Lost Broken Shards

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Present Day

The Lifeboat landed inside the bunker. The alarms were silenced just as the hatch started to open slowly. Wyatt watched as Rufus and Lucy climbed out first. Then his eyes lifted to see Flynn and Tenley emerge. His mouth fell open, eyes narrowed on her. Tenley's eyes were wide and her body language was awkward and tense.

Agent Christopher blinked at the doctor. "What...what happened?"

Lucy glanced over at Flynn and Tenley before returning her gaze to Denise. "They...gave her back..."

"Who did?" Agent Christopher asked. "What happened in 1795? What did Rittenhouse want-"

"Well, that's the question of the year," Rufus muttered. Denise turned to him and he added, "Long story short? Future Jiya came to tell us not to do anything and then we find out she's working for blondie's creepy brother who's apparently Bloodstone-"

All eyes darted over to Jiya. Her expression was mixed with confusion and defense as Rufus continued to accuse her of working with the enemy - at least, that's how she took it.

Rufus asked, "Are you Bloodstone?"

"Rufus," Jiya said, a hint of a lecture behind her tone. Her head was cocked to the side as she glared at him. "How could I possibly be working with Bloodstone?"

"I don't know," he said. "But you were with him and...come to think of it, every time we've seen Future You, you've been warning us about things...like you've known all along-"

"Or," she interrupted. "I'm helping you by telling you when things are a trap or distraction - which," she turned to the others, looking for help on the matter. "I believe I've actually helped you, right?"

Rufus let his head hang slightly. Deep down, he knew he was out of line but he couldn't shake this feeling of betrayal. He didn't know what happened - or would happen - that would cause Jiya to join forces with Bloodstone.

Denise stared at Rufus for a moment before turning her attention back to the others. "One more time, a little simpler, please?"

Lucy inhaled deeply before she began to regale Denise and the others on what took place in 1795, beginning with Future Jiya's warning when they first arrived. She told them all about Steventon and the Austen family. She mentioned the moment Tenley and the brothers arrived at the home of Jane Austen, asking for them to join them outside. She even described the strange turn of events between the brothers and how they ultimately told them to take Tenley back with them.

Denise listened carefully to the story, afraid to interrupt in case she missed an important detail. Rufus, however, was the first to pipe up after Lucy. "They came back for the brother in a Death Star Mothership!"

"A what now?" Mason asked arms crossed over his chest.

Rufus explained the moment when the other Mothership had appeared - the colors and overall dark energy that seemed to come from it. He continued to hold firm in his position that it looked like something straight out of Star Wars.

Wyatt hadn't taken his gaze off of Tenley. "Am I the only one who thinks something is wrong with this picture?"

Flynn's comforting hold on Tenley's arm tightened slightly, reassuring her that she was safe, despite whatever Wyatt may say next. He glared at Wyatt, a silent warning on his expression. It didn't go unnoticed by the soldier.

Wyatt ignored Flynn's heated gaze. "They just handed her back to us? Without anything in return? That isn't suspicious to any of you?"

Denise nodded, carefully glancing over to Tenley and Flynn. "He does have a point," she admitted. "We are happy to have you back, doctor, don't get us wrong but..."

"The timing doesn't add up," Tenley finally said. "I understand your hesitation...I don't understand it myself."

"Do you remember much from before?" Mason asked. Tenley shook her head, letting her gaze fall to her feet.

Denise sighed, dropping her arms back to her sides. "For now, let's get you settled into your old room-"

"You can't be serious!" Wyatt objected.

"What do you want me to do, Wyatt?" Denise asked, glancing over at him. "Toss her back out there for Rittenhouse to get a hold of again?"

Wyatt scoffed. "This is what they wanted! They wanted her to be here! Why am I the only one to see that this is a mistake!?" He saw the hurt and rejection on Tenley's face, then the sad betrayed one on Lucy's. He shook his head and added, "I'm happy she's back. I am...but... something else brought her back to us - not because Bloodstone wanted her to be."

Flynn gritted his teeth. His dark eyes scanned those in the common room carefully. He saw they all agreed with Wyatt, though none were admitting to it. Deep down, even he agreed with the man. He knew something more was going on - something behind the scenes was set in motion - it was obvious. However, he couldn't allow Tenley to go with them - he'd risk losing her forever if she went with them. He knew he was being selfish for having her come back with them but what other choice did he have?

Denise sighed. "Let's just get some rest. We can figure the rest out later."

Flynn glanced down at Tenley, offering a small smile as he led her down the long hallway toward the infirmary.

The others watched the two walk away. Wyatt shook his head. "This is a mistake."

Flynn opened the door to the infirmary, motioning for Tenley to enter first. She crossed the threshold, allowing her eyes to scan the sad-looking room. She recalled a brief memory of this place once but decided to keep it to herself.

Flynn followed her into the room, hands in his pockets as he rocked slightly on his feet. "I'm sure you had a better room when you were with..." his voice drifted away, unable to finish the sentence. "But if there's anything you need, I'm just across the hall."

She glanced up at him. "What's going to happen to me?"

Flynn held her gaze, head tilting slightly. "We'll figure it out," he said gently. "Together."

"They don't trust me," she pointed out. "Why do you?" She saw the pain behind his dark eyes and added, "You don't...trust me...do you?"

He offered a sympathetic smile as he approached her, hands resting gently on her shoulders. "I trust you," he whispered. "Don't doubt that." His thumbs brushed the exposed skin on her neck briefly. "I think your friends, Rowan, and his brother, might have something up their sleeve."

She swallowed her nerves, unsure of what to say. She nodded her head glumly. "I understand..."

He kept his hold on her shoulders, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Hey," he whispered, waiting until she met his gaze. When she did, he added, "Look Nine, we'll figure this out together. Like always."

She blinked at him as a wave of familiarity washed over her. Her lips parted as her brows knitted together. "Nine?"

Flynn smiled at her. "It's uh...my nickname for you." Her expression didn't falter from the confused one that remained. His smile widened as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Your name is Tenley Levinson."

He watched her expression melt as the understanding of the nickname came to her. She chuckled. "Clever."

Flynn let a small laugh pass his lips. "I want you to know," he started. "Despite everything...everything you'll be faced with over the next few days or weeks...I'm so happy you're back."

She saw sincerity behind his gaze. She knew he meant something to her, she could feel it at times, but seeing his expression as he spoke to her in the comfort of her room, she could see it went beyond the scope of just friends.

The way his eyes flicked to her lips with his own parting slightly, she expected him to pull her into another spontaneous kiss but to her surprise, he simply nodded. "Goodnight, Nine. I'm glad you're back."

She watched as he turned and headed out of the infirmary, leaving her alone in a place slightly familiar to her. She sighed, glancing about the room once more. She tried to think of what to do with herself. Gripping the material of her skirt, she decided to change first before rummaging through her old belongings in an attempt to recall anything from her life before.

The day melted into the evening. The rest of the bunker had continued about their day almost normally. They spoke in hushed tones regarding the return of the prodigal doctor and what dangers may come with her.

"We don't know what lies they've been telling her," Wyatt stated. "She could be brainwashed to believe that we're the enemy. Hell, they could have trained her to be a sleeper!"

Lucy turned her gaze over to him. Her expression mixed with understanding and frustration. She knew he had a point but she wanted to give the doctor a chance before casting her off as an enemy. "I think we need to give her a chance-"

"I'm not saying we don't give her a chance-" Wyatt began.

"How do you suppose we let her prove herself if we don't give her some sort of chance-" Lucy started.

Wyatt shook his head. "I'm saying we need to be careful, that's all. Maybe there's a cell Agent Christopher could put her in - "

"A cell?" Lucy repeated. She couldn't believe what he was saying.

Jiya glanced between the two. "I don't think putting anyone in a cell is the answer," she interjected, trying to maintain the fragile peace. "She doesn't seem to remember everything as it is...we should wait-"

"What about some kind of hypnotherapy?" Rufus asked. "Couldn't we bring someone in to unlock her memories?"

"I don't think it works like that," Jiya replied with a small smile on her lips. Rufus didn't smile back, nor look at her. Jiya's brows furrowed as she placed her hands on her hips. "You still don't trust me?"

Rufus shrugged, keeping his head down. "I don't know-"

Jiya scoffed, tossing her hands up in frustration. "For God's sake, Rufus...I've not turned to the dark side, okay?"

Lucy raised her hands to keep the fight to a minimum. "Let's not fight. Maybe that's what Bloodstone, or even Rittenhouse, hopes for...We don't know anything - the future isn't written in stone-"

The group turned quiet instantly the moment they spotted Tenley entering the room. The doctor froze as all the pairs of eyes landed on her. She looked at each one, shoulders hunching forward. "Sorry..." she spoke softly. Motioning over to the kitchen, she added, "I was just getting some water..."

She inched her way past them to the kitchen, grabbing a mug off of the drying rack. Quickly filling it with tap water, she took it and slinked off to her room.

Lucy sighed, watching the girl disappear. "We need to help her adjust to life here..."

"Go ahead," Wyatt told her. "No one is stopping you."

"Wyatt," Lucy started, her voice growing sharp. "Let's not repeat history." She gave him a look he knew all too well. He knew she was referring to their fight that led to the doctor's disappearance, to begin with.

Tenley returned to the safety of her room. She sighed heavily once she was away from glaring eyes. She felt uncomfortable within the bunker. With another heavy sigh released to calm her nerves, she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. Setting the mug of water down on the table, she began opening cabinets and looking through things.

With every drawer or cabinet, she hoped something would spark something within her memory. So far, nothing was coming forward. She was ready to give up hope when something on the sofa caught her attention.

Walking over, she spotted a grey hoodie with symbols on the front. Her brow knitted together as she blinked at it. Shaking her head, she dropped it back onto the sofa. She ran her hands down the length of her face before slumping down into the cushions. The uncomfortable poking in her mid-back from the sofa spring felt very familiar to her. Her lips curved upward at the memory.

The door to the infirmary opened slowly with a loud creak. Glancing over and dropping her small smile, Tenley saw Flynn poking his head in. When he saw the look on her expression, he entered the room, closing the door behind him. "Hey," he whispered, nearing her. "You okay?"

She blinked the tears that were welling up in her eyes away as best as she could. She turned away from him, almost ashamed of herself. She felt him sitting down next to her on the sofa. With a small voice, she admitted, "I feel so lost..."

He studied her carefully, watching her despair. He waited, knowing she had more to say. He wanted to give her the opportunity to say whatever was on her mind without someone interrupting her or telling her what she should do.

She twisted her fingers together as she asked, "Why am I not in a prison cell somewhere?" Her eyes lifted to meet him, waiting for his answer.

"Why would we put you in a cell?" he questioned, confusion washing over his face.

"The others mentioned that I should be locked up until you can trust me," she stated.

Flynn's jaw tensed. He knew exactly who had said such a thing. "Don't you listen to them-"

"What if I can't remember anything?" she asked. "What good am I going to be to any of you, if I can't remember who I am?"

Flynn inched closer to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "You have started remembering though," he reminded her. "I'll do whatever I can to help you. You have my word on that."

She sighed heavily, letting her body relax. "What if I am just some pawn for Bloodstone or Rittenhouse?" she asked. "What if I am here to rip you all apart?"

Gently placing his fingers under her chin, he turned her face to look at him. He whispered, "I don't believe that for a second. Don't you believe it either."

He watched as the tears welled in her eyes again. He pulled her close to him, holding her and allowing her a safe place to cry if she needed to.

That night, Flynn stayed with Tenley in the infirmary, going over the important information - like being a gifted doctor and Wyatt and Lucy being her parents. He told her what he knew of Bloodstone and Rittenhouse - including his own personal story regarding them. He tried as best as he could to walk her through everything before she disappeared and even how her disappearance impacted those within the bunker.

She listened to his every word - even when it was clear to him that she was lost. She took it all in, hoping that something would jump out at her, reminding her of memories of old. So far, she felt like she was simply listening to a story.

Flynn could see her eyes glossing over as he filled her in on the events of days past. He couldn't blame her - a lot had happened. He reassured her that things would start coming back to her. He believed it so adamantly.

As morning arrived in the bunker, Flynn's eyes slowly opened, taking in the dull light of the infirmary. He felt that familiar poking in the middle of his back, reminding him how uncomfortable the sofa was to sleep on.

Feeling some weight on his lap, his eyes darted down to see Tenley's head on his legs like a pillow. His left arm was draped over her side, holding her as she slept. He took in her appearance as she slept. She seemed at peace - the first time in quite a while. He missed her and it made his heart nearly explode with happiness to see that she was right beside him.

She slowly started to stir. He watched as her dark eyes blinked open, her head rolling slightly to look up at him. She inhaled deeply, pushing herself up to create some space between them. "Sorry," she muttered, rubbing her eyes.

He smiled at her. "It's fine."

She stifled a yawn. "What time is it?"

Flynn glanced at his watch. "Just after 8." He studied her for a moment before asking, "Are you hungry?"

She opened her mouth to answer but stopped. "I think I should just stay here..."

"Why?" he asked, standing up from the sofa. "We should get some breakfast-"

She bit her lip. "What if the others are there?" she asked. "I know they don't trust me and-"

"Hey," he said, voice reassuring. "I won't let them bully you."

She hesitated. Her stomach growled loudly enough for Flynn to hear it and suppress a laugh. She stood up and sighed. "Okay..."

He led her down the hallway to the common living area where the others had already gathered for breakfast. The moment the two entered the sightlines of the other residents of the bunker, the atmosphere shifted.

Tenley's posture turned rigid, showcasing her unease and discomfort in their presence. She turned and grabbed a mug from the cabinet, filling it with water. Without having been told where they were, she grabbed the tin container with the tea bags, opened and retrieved one, before dropping it into the mug of water. She turned and placed it into the microwave, heating it up.

Flynn's eyes widened slightly at her movements before a smile crossed his lips. Her muscle memory was improving, so he believed.

She pulled the mug from the microwave, blowing on it slightly as her eyes lifted to meet Flynn's. She saw the amused look on his face and asked, "What?"

Flynn tried hard not to laugh at her as he admitted, "Nice to see some things never change." She lifted an eyebrow as she sipped her tea, keeping her gaze on him. He knew she didn't have a clue what he was referring to but it made him happy to know some things were just the same no matter what.

Tenley finally broke their gaze as she glanced over at the others. She shifted in her place as she lowered her mug from her lips. She offered a small smile to the others but fought the urge to bolt from the room. She felt a familiar warmth standing close by and saw Flynn sidling up next to her, almost protectively so.

Lucy's brown eyes darted about the room at the others before turning to Tenley. "How was your first night back?" she asked.

Tenley shifted in her place again. "It was fine..."

Before she had a chance to fully speak, Agent Christopher walked in. "Good morning everyone."

Glancing over to Agent Christopher, Tenley spotted the shopping bags in her arms full of groceries. Jiya and Mason took them from her and began to put them away. One item in particular that brought the feelings of happiness forward for her was a box of Ding Dongs. Tenley stared at the box, unsure why she felt the way she did about them.

Denise turned her attention over to Tenley, breaking the doctor's concentration. "I'd like to have a meeting with you," she stated.

Tenley nodded, turning her gaze back to the woman. "Of course." She knew this was coming. After all, they needed to learn more about Rittenhouse and seeing as though she had spent a long time with them, it was only the next logical step for Homeland Security to take.

Denise motioned over to a distant table, leading Tenley away from the others. Flynn followed behind as they made their way across the room. Tenley sat down at the table across from Denise.

"What can you tell me about Rittenhouse's location?" Denise asked.

Flynn scoffed. "Let's just rip the Band-Aid off, why don't you?"

Denise's eyes darted up to meet his briefly before turning back to Tenley. "I'm sorry for being so blunt-"

"It's fine," the doctor interjected. "I get it."

Denise offered her a sympathetic gaze. "I'm sorry... I should be a little more understanding of what you've been through-"

"Really," Tenley said. "It's fine. I know you guys don't trust me-"

"It's not that," Denise claimed. "We haven't been able to isolate Rittenhouse since this whole thing began."

"I don't know how helpful I'm going to be," Tenley admitted. "I didn't see a whole lot while I was

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