it simply, the girl was in love. Her long drawn out speech was about Eren, her soulmate.

They had met a few months ago and had since fallen in love with each other. As soon as their eyes connected and freed them from the curse of monochrome it was impossible not to. Soulmates gave each other everything you couldn't buy in stores.

I had known (F/N) for most of our lives, and I hadn't seen her this happy in a long time. It was rather refreshing. She was my friend and seeing her happy made me happy alongside her. Or, that's what I was telling myself. It was hard to be happy for someone when you could see them moving away from you more and more with each conversation.

"(Y/N) are you even listening?" I was drawn out of my thoughts by (F/N). She purses her lips at my hesitation; it was enough to give her an answer. Her hand wraps around the handle of her coffee mug, raising to her lips as she takes a sip. Eyes narrow in my direction as she does so.

"Of course I am. Can't get your annoying voice out of my head most the time." I smirk at my best friend as I grab my own coffee mug. The whipped cream was piled on top of it to the point it was actually starting to droop to one side. One could even see sprinklings of cinnamon over the piled high white cream. What could I say? I loved sweets.

I take a sip of the sugary dessert of a drink. As soon as the frothy drink hit my tongue I was bombarded by sweetness. It was just as I liked it; 5 percent coffee and 95 percent sugar.

"At least I don't have to listen to you ramble on about anime for hours." My best friend retorts. Her hand wipes at white residue left behind by her coffee drink. "You know I want you to listen when I walk about Eren."

"Okay okay, I'm sorry." I clear my throat for dramatic effect. My hands grasp around for a napkin until my fingers wrap around the thin material. Soon enough, my coffee mustache had been wiped away. "I'm listening now. Promise."

Silence suddenly falls over our small, two-person table. It wasn't exactly an awkward one. We had known each other for far too long for silences to be awkward. No, instead it was more of a thick silence. One you wanted to break but were too scared of the result. It stretched on for what seemed like hours before (F/N) finally leaned forward. She lays her arms on the table before opening her mouth to speak.

"(Y/N) is everything okay?" Her voice was thick with concern, dripping with an understanding I wish she didn't have. It wasn't surprising, I guess, but unwelcome.

My hands wrap around my coffee once again. As a distraction I raise the coffee to my lips for the second time in the past minute, sipping on the liquid for longer than I usually would. How was I supposed to answer that question? Tell the one person I loved more than anything else that I wished she wouldn't speak of her soulmate every second we were together? Slap her in the face for being so happy? Stand up and walk away in an attempt to avoid the question? All seemed like viable options.

By the time I set my mug down, I had made my decision.

"Why do you talk about Eren so much?" My words even shake me for a moment. I wished I didn't need to do this. For the sake of my best friend and her happiness I wished I could just let things go. By the sudden frown weighing down her smile, I could tell (F/N) wished so just as much as I did.

"So that's what's bothering you?" Her eyes fall down to the wooden table. As I watch her she starts to mess with her coffee mug. Even without seeing her eyes I could tell she was picking through ways to explain something important to me. I could only imagine what she was about to say.

Guilt suddenly nips at the fringes of my conscious. Leave it to me to bring down a meeting between the two of us. After my words, I was left wishing more than anything that I could travel back in time. My friend shouldn't have to explain these things to me. I wasn't a child. I should understand how important soulmates were to each other.

"It doesn't bother me it just-" I suddenly blurt in a rush, attempting to make amends to my mistake. Of course my brain short circuits at that exact moment. All possible outcomes of what I had just said fall short of my lips.

"Makes you sad?" (F/N) finishes for me, her head lifting to meet my gaze. Our eyes connect for little more than a moment before I pull away from her stare.

"No! It's not that! Why would I be sad about your soulmate." My stare falls upon a random clock — one of many plastered on the cafe walls — and sticks to it as I speak. I couldn't bring myself to look at my best friend at the moment. Emotions were swirling around me like the twister in the land of Oz. After a few minutes, my stomach was twisting for multiple reasons.

"(Y/N), don't be like that." My best friend sits up straight. She had picked up on my emotional turmoil. I knew she had, and unfortunately, she knew before I did the overpowering emotion. "You know I love you."

The twister suddenly fell, leaving one common emotion that struck my heart like a knife. I find myself tapping my feet; my hands gripping onto the sleeves of my mesh jacket. My eyes cut over to glare at my best friend.

You know I love you. After the past few weeks, those words almost made a laugh spew out of my mouth. Not only three days ago (F/N) had called to tell me our planned date was off. After I had already reserved a table for over a half hour beforehand. My birthday had been two weeks ago, and guess where (F/N) had been? At least she had sent me a text halfway through the day with a picture of her and Eren enjoying themselves in the mountains.

"That's rich, coming from you." The words came out through my teeth. Unconsciously my entire body had tensed up with pangs of anger. My jaw was as tight as it could be by this point.

"(Y/N), seriously? Are you going to do this now?" (F/N) hisses back as a retort. We had fought before, so this wasn't unusual. Of course, neither of us really liked to show our claws sometimes it can't be helped. With the pent up rage I had felt towards my friend the past few days it seemed today was not going to end well.

"Yes. I'm going to do this right now." I snap forwards in my seat. My gaze had narrowed considerably as I finally let weeks of annoyance pour out through my words. In a sudden flash of inspiration, I hold my hand up. My elbow banged against the table painfully, but I was too worked up to really pay it any kind. "Let's take a look at everything you've done for me the past month, shall we? You've canceled on me more than ten times, left me with no ride home after our stupid one-sided double dates, left me with the bill because your lazy-ass soulmate is broke, and completely forgotten about my birthday!"

"Oh please!" (F/N)'s eyes flash with guilt before a flame is born within her. She had never been one to back down from a fight. One thing you could rely on (F/N) for was her determination. "At least I don't mope around as soon as someone else's life actually starts to look up!"

My eyes flare at my best friend's retaliation. For some reason the simple fact she would try to fight against me with such things staked against her only doubled my anger. "Your head is so far up Eren's ass you don't even take the time to notice me anyways!"

"See? There you go again (Y/N)!" (F/N) throws her hands up on the air in almost exasperation. It seemed I wasn't the only one with pent up anger towards my closest friend. "Please tell me how shitty everyone is towards you. Please! It's not like I've heard it a million times before!"

"Oh please-"

"Just because I have a soulmate and you don't doesn't mean you can pity me into being miserable like you all my life!" (F/N)'s sudden blurted words make me freeze. Her words take a moment to sink in before I feel the aftereffects. Anger slowly leaks from me as I realize exactly why I had tried to be so angry towards her.

I was jealous. After years and years of girly talk about our desired mates, (F/N) had found hers. Eren was her Prince Charming. As my best friend waltzed around with her sudden perfect life I was left watching helplessly from the sidelines.

A gasp suddenly sounds from across the table. (F/N) had seemed to come to terms with what she had said and was regretting it with all her being. Her eyes brim with tears as she grabs onto my arm. I could feel her muscles tighten as she grips onto me. It almost seemed like desperation. "Oh (Y/N), I'm so sorry!"

"Let me go." I manage to retort as I snatch my hand from her hold. I felt her nails scrap against my skin harshly as I pull away from her. I stand from the small table. Coffee with my friend was seeming less and less like something I actually wanted to take part in. My hand shoots out to grab my bag before casting my friend one more glance. "I have to leave now (F/N). I will see you later."

"(Y/N)!" My friend's voice was lost behind me as I turn to leave. I couldn't stay here, looking into grey eyes of a friend who had suddenly gained so much more than I ever had. Every time I saw her all I could see was her smile. It seemed to eat up everything else about her and I hated it. I wanted my best friend back.

My shoes hit the tiled ground of the cafe almost too loudly. Their hollow sound bounced off the walls, hitting my ears harshly with their annoyingly high pitch. Unconsciously I took to the sound. Before I knew it, the average tapping of my shoes became the only thing on my mind.

The cafe's light wooden door opened almost too easily as I push against it, it's stained glass hiding the view of the city no longer. The heat hit me head on. It seemed to swallow me with its overwhelming power, noise and the pounds of smells piled into a city only making it worse.

The cafe door separated me and my best friend with a slam.

(As of today, January 25th, 2019, I am officially re-writing this story for the second time. Over the course of a year I have worked to improve my writing skill and I would like to think I have. This is the main reason why I wanted to go back through this story and fix what mistakes I have made.)

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