Chapter 1

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"Hey, I'm mingel. My family and I just moved into 109," a voice spoke a ways behind me. I rolled my eyes and sighed, blocking out the conversation between the two guys behind me.

I grunted as I picked up a heavy box and walked past the guys who were talking about recycling or water pressure or something. I walked a long way around them to try to avoid a conversation. I placed the box down into the small apartment, it was extremely bare. I sighed again and walked back to the car getting the last box.

"Alexandra!" A gruff voice yelled, "get over here!"

I winced slightly at the noise but scoffed at the name. Walking over to him, "Stop calling me Alexandra!" I hissed at him putting the box down near the car before I dropped it.

I watched the bright red car next to us drive away. I made eye contact with the driver for a second before he drove off. He was blonde and kind of rough looking.

"Your living off of my money," he growled, stepping closer to me, "I'll call you whatever I want."

I glared at him and grabbed the box again and started off towards the apartment. I walked around the guy who was standing there looking at where the blonde drove off.

"Oh, hey I'm Miguel," he began waving a little. He looked my age sorta skinny, probably hispanic.

"Alex," I mumbled walking past him to my apartment. I dropped the box down and turned around, the guy was still there.

"So, uh," he said, trying to spark a conversation, "did you just move here with your dad?"

"He's not my dad," I told him, crossing my arms feeling slightly uncomfortable with talking to him.

"Oh, well I just moved here too.." he trailed off, grabbing the back of his neck and shifting on his feet.

I felt bad for him, he was just trying to make conversation and ever gone was brushing him off. "What school are you going to?" I asked, trying to continue the conversation.

His face lit up slightly, "West Valley," he told me, "how about you?"

"Same here," I smiled, he wasn't so bad. I suppose it would be nice not to be alone on my first day of school.

"Okay that's great!" He laughed, "do you want to walk together or something, I mean you don't have to."

"Sure why not," I agreed, giving a little half smile. I rolled my eyes when I heard my uncle call out for me, "I have to go." I told him, already starting to walk away.

"Yeah, okay bye Alex!" Migel laughed, waving again.

I gave him a small wave until we walked back into his apartment. My shoulders dropped and a scowl returned to my face when I turned to face my uncle.

"I was calling you," he shot, glaring at me.

"I heard," rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.

"Watch your tone," he seethed grabbing my arm.

I ripped my arm out of his grasp and glarred, not answering. He gave me one last glare and jumped into his car and slammed the door. I watched him drive away, knowing that he wouldn't be back for a while. And to be honest it was fine with me.

I walked back into the apartment and sighed, better start unpacking.

Even after I was done the apartment still looked bare. There was only a ratty couch, and no TV. But that was fine, I knew I didn't need these things. I opened the fridge to see what my uncle put before he had left. It wasn't too bad but not full.

I walked into my room. It was small with a twin bed and a dresser. I walked into my closet to pick out an outfit for tomorrow. I decided to keep the same small platform boots that I had on now. And pair that with baggy back jeans and a band tshirt. Simple but something I felt comfortable in. To be honest it looked almost exactly like what I was wearing now. The only difference is that I was wearing a black long sleeved shirt underneath the t-shirt.

I struggled to tie up my long dark hair. When I finally got it up, I looked around her room to try to find something to do. My eyes fell on my beat up skateboard, I remembered seeing a convenience store on our way here. Sure why not, it would be good to get to know the area.

I wasn't a pro at skating, I knew that, but I still liked it. It was a fast and fun way to get around. I felt my mind wander to Miguel while I was skating, the boy I met this morning. He was nice enough, kind of awkward, but nice. Maybe moving wasn't so bad after all.

A yell snapped me out of my thoughts. My head shot up and I jumped off my board and kicked it up into my hand. My eyes widened as I saw just the person I was thanking about get pushed by another guy. He had a group with him and they were laughing and about to circle him.

I ran over to Miguel, "are you okay?" I asked, helping him up.

"What do we got here?" A guy cackled while holding what I assume is Miguel's bag.

They pull out a medicine bottle and all start laughing, "oh shit someone has diarrhea!"

Miguel just stands there and I don't know what to do. I don't want to embarrass him by getting involved, but I don't what to leave him there.

"Give it back dude," Miguel pleads trying to reach for the bottle, "it's for my grandma."

"Oh shit I'm sorry man here," the guy starts to unscrew the bottle and I know that's going to happen. The guy starts to pour it on Miguel's head, I jump up and hit the bottle away from Migeul making the liquid spray in the guy's face.

They go silent and the guy goes still just now realizing that I was here. "You bitch," he hisses at me and grabs my arm and pushes me away.

"Asshole," Miguel murmurs

"What did you say Rhea!" The guy yells and comes back punching Miguel in the stomach.

I'm about to run to help, but a guy grabs my arm. I whip around, and try to break free. He glared at me and tried to pull me away from the fight. I punch him on the underside of his arm and then again in the nose when he lets go. He yells out in pain and grabs his face, I run over to Miguel.

I see him try to run away and the main guy pushes him into a red car. They all laugh as I help Miguel up. He mumbled a "thanks," and tried to give me a weak smile, I smiled back.

They stop laughing when a voice yells out, "Hey! Watch the car man!"

It's the guy from this morning, "just leave the dork alone."

One of the guy snickers, "see this guy ky," he gestures to the man and their leader, "eating his dinner at the mini-mart like a bum."

Miguel walks behind the man and I follow. The guy looks down at the comment almost embarrassed. I roll my eyes, I would be embarrassed too. I try to gesture for us to leave while their distracted but Miguel shakes his head

"Wait, I think I know this guy," the one who I assume is ky snickers, "he's the jerk-off who cleaned my dad's septic tank."

They all laugh, "oh, that explains why he smells like shit!" Another one sneered.

My eyebrows furrowed, these guys were the exact definition of daddy's money. I was about to say something when the older man spoke, "trust me you guys are pissing off the wrong guy on the wrong day, all right"

"Oh really," ky smirked looking around.

"Really," he glared stepping forward.

"Get the hell out of here looser," he said, pushing the older guy, making him drop his food.

The  guy steps forward and rolls his shoulders back and suddenly kicks the kid right in the face. Ky stumbles back and falls to the floor. The older guy yells out in pain and grabs his leg, obviously out of practice.

The other teens run over and try to hit the guy but he dodges them and they fall towards me and Miguel. They stand up and are about to hit him from behind but I punch one in the face and grab the others arm and spin him around and hit him in the jaw.

I turn around to see all the rest of the guys down and the guy still standing. I raised my eyebrows, impressed. He stared at me and the two guys on the ground.

We were both breathing hard, and Miguel looked at him and me with awe. "Holly shit, how did you-," but he was cut off when Ky came up from behind and grabbed the guy.

They fell to the ground and Ky punched him in the ribs, I ran forward and grabbed Ky hauling him off. I blocked him from trying to knock me off and punch him on the side of the head. Making him fall to the ground. The older guy looks at me again, and then looks around, "is that all you got ladies!" He yelled with his arms out.

"Come on man," a guy pants trying to get Ky to leave.

"Get off me!" He yells, pushing him off, I look back at Miguel trying to get him to leave with me.

I feel a sharp pain in the back of the head, I stumble and fall to the ground. Black dots swarming my vision. I groan and get back up as quick as I can, only to see the guy who helped us choking Ky and police sirens going off.

I walk towards Miguel stumbling a little and he reaches out to steady me. The cops came yelling to let go of the kid. Miguel was trying to tell them that it wasn't his fault but they dragged the guy away.

I tugged on Miguel's sleeve trying to signal to him that we need to go now. The cops would want to question us and I did not need my uncle to find out.

I grab my skateboard from where I abandoned it and start running away with Miguel. God what did I get myself into.

Authors note:

Hello! This is my first ever fanfic I'm I'm super nervous and exited. I'm going to just put a couple pictures of Alex's clothing style down below so you can get that image!

And also you may imagine Alex to look like whoever you wish. I may go into more detail on what she looks like in the future, but for now all we know is that she has long black/ dark drown hair.

The cover image is also suppose to look like her. Its what I imagined her to look like. But it is only one example of what I think she could look like so feel free to change what you imagine her to look like in your head.

Have a nice day!!! And if you have any suggestions or comment please let me know!!

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