Chapter 10

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   After Harvey finished bawling his eyes out, I felt him go limp in my hold. Slowly, I turned my head to see that the nurse I ran into was gone and the door was shut tightly. Though, as if on cue, the door opened and in came the small form of Audrie and the same nurse was next to her. She wore a knee-length beige dress and her glittery light blue shoes. She also, was crying harshly.

   "P... Papa's not moving..." Audrie noted, her big eyes filling with more bubble-like tears. She clasped her hands together and brought them to her chest.

   "I know Audrie. Come and see your brother. I'll take you both back home." At that, she shyly stalked over to us and looked down to the sleeping Harvey in my hands. Then, she looked at me as if her little head knew something was going on between us. Of course that's just my paranoia talking though, she's just eight years old!

   I stood up, carefully toting Harvey into my arms as if he were my bride. I picked this style of holding him because that way he'll be more comfortable - even though he's unconscious at the moment.

   The atmosphere was incredibly gloomy and dismal. It wasn't good for a little girl such as Audrie to be engulfed in so I quickly guided her out of the hospital room. The hallway was much brighter but it reeked of strong medicine and newly opened plastic.

   Well, I'll check them out and then I'll drive the two back to their home. I asked Audrie on the way out if they had anything back at their father's place and she shook her head. The expected yet creepy thing was that she was silent the whole time.


   Audrie sat in the seat behind me and Harvey sat in the passenger seat next to me. Harvey's head hung forward, proving to me that he was still deep asleep. Luckily his body was tucked safely behind the polyester seatbelt, preventing him from falling forward.

   Other than the occasional sniffles from Audrie and the soft humming of the car as it drove, the ride to their house was silent. The sky outside was now a pitch black and the stars were poking out brightly... I hadn't noticed time went by that quickly.


   "When will bubby wake up?" Audrie asked, sitting down perpendicular to Harvey on his bed. I sat on the ground with my knees folded under me and observed the sleeping male. Hence the dark circles below his eyes, he's been awake for at least three or four days straight.

   "I'm not sure." I replied blankly. Honestly, I don't know if he'll even be awake in the next three hours. He looks drained of his energy and merely exhausted. The drying tear stains running down his cheeks don't make it seem any better.

   "Are you tired? Hungry? Is there anything I could do right now?" I inquired looking up to Audrie. She seemed to think about it and shook her head. She turned back to Harvey and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. Slowly standing up from his bed, Audrie then headed for the open bedroom door.

   "Thanks anyways. I'm gonna be in my room. I'll get you if I'm hungry.. P-Please take care of bubby." she told me, exiting the bedroom and leading her own way to her own room.

   After she left, I swiveled back to where Harvey lay sleeping peacefully. I scooted closer to the bed and reached up to interlock our fingers. Even though he didn't respond, I continued moving my hand to fit in his. Our palms pressed together and my fingers grasped his.

   Yeah... I'll be staying here for a while.

1:07 AM

   After laying my head down onto the space next to him, I felt my eyes drift closed peacefully. Sleep sounds really good right about now... Might as well go for it.

   I was just about to fall into the chambers of sleep when I felt Harvey's hand twitch in mine. His once motionless body wriggled and shifted in his bed. There was a soft and sleepy voice, which was Harvey's. He was mumbling something that I couldn't decipher into English.

   Sleep talking, huh... That's something I've never heard from Harvey before. I haven't even seen him sleep before so I guess that's expected.

   Then, he jolted sharply and shot upwards in the bed, yelling weakly for his late father. "Dad! Dad... Dad.." he repeated with wide and jittery eyes. I gave his hand a firm squeeze and raised my head to look at him.

   He looked down to me and I felt his hand squeeze mine in return. "Ashton.. Dad is..." he stammered hoarsely. I finally took action and stood up from the floor, my hand sliding out of his. I climbed onto his bed, sitting down next to him and our legs barely brushing.

   "I know... I know." I mumbled, leaning over and kissing his forehead. He leaned into my touch and curled his legs so that they were pulled up to his chest. I could tell that he wanted to hold more tears back but he was slowly losing control.

   My arms extended and wrapped around his neck as I tugged at him to draw closer. He gladly accepted and leant into me, his head resting just below my chin and his face buried into my upper chest. "I know..." I whispered as I lowered my arms to rub firm circles over his back.

   The dimly lit bedroom washed over with a comfortable silence as he gathered his thoughts and I sat there, daydreaming. After a while, he pulled back and stared directly into my eyes. It scared me at first since it was so sudden. There wasn't a sparkle in his eyes like how there would usually be. Nothing but sadness and grief swirled inside those pearls.

   "Ashton... I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I-I needed someone there to help me. The first person I thought of was you because you've been there for me ever since we met." he started. "I-I'm extremely grateful for that. Without you, I don't know where I would be."

   A familiar warmth bloomed inside of my chest, but only this time it was stronger and it made me feel so bubbly. In a situation like this, happiness isn't expected but because of what he said, I just can't help it...

   Then, I remembered what he said to me about his late mother.

   "But, you can't date me. Your mother." I said, that past happiness withering away and replacing itself with disappointment. I averted my gaze from his eyes and stared at nothing in particular to the side.

   "...I'll give you a shot."

   End Of Chapter 10

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