The End Is Where We Begin

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Craigvinean Forest, Scotland


The hatch to the Future Lifeboat slowly rolled open, allowing the crisp afternoon air to seep inside along with the bright sun, causing all within to squint against the harsh light.

As Flynn exited the Lifeboat, the sounds of old leaves crunched under his feet as he glanced around. Incredibly tall trees loomed all around, the sound of rushing water nearby alerted him to the presence of a stream or river. The birds sang in the canopy overhead as they flew from tree to tree and the occasional red squirrel chattering playfully echoed around him.

He turned to help Tenley out of the machine, setting her carefully on the ground beside him as they scanned their immediate area.

Another figure poked out of the door of the machine, inhaling deeply at the autumnal scented air. "Ah, I had forgotten how nice it was here," Future Rufus sighed. He hopped out before leaning against the machine for support.

"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Flynn questioned, turning back to the older version of his friend.

Future Rufus smirked. "I'm going to pretend you didn't just question your elder."

Tenley asked, "What happens now?" She turned back to Future Rufus. "What about Rowan and Quinn?"

Future Rufus's face fell. Tenley could see the truth behind his eyes before he even opened his mouth to speak. He held her gaze, watching the tears form behind her dark eyes as he confessed, "I'm sure by now...they've succeeded in destroying both bases..."

"What will you do?" Flynn asked.

Future Rufus inhaled deeply before slowly releasing it. "Return here in about 20 years, give or take..."

"Why?" Tenley asked confused. "What happens in 20 years?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you but..." he shrugged, "we've already destroyed several timelines so... " he chuckled to himself, "I'll be coming back to pick up Rowan and Quinn to get them out of here."

Tenley saw the pain behind Future Rufus's eyes at the mention of the two. "I'm sorry..." she whispered. "How are you doing since..." her voice trailed for a moment, "since they're ..." she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

Future Rufus sniffled, holding back his tears. "Yeah," he muttered. "They were good kids," he straightened, "Actually, Jiya will be more heartbroken since she... " his voice trailed again, "she was like a mother to them..."

"She did a fabulous job," Tenley reassured him with a sympathetic smile, "you both did."

Flynn nodded, placing his hand on Future Rufus's shoulder to squeeze it reassuringly. "You did... we were privileged to know them."

Future Rufus chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, anyway," he said, turning his tear-filled gaze away from them to the forest around them. "There should be a path somewhere that way," he pointed through the cluster of trees, "when you get to the path, follow it north to the field. You should find the house he's holed up in."

Flynn gave Future Rufus a quick hug, smiling his thanks to the man. Tenley wiped a tear away from his cheek and hugged him tightly, whispering her thanks to him.

Future Rufus pulled away, smiling and nodding in kind. "Don't die," he told them almost in a joking manner. "It would be a shame to have you come all this way and not make it..." he climbed into the machine, "I'll see you again before you know it!"

The two watched as the door to the old Lifeboat closed behind him. The machine whirred to life and disappeared from sight, blasting them with a burst of air, the leaves at their feet tumbling away from them.

Flynn turned from the spot where the old Lifeboat sat to search for the path they needed to take. Tenley sighed before glancing over her shoulder to watch Flynn march away. She hesitated in following him but trailed behind at a distance.

The two trudged through the grand forest silently, not looking at one another. Tenley sighed as she shrugged out of her jacket, wrapping it around her waist.

Breaking the growing silence between them, Flynn asked, "How long are you going to be angry with me?"

"I'm not angry with you," she admitted.

Flynn stopped, allowing her to catch up to him. "I don't believe you."

She kept her distance from him as she stopped at the same time. She could see the hurt on his expression at the distance she was keeping. She shifted her weight on the other leg as she averted her gaze. "I feel like I've disappointed you somehow..."

"You haven't..." his voice trailed off, "I'm not angry with you..."

She cocked her head at him in disbelief. "Right..."

"I'm not - "

"That's why you got into a fistfight with Rowan in the hallway?" she countered.

Flynn licked his lips, carefully trying to figure out the right way to explain it. "It was a rouse." Tenley's eyes narrowed at him suspiciously. Flynn nodded, taking a step forward, hands outstretched to show her he meant no harm. "We knew there was a mole inside that bunker for a while," he explained. "It was confirmed when we each got a mysterious note from that person..." he reached into his pocket, withdrawing the note and photo, extending it out to her, "take a look for yourself."

Hesitating for a moment, Tenley stared at the items in his hand before stepping forward to take them. She scanned the note before looking at the picture of Rowan hugging her quite intimately, even though that wasn't what was happening. Her head shook as she lifted her gaze, "This wasn't - "

"I know," he told her gently. "Rowan and I spoke and we realized we had to find a way to bring the mole out of we staged that fight to make her believe we were at odds as a team..." he watched Tenley's mind race with questions, "Rowan and I made peace a long time ago..."

Her eyes lifted to meet him. "I...I don't know what to say..."

"I'm sorry I kept you in the dark for so long," he apologized, "but I had protect you..."

She scoffed. "And now we're entering the unknown face...who knows who..."

Flynn stood before her, placing his finger beneath her chin, lifting it to stare into her eyes. "As long as we go together..." he placed a gentle kiss to her lips, "whoever it is up ahead...we'll do this together."

"I'm scared," she whispered.

He nodded. "Me too." He laced his fingers with hers as he led her down the forest path, toward the unknown that stretched before them.

After finding the path, they walked for twenty minutes before the trees broke off, bringing them to an open field just on the outside of the forest near the river. Sitting in the middle of the field was a small cabin, plumes of grey smoke puffed out of the chimney, confirming that someone was home.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Tenley muttered as they stared at the cabin.

Flynn squeezed her trembling hand. "I'm right here beside you."

With every step toward the house, the heavier they felt. Tenley's heart raced, slamming into her ribs as the bile in her stomach churned violently. Beads of sweat started to form on her brow as she felt light-headed. She feared she was about to pass out. She blinked away the feeling, urging herself to discover - once and for all - who had been playing the role of the puppet master.

As they neared the cabin, the door swung opened and a familiar face exited the building, an assault rifle aimed directly at them. Tenley's gasp couldn't be helped as she stared back at the man standing before them. Flynn went rigid, feeling waves of chills running down his spine as he saw the gun that prevented him from coming any closer.

"Surprise!" the man chuckled.

Tenley's voice hitched in her throat. "Roger..."

His dark eyes locked with hers, a sinister smile widened on his lips. "Hello, Levy..." he smirked, "it's been a while..." Tenley stood in shock, staring back at the man before her. "What's the matter, Levy? Rittenhouse got your tongue?" he taunted, laughing at them.

Roger's eyes darted between the two stunned individuals before him. "What? Surprised that someone like me could conjure up something so devious?" Flynn opened his mouth to retort when Roger shifted his aim to silence him, "You have questions, I'm sure..." he motioned with his gun for Flynn to walk, "Let's talk..."

Flynn's grip on Tenley tightened as he led her in the direction Roger was guiding them. "Where are we going?"

"To the river," Roger told him. "That way when I kill you, the river will carry you away and no one will find you." Tenley glanced up at Flynn, worry plastered on her expression. Roger laughed when she looked at Flynn. "Don't worry, Levy... you and I will have a lot of catching up to do when he's gone."

A lump formed in her throat. She knew Roger would murder Flynn - maybe even her - unless she did something to stop it. Memories of being strapped to the bed in the hospital's basement came rushing back. She desperately tried to shake them away to focus on her current situation but she struggled to figure out a plan that would save them both.

"What was the purpose of all of this?" Flynn questioned, walking slowly toward the river. He knew the moment they reached the river, that was it - he'd be dead and Tenley would be at Roger's mercy - if he had any left.

"I'm sure you've already figured it all out," Roger stated. "Isn't that why you're here?" Before allowing anyone to answer, he asked, "How is Poppy, by the way?"

"Dead," Flynn told him.

"Dead?" Roger repeated, slightly stunned to learn this bit of information.

Flynn asked, "Was that not part of your plan? To kill your sister and your son as well as everyone else at your base on April 5th?"

The air within Tenley's lungs disappeared, causing her to stagger a step. She hadn't realized the date until Flynn mentioned it. The sudden realization that Reynolds wasn't the only one leaving clues for them - someone else had been too. It was an obvious answer - and oversight on their part.

Roger growled, "You lie."

"You haven't heard?" Flynn taunted. "We had two Motherships strapped with bombs go to your hidden bases...we took them out simultaneously to keep anyone from leaving - there were no survivors."

The sound of footsteps rushing up behind them caused the two to glance over their shoulders just a moment too late as Roger slammed the butt of his rifle into Flynn's face hard, knocking him to the ground before turning the barrel to him. "I'll kill you now, you dog!"

"Wait! Stop!" Tenley shouted, holding her hand out to stop Roger. "Please..."

He turned the aim on her, stopping her from moving. "You both think you're so smart," he spat. "But I've had you fooled for years!"

Flynn wiped the blood away from his nose and mouth as he knelt on his knees, glaring up at the former doctor. "What did Rittenhouse promise you?"

A small chuckle escaped from Roger. "What?"

"In prison," Flynn reminded him. "What did Rittenhouse offer you that you'd risk everything for?"

Roger chuckled. His chuckle turned into a single laugh which erupted into a peal of maniacal laughter. He licked his lips as he recomposed himself. "You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?" Tenley glanced between Roger and Flynn. "What makes you think Rittenhouse offered me anything?"

"They didn't approach you in prison?" Tenley questioned.

Roger's dark eyes drifted over to her. "Oh, Levy... you really are dumb, it''s almost adorable," he smirked, "I'm the one who staged the escape from prison. I'm the one who came up with the plan to send our little murderer Dorangel back into the past," chuckling, he asked, "I'm actually quite surprised you didn't pick up the name earlier...Vargas..." he tsked at her.

Flynn gritted his teeth, glancing up at Roger. "What did Emma promise you, then?"

Roger's devious smile widened. "Emma is my mother."

"What?" Tenley gasped.

He shot her a disbelieving look. "You think you're the only child who was sent back into the past to right wrongs?" Tenley's face paled and he asked, "What? You think I didn't know about you?" he chuckled, "I've known for some time... You are the daughter of Lucy and Wyatt Logan - which makes you essentially Rittenhouse royalty by proxy...Imagine everyone's surprise when you disappeared shortly after your birth..." he glared at her, "Any ideas why you disappeared?"

She blinked at him, her mind racing with possibilities. Before she could answer, Roger told her, "Your mother was afraid of the direction the Rittenhouse order was instead of allowing them to use you as a pawn - and refusing to be a pawn herself - she recruited some friends and had them hide you somewhere in time..." he chortled, "Let's just say, dear ol' Lucy died not long after her betrayal."

"But you found me anyway," Tenley pointed out, heart racing as she tried to keep her emotions in control.

He nodded. "Some people are not built to handle torture." Tenley's face drained of color at the thought of her loved ones being tortured.

"Like your sister?" Flynn challenged. Roger smacked him again with the butt of the rifle, bringing him down to the ground again.

"You think you're tough," Roger spat at Flynn. "I remember plainly the day you beat me within an inch of my life..." he sucked his teeth, "my, how the tables have turned."

"I don't understand," Tenley interjected, hoping to keep Roger from killing Flynn. "What's all of this for? Because I'm Rittenhouse royalty?"

Roger chuckled, glancing at her. "We were meant to rule the world together, you and me...Rittenhouse and Bloodstone together in a great merging of power...but when your bitch of a mother succeeded in her little magician's disappearing act, it set off a war between the orders..."

"Did you always know it was me?" Tenley braved the question. "Did you know who I was when we worked together at the hospital?"

He shook his head. "No...not at first...not until Agent Christopher came looking for you..." he chuckled at the shocked face on Tenley's face, "You forget...I have connections to the future too, despite being sent into the past... I knew who to look out for," he aimed the gun at Flynn's face, "I simply underestimated some of you..." he sneered at Flynn, "then you ended up getting help from somewhere and that proved to be challenging to keep you in line..."

Tenley's mind immediately went to Charlotte, Rowan, and Quinn. They had been helping them all along - preventing Roger from achieving whatever goal he had set in motion - and he didn't see it coming - none of them had. She licked her lips, asking, "Is that why you tried so hard to have a visionary child? So you could see what you didn't plan for?"

He smirked. "It would have been helpful," he admitted, "but we found ways around temporary as they were."

"So..." Tenley said, drawing out the word, "Your dad..." Roger glanced over at her, "was Bloodstone or Rittenhouse?"

He laughed. "You met him once actually..."

Tenley's mouth fell open, brows drawing together in confusion. "What?"

"Actually, he said he enjoyed meeting 'Amy'," he laughed. When he saw the confusion on her face, he reminded her, "John T. Ford?"

"Your father was John T. Ford?" Flynn asked, confusion washing over his expression.

Roger's lips pressed into a thin line as he glared at Flynn. "Hardly," he retorted. "Just the man filling in for the real one..." he turned his gaze back to Tenley, "Emma met with him on the train, remember?"

Tenley recalled the creepy way the man looked at her, how oddly intimate Emma was with him. The memory sent shivers down her spine. "He knew who I was?"

Roger didn't get a chance to answer as Flynn asked, "So, all of this was because of some sick delusion of love?" Roger turned his gaze back to Flynn. "You couldn't accept the fact that she never loved you or would love you? Don't you think it's a bit cliché of a motive?"

Roger sighed heavily as he admitted calmly, "I'm looking forward to blowing your brains out."

The moment Roger readjusted his hold on the gun, Tenley reached out to stop him. "Please...don't..."

"Get out of the way," Roger hissed at her. "I'll shoot you too - "

"No," she braved the word. "You won't."

Roger's eyes narrowed at her with ire. "I. Said. Move!" he shouted at her. With one swift motion, he smacked the barrel of his rifle against her cheek, sending her to the ground. Flynn couldn't move as the barrel was shoved back into his face, keeping him frozen in place with his hands up defensively.

"Oi!" a voice nearby shouted. "What's all this then?"

The three glanced over to see a tall lanky man with his young daughter walking toward them. The redheaded girl carried a small woven basket filled with wild berries and flowers, while the man carried a reed fishing pole and stringed fish he caught from the river. "Is there some sort of problem, here then?"

"Move along," Flynn urged him, afraid Roger would murder them on the spot.

"Da?" the girl said, tugging on the hem of his worn shirt. "That's the people from my dream..."

Rogers cocked his head at her. "You can see things before they happen, my dear?" The girl nodded innocently, unaware of the dangers before them.

Tenley pushed herself up to a seated position, clutching the fresh cut on her cheek as she gazed at the two. She immediately recognized the girl. Her heart stopped as Roger stared at her like a cat to a mouse.

"Have you always had this ability?" Roger questioned her.

"Aye," the father admitted, wrapping his arm around his daughter protectively. "Tis a gift from God."

Roger laughed. "Oh, it's a gift all right..."

Realizing the severity of the situation, Tenley scrambled to her feet just as Roger turned his aim toward the father. Flynn snatched the gun, jerking it before Roger could properly aim at the family. The sound of the gun discharging echoed through the air, causing nearby birds to scatter across the sky. Screams replaced the echo of the shot.

Tenley blinked at the sight of the father laying on the grassy ground, clutching his stomach, his daughter crying over him as she tried to help him as the bright red blood seeped out across his shirt.

Flynn struggled against Roger's hold before the gun went off again, striking Flynn's side. Roger straightened himself up, swinging his gun towards Flynn, preparing to end his life.

Tenley rushed forward. "No!" she shouted, putting herself between Roger and Flynn. "I'll go with you!"

Roger froze, his angry eyes zeroing in on her. Flynn groaned, clutching his side, "Nine, no!" The daughter's cries and the pained gasps from her father filled the silence around them.

"I'll go with you," she repeated, heart hammering in her chest. "Leave them be...and I'll go with you...wherever - whenever...just...please...don't kill them..."

Roger's tongue darted out, moistening his lips as he thought about the offer. "What trick do you have up your sleeve, Levy?"

She shook her head, holding her arms out to her sides, showing that she was unarmed. "No tricks...I'm not smart enough for tricks, remember?"

The corners of his lips curved up as he studied her. "I'm not sure that I believe you..."

"You did all that you did for love," she reminded him. "So, why is it so hard for you to believe that I'm doing the same for those I love?"

Roger blinked at her, eyes narrowing at her. "Just like that?"

Tears fell from Tenley's eyes. "Yeah...just like that..." she sighed, shoulders slumping in

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