Present Day
The generator finally kicked on, though unstable. The already dim lights overhead flickered unreliably as the residents of the bunker continued to protect themselves from the dangerous intruders filtering in.
Agent Christopher finished tying her belt around her thigh to keep the pressure on her wound. She grimaced as she tucked the last bits of the belt around and out of the way. She glanced over her cover, checking for any more intruders. So far, she had taken out a handful. She knew she was running out of ammo in her handgun. If she was lucky, she had a few more rounds but her mental counting told her she only had three or four bullets left.
Across the room, she spotted Mason and Jiya. They motioned for her to head in their direction. She shook her head, unsure if that was the smart move. She didn't want to put those two at risk.
Mason scanned the distant hallway and common living area. He didn't see any movement through the smoke and bodies that littered the place. He motioned for Denise to come again, more urgency to his movements.
Jiya watched as Denise shook her head again. She turned to Mason and whispered, "Anything?" Mason shook his head. She whispered, "Cover me...I'm going to get her."
Mason held his gun before him, aiming in case anyone showed up as Jiya rushed forward across the room toward Agent Christopher.
She knelt beside the wounded agent. "Come on."
"You shouldn't have come out here for me," Denise scolded.
Throwing Denise's arm over her shoulder, Jiya muttered, "You can write me up for it later." A small smile graced her lips, almost as if she had just said an inside joke only the two of them knew.
The two stood up to begin their way over to Mason. They took two steps forward when a voice behind them ordered, "Hold it right there!"
Jiya's eyes widened, staring at Mason. He shook his head, silently telling her that he didn't have a good shot at the intruder behind them.
"Turn around," the voice ordered. The sound of a gun loaded echoed loudly behind them.
Jiya and Denise slowly turned to face the man behind them. When they were face to face with him, they noticed he was wearing his combat gear, armored mask still covering his face. He held his rifle in front of him, pointing it at the two. He motioned over to the couch. "Sit down."
As Mason watched the two women get shuffled over to the sofa, he turned and snuck away from the room, hoping to find a new place to hunker down until it was safe. He even hoped to run into Flynn or Tenley.
At the opposite end of the bunker, Flynn had a hold of Tenley's wrist as he led her carefully through. He paused at the corner, listening for anyone approaching before peeking around to see. The dark hallway was empty, aside from the residual smoke that wafted through.
His heart raced and the deafening sounds of it beating echoed in his ears. He glanced over his shoulder at Tenley who seemed equally as terrified. He could feel her heartbeat racing as he held onto her wrist.
He tugged her around the corner slowly, eyes scanning the halls around them as he inched deeper into the bunker. Flynn paused at the entrance to the next hallway, glancing down the length before continuing forward.
Taking a couple of steps into the hall, Flynn heard a man's shout nearing them. Glancing over his left shoulder, he spotted one of the armed intruders rushing them, knife in hand. Flynn pulled Tenley behind him as quickly as he could before the man's blade found its target. Tenley shrieked as she tumbled to the floor behind him, landing hard enough to allow her breath to escape from behind her lips.
He grabbed the man's wrist that held the knife with one hand as the other blocked the incoming attack with the man's free hand. Flynn used all of his strength to slam the man back into the wall, both still fighting for dominance over the other.
Flynn could feel himself shaking as he struggled to maintain the upper hand. Just as he shifted his weight to try and knock the man down, the man head-butted him, causing him to stumble backward a couple of steps.
The intruder lunged for Flynn, grappling his torso, lifting slightly to lift him off the ground before they both tumbled onto the cement floor. The two rolled around, trying to gain the upper hand over the other. Flynn's eye caught the dark shape of the gun off to his side and tried to reach for it but the intruder blocked his attempts by grabbing at his arms.
Flynn, on his stomach, turned just enough to elbow the man in the face, knocking him off of his back. He scrambled forward for the gun, only to see another pair of boots kick the gun away and the sounds of numerous rifles loading. He glanced up to see two more intruders staring at him in full gear, rifles aimed at him.
"I think that's enough," the closest said. "Get up."
Flynn slowly pushed himself up to his knees, hands held up defensively. He moved cautiously so the men wouldn't shoot him.
The man before him turned to the man Flynn had just been fighting and asked, "Hey man, you okay?"
The man Flynn had been fighting with groaned as he stood up. "Fine." He kicked the back of Flynn's knees as he tried to stand up, forcing him back to his knees. "Never better."
Flynn gritted his teeth as his knees connected painfully with the cement floor again, glancing over at his shoulder to glare at the man. If he didn't have two men with rifles trained on him, he would have killed this guy. With his eyes locked on the man he fought with, movement caused his eyes to quickly darted over to the familiar frame of Tenley who sat on the floor against the wall, clutching her left wrist - which he could now see was bleeding.
The man he grappled with grabbed Tenley under the elbow of the wounded wrist, jerking her to her feet. "Get up!" he shouted at her. She stumbled slightly, grimacing at the pain.
Flynn's stomach dropped as he saw the pigment of her skin paling. Something was very wrong with her. "Nine-" his words were cut off as one of the men with rifles slammed the butt of the weapon into his stomach, knocking the wind from his lungs, silencing him.
"Shut up!" the man shouted at Flynn. "Get up! Let's go!"
Flynn pushed himself back to his shaky feet, his dark eyes finding Tenley once more. He watched as the first man nearly dragged her toward the main living area. He turned his glare over to the other two.
He contemplated taking them on but he knew the risk in doing so. He knew even if he managed to take one of them down on his own, there were two more - one of whom had Tenley. It was too great of a risk and these men knew it. They pushed him down the hall, making sure he wouldn't attempt anything.
As the two were marched into the common living area, they spotted Mason sporting a fresh laceration above his right bruised eye, Jiya sat next to a bleeding Agent Christopher. Flynn's eyes scanned them, noting that Denise had a tourniquet wrapped around her leg. He knew that would buy them a little time.
Tenley was pushed into a chair more forcefully than Flynn would have liked. He saw the blood seeping between her fingers as she tried to stop the bleeding. He sat down across from her at the table, eyes studying her carefully. She didn't look up at him and looked a bit too pale - it worried him.
"Where are the others?" one of the men questioned.
Denise watched as they aimed their guns at Flynn, preparing to fire. She admitted, "They're on a mission..."
"When do they come back?"
"I don't know," she stated. "Whenever they finish whatever brought them there."
The intruders exchanged glances before saying, "We'll wait for them to return...take them out the moment they land."
Flynn's jaw jutted out as his mind raced with the idea of ripping these men apart piece by piece. He scanned each one of them, mentally sizing them up. As his eyes drifted by those on the couch, he stopped. Something had caught his attention.
Jiya watched as Flynn's heated gaze drifted slowly over the men surrounding them until he stopped on her. Her dark eyes widened before her head tilted at him, almost in question. She almost scoffed as his eyes dropped to her chest but saw the familiar red glow coming from her front shirt pocket.
It took everything within her power to keep from exclaiming out loud. She was happy that the others were coming back - but then she remembered the intruders in the room. Rufus, Wyatt, and Lucy would have no way of knowing they were coming back into an ambush. The panic rose faster than she could control it. Fear overtook her expression.
Just as soon as the realization of the transmitter turned on and the thoughts in Jiya's and Flynn's minds raced with what that meant, the alarms blared within the bunker.
The intruders aimed their rifles at the landing pad just before them. They watched as the time machine returned with a blast of air engulfing them all.
Fynn's eyes narrowed at the machine. It wasn't the Lifeboat. Instead, it was the same he had seen leaving them behind in the last mission in Steventon - the black Mothership lookalike with orange glowing lights.
The door to the evil-looking Mothership opened and the intruders fired at it. The bullets ricocheted off the time machine, causing everyone else to hunker down in place. The intruders stopped firing for a moment, glancing at each other when no one emerged.
The leader motioned for two of them to approach the machine while the others kept their weapons trained on them. Slowly moving towards the open door, the intruders raised their rifles, waiting for any signs of its occupants.
As they neared the door, almost stepping inside, the sounds of guns firing erupted. The residents of the bunker watched with horror as the intruders opened fire fully upon the time machine. They sunk down for cover, trying hard as might to avoid being shot in the crossfire.
Flynn tossed the table that separated him from Tenley aside, reaching for her. One hand grasped the back of her neck while the other snaked around her waist as he pulled her to the ground, using the table as cover, shielding her with his body.
He cradled her in his arms as the gunfight exploded behind them. He listened carefully with his trained ear - one of the intruders fell, then another, and another, until the only sounds he could hear were different guns loading and unfamiliar footsteps approached them.
"Sorry we're late," a familiar accented voice spoke above him. Flynn glanced up to see Rowan smiling down at him.
Glancing around the table, Flynn spotted all of the intruders had been eliminated and Rowan's men were already beginning to help the others. One in particular amongst Rowan's men that caught Flynn's eye was Future Rufus.
Flynn turned his attention back to Rowan. The two held each other's gaze before Rowan added with a sly smile widening, "Surprise."
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