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Chapter Six



The young man had been at Blue's house for over two hours, lucky to get any work done with Matt hovering over his shoulder. When Blue insisted that Matt leave the man alone to do his job, Matt told her his job was to listen to Matt. Blue just shook her head and gave the man a sympathetic look. She returned to her home office and concentrated on her computer. She went through it as well as she could but came up empty.

Blue walked to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee. She heard Matt's phone go off and a few minutes later, he walked into the kitchen.

"We're going to have to take two cars to the camp because I have to head to Austin for a meeting. I should be back later tonight if it doesn't go too long. If it does, I'll stay the night in Austin." Matt said, hoping he could make it back tonight. He didn't like being away from Blue.

"Okay, may I ask what the meeting is about?"

"It's a meeting about another case I was working on when all this happened. I delegated it to another agent but they want me in on this meeting." Matt said.

"Okay, I don't mind going to the camp alone if you need to get going." Blue offered.

"No, I can go, the meeting isn't until later so I can go." Matt walked up to Blue and gently embraced her in his arms. At work they agreed to make it an official no touch area but here at Blue's, it was an okay action. In fact it was better than okay. The love making they have shared has brought both of them closer than either thought they could get.

Matt was in the middle of kissing Blue when the technician walked in and coughed. "Uh-um, excuse me sir but I wanted to go through the system with both of you before I leave so if you have any questions, I am here to answer them."

So for the next thirty minutes, Blue and Matt was schooled in the business of security. Blue was already feeling safer, especially with the cameras installed. What she liked about the cameras was that they were not visible to the common person. After the tutoring session, the man left and Blue and Matt got ready to leave.

"Ugh, I think I had too much coffee, it feels like I'm getting a heat flash or something. Let me get a bottled water for the ride." Blue walked to the fridge and took two bottles out, handed one to Matt and said, "I'm ready!"

"I'll follow you, you know where you're going." Matt loved to watch her from behind.

The drive from Blue's house to Cannon Lake took about fifty minutes. Blue parked her car and got out and waited for Matt to do the same. He was on the phone again and she had to wait several minutes before he hung up and stepped out of the car.

"Was that Austin office again?" Blue had a weird feeling about something, but she didn't know what.

"Yes, just needed a few details for the report that was going to be given tonight. Ready?" Matt didn't seem his usual self, something was off but she didn't persist.

"Yes, let's go." Blue nodded.

The camp director was very accommodating and was willing to give them any files that they needed. Unfortunately for Blue and Matt, anything past five years was stored and the director would have to go and do a search which would take a few days.

Blue asked for a tour of the camp and the director was obliging. The camp was set on twenty five acres of pristine lake side property. It was beautiful here, a nice place to send your kid to camp, especially a church camp. Kids should be safe when they come here. Not that they were harmed at the camp, but something or someone connected to the camp was harming camp goers once they left. Someone was abusing their information about the kids, finding their likes and interests and taking advantage of it.

After the tour, Matt and Blue had lunch at a little cafe on the lake. Afterwards, Matt hugged Blue and gave her a kiss and said good-bye. He felt better knowing that if he had to stay in Austin tonight, she had the security installed and she would have some protection.

On the drive home. Blue felt alone for the first time in a long time. She already missed Matt and it had only been an hour since she saw him. Her phone ranged and she hit the button on her steering wheel for the Bluetooth. "Winslow." She answered.

"Hey Winslow, what are you up to?" Ramirez asked, laughing.

"Just finished interviewing the director at a camp and heading for home, what's going on with you?" Blue asked back, glad for the call after feeling so lonely after Matt's departure.

"Aw Diane called me and was wondering if you'd like to come by tonight and have some dinner, you could bring Howard if you want." Ramirez was forever trying to hook her up. He didn't realize that she hooked herself up with Matt.

"I don't know, Matt is out of town and I was just going to go home." Blue said, then she said, "Wait, tell Diane I'll come. Matt is gone so it would be dinner by myself. Can I bring anything?"

Ramirez sounded happy that she accepted and he said no, that everything was taken care of. "I'll see you around six then?" He asked Blue.

"I'll be there, and thanks, tell Diane thanks." Blue pushed the button to hang up the phone. She had a couple of hours before going to Rameriz's house so she thought she's do some shopping. She stopped in New Braunfels and went into a lingerie shop. She was never one for frilly bits of clothes but Matt made her feel different. The scars on her back were very visible, she'd have to get graphs after this case was closed.

So she picked a little outfit that had a little sheer coat to cover her back. Can't be sexy showing those scars. When Blue was at the register, she started to feel faint again and had to sit down. Then she felt like she needed to throw up and asked to use the bathroom. Once inside, Blue threw up for what seemed like an hour. Sweat dropped off her head and she couldn't move. What the hell was wrong with her. She stayed down for a few more minutes until she was finally able to get up. She splashed cold water on her face and rinsed her mouth out. She walked back out to pay for her items and the clerk asked if she was okay.

"Yeah, must have been something I ate today." Blue answered.

"Or you're pregnant!" The clerk said excited for Blue if she was.

Pregnant? How could she be pregnant? She thought about it and she knew how, she couldn't accept it. The very first time her and Matt had sex, there was no condom. Well hell.

"No, I'm sure it's just something I ate." Blue assured her.

She paid for her lingerie and walked to her car. She sat for a few moments then headed to the Target store down the street. Inside, she purchased some crackers and two pregnancy tests. The anticipation in her belly was reeling.

She couldn't get home fast enough. She was excited and scared both at the same time. Thoughts were running inside her head, circling and then coming back around. She was a mess. A baby? What if she was, what would she do? How would Matt react? How would a baby fit into her life at this moment?

Oh Lord, please Lord, she prayed, show me what to do. Give me a sign. How would she tell Matt? He doesn't even live in San Antonio. Whoa, slow down Blue. You don't even know if you are pregnant. It could be food poisoning. That food from P.F. Changs could have been bad, it didn't taste bad but you never know.

Blue pulled into the garage and walked into the house. The alarm went off and she knew she had only thirty seconds to get to the alarm pad and type in the code. Once the alarm was off and the system set, Blue took the tests into the bathroom. It took her awhile to get the courage to even take the test but eventually she did, and she sat and waited for the results. How could time fly any other time, but these three minutes dragged on forever. Blue stole a peek but still nothing. She stood up and paced back and forth, weighing the options if she happened to be pregnant. Finally, after three minutes, Blue looked at the stick and saw a + sign. She was pregnant. Damn. Yay! She didn't know how she was supposed to feel. She thought, maybe that was a bad test and took another. Another + sign. She was pregnant.

Oh Lord, the enormity of the situation hit her hard. She was pregnant by a man that, truth be told, she didn't know very well. She didn't know if he wanted kids, much less by her. She was three years older than him. Almost forty. On the other hand, this could be her last chance to have a child. This could be her last opportunity to become a mother, 

So many feelings welled up inside her. She would tell Matt right away and she would let him know that by her telling him didn't mean she expected anything from him, but she believed in the father's right to know. Now she felt jumpy; like she had so much energy she couldn't hold still. She really didn't feel like sitting down to dinner with Rameriz and Diane but would feel bad if she backed out on Diane, again.

She thought that maybe Matt would call before she left for Diane's and Rameriz's but no such luck. Must be a hell of case for them to drag him back to Austin just for a meeting. Feeling tired, Blue again contemplated backing out of going to the dinner but she pushed forward, telling herself it would be just a few hours before she was home again, and she could crawl into the bed she has been sharing with Matt. 

Blue jumped in the car and backed out of the garage and headed West toward Ramirez's house. She stopped and bought a bottle of wine though she wouldn't be partaking in any tonight. The drive took about thirty minutes and she finally pulled up front of their house. She decided to try Matt's phone before she went in just to check if he was coming back tonight or staying in Austin. No luck, it went straight to voice mail.

"Hey Matt It's just me, I was wondering if your were going to stay in Austin tonight or head back home, I mean to my house. Ok well, I will talk to you later, be careful driving and Matt....." What was she going to say? I'm having your baby? "Well, it can wait. I'll see you soon. Bye."

She hung up and muted her phone so it wasn't ringing during the dinner that Diane made. She was an excellent cook and Blue didn't know how Ramirez wasn't three hundred pounds from her cooking. She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Ramirez answered the door in a pair of slacks and a silk shirt. Blue laughed and asked why is was so dressed up tonight.

"The girl's had a thing at school today. Don't laugh Diane made me wear it." Ramirez told Blue.

Blue walked into the kitchen where dinner was being prepared. She sat at the kitchen table and handed the bottle of wine to Ramirez. Ramirez took the bottle and opened it up to let it breath. "Diane had to run to the store, she should be back any time now." Ramirez told her.

"Where are the girls?" Blue asked.

"They are with their abuela."

"Oh, a shame I'm going to miss them." Blue said. "Could I get a glass of ice water?"

"No wine?"

"Not right now, I have been having stomach problems all day." Blue didn't lie.

"Hope you're not getting sick. Somethings been going around at the station. We have two or three people out right now because of it."

"Oh God I hope not, that's all I need.' To be pregnant and sick was too much to handle.

"Are you ready to eat?" Ramirez asked.

"Uh no, Diane isn't back yet. Are you trying to start a fight?" Blue joked.

"Well, she should have been back by now, and I'm starving." He made two plates and set them on the table. Blue couldn't tell what the dish was and had to ask. "What is this that we're having?"

"It's pollo calabasa. It's good don't worry, it's my mama's recipe."

"I think I will wait for Diane if it's all the same, you go ahead though if you're starving." Blue watched him make two plates though and she started to feel irritated. "Seriously Ramirez, I'm gong to wait for Diane. I'd be pissed if I were her and she came home and we ate without her."

"She won't I promise." He set the plate in front of her and she pushed it back.

"Are you trying to get divorced? I'll wait, thanks." Blue said.

"EAT!" Ramirez yelled then he controlled himself and said "Sorry, eat please."

"Ramirez, what is wrong with you? I've said three times that I am waiting for Diane. I will not eat without her!" Blue's voiced rose.

"She's actually at her mother's with the kids. It's just us tonight." Ramirez said in way of explanation.

"I gotta go, you should have told me something came up and Diane wouldn't be here. This is wrong. I shouldn't be here when she isn't here." Blue stood up and started toward the door. Ramirez came up beside her and pushed her back into the chair. "Blue, just listen. it's okay. It's not wrong. Diane wouldn't care, believe me."

"Don't push me like that D-I-E-G-O," she pronounced his name slowly, pronouncing each letter. What was wrong with this guy?

She stood up to leave again when he used his fist and slammed her right in the right cheek. Blue spun and hit the floor. She thought to herself, what in the hell was happening. Had Ramirez lost his freaking mind. She lifted herself up on both palms and tried to get the cobwebs out of her head.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Have you lost your damn mind?" Blue spit out some blood.

"I told you to sit down and eat. You know, you should listen to me once in a while." Ramirez stood over her, holding his hand out. She didn't take it, she was mad as hell and she was leaving. She was even thinking about filing charges on him.

She was on her hands and knees trying to get up when he kicked her in the stomach. She sprawled out on the floor, air completely having left her body. Something was really wrong. This wasn't the Ramirez she knew. Her hand went to belly, thinking about the new life and she  felt scared. "Please don't hurt me anymore." Blue begged.

"Now you can talk nice to me. All these years. I have been right there for you and you never saw me. All you females are the same. No matter the age, young or older, you all never listen." Ramirez was pacing the room like a caged animal.

"What do you want Diego?" Blue cried as she held her belly.

"All these years you have never called me Diego, it was always Ramirez, never getting personal. Well I am Diego, a man, who likes women, who likes you and you never gave me the time of day did you?"

"You are married!! Why would I ever think of you in that way. You have Diane and she's wonderful." Blue defended his wife.

"She's a bitch. All she does is complain and want more. This last year, she has really driven me crazy. Let's move to a bigger house Diego, buy me a new car Diego. Nothing is good enough for her. Do you want to know where I met her, what her BIG job was when I met her? She was a waitress in a cafe. Yep, that was her big job."

Blue was in shock. She was scared and in big pain. Pain in her stomach. She looked at her purse, she needed to get to her phone. "I'm sorry Diego, I didn't know. I see you different now. Can I stand up please?" She asked Diego.

"Of course Blue, I don't want to hurt you. I love you." Diego said as if was the best news ever.

"What about Diane, what about her?" Blue was totally lost.

"We'll get divorced. She has to feel that I don't love her anymore. That's why she is at her mother's house. We had a big argument and I told her to leave." Diego was calm now and Blue wanted to keep him that way.

"Oh good, she's at her mothers." Good so he couldn't hurt her.

"Yes, don't you see it's so much better without her here? Now, can we sit down and have this wonderful dinner I made just for you." Diego was insane was Blue's first thought. This can't be real but the taste of blood in her mouth was very real.

"Okay, let's eat." Anything to keep him calm until she could get to her purse.

After both were re-seated, Diego started the conversation up by saying that he heard Matt is staying over in Austin tonight.

"How did you know that?" Blue asked, startled that he had the knowledge.

"Oh, a little birdie told me." He giggled at his own words.

"He said he might, but he might be back tonight too." Blue said, trying to scare him into releasing her.

"Maybe, but you'll be busy." His smile was evil Blue thought.

"I will?" Doing what she thought.

"Yes, we need to eat then I have something to show you." He smiled and put a fork full of food into his mouth.

"What do you need to show me Diego?" Blue tried to keep him talking so she could ease her way to her purse.

"Where we're going to live. You're gonna love it, it's right by the water. I purchased it a year ago. Diane didn't know because she wasn't going to live in it, it was decided."

What the hell, he's lost it. She didn't know how she never saw it. She never looked that deep that's how. She never even imagined any cop, much less Ramirez. could be this way. It was horrifying and left her doubting her instincts.

"We're going to live together?" Blue asked Diego.

"Yes my love, and I'll cook for you and protect you. Just the way a husband should. Of course, you'll have to stop working, can't have no wife of mine in danger. Oh, you'll love being a stay at home mom, Our kids are going to be gorgeous. Just like you." Diego gleaned like a school boy.

"You have kids Diego. Two beautiful daughters who love you very much." Blue felt sick. Literally.

"I don't think they are mine. Diane was kind of a whore when I met her, I don't think she stopped once we were married."

"She loves you Diego, anyone can see it." Blue tried to talk her way out of this.

"No! I don't want to talk about Diane tonight, Tonight belongs to you and me. Come on, let's get going." He pushed away from the table and grabbed his keys.

"Where are we going?" Blue felt scared.

"Our new home. You are going to love it." Diego insisted.

Blue couldn't wait any longer so she casually went for her purse, Diego saw and grabbed the purse and slapped Blue on the side of the face. "See what you make me do? Why were you grabbing your purse?"

"I just wanted my compact to take a look at my face, it must be a mess right now with all the bleeding." She was bleeding not just in her mouth but now from her nose too.

"Here, let me clean you up." Ramirez took a clean dish towel and wet it and gently cleaned Blue's face. "I would never want to mess this beautiful face up so please do not upset me."

"I'd just like to go home now Diego, please." Blue asked in a whisper.

"Shhh. I will take you home but to our new home." He was freaking Blue out.

"Could I use the bathroom please to freshen up?" Blue asked.

"I'll let you use the bathroom if you promise me you won't try anything." Diego urged her.

"I won't, I just want to freshen up I promise." Blue gave him her most innocent look.

"Okay baby, just hurry please so we can get going." He walked to the bathroom and stood outside of it waiting for her to finish. He talked to her through the door. "You don't know how long I've waited for this. For you and me to be together. It's going to be wonderful." He had a look of a daydream on his face.

Looking into the mirror, Blue had a fat lip and a bloody nose. She took a wash cloth and wet it and applied it to her face. Think, think damn it. He's mad, he's lost it. What do I do? I need Matt.

"Hurry up darling, we need to get going." Diego said through the door.

"Just one more minute please." She was learning fast to go along with him if she didn't want another slap to the face. She quietly opened the drawers to

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