Opening Day!!

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Weeks have passed and today is the grand opening of the Kobayashi Maru test. I'm so excited all our hard work has led up to this moment. But how am I supposed to judge my peers well I guess they aren't really anymore but still!!

"Ready?" Spock asked.

"Honestly not in the least" I admitted.

"Everything will go smoothly" Spock assured.

"Right send in the first student" I called to the person at the door. The first student that came in was a pretty brunette girl followed by her friends that will play her crew. To take the test you have to have a certain amount of people to play each part that you are not. For example if you were a captain you would need and crew or if you were a first officer troubadour need a captain, lieutenant, etc. This girl was testing to be a captain and I think one of her friends was testing to be a driver. Since the test needs multiple participants we can do multiple tests. I was so excited for the first test I barely caught anything. I guess the driver did too and the captain did okay.

"I'm really sorry but I-"

"You were to excited so you weren't paying attention" Spock cut me off.

"Yeah" I grumbled.

"Its fine just watch the next ones" Spock said. It felt like he was speaking down to me!!

The next few students all did okay I guess. I don't ready know I mean the test is unbeatable how am I supposed to tell!!! While I was frustrated Spock seemed to get this whole thing perfectly. Well we only have one more student then I can go watch chick flicks in my room and cry for no reason.

"Lieutenant Kirk it's your brother" Spock pointed out.

"Oh cool don't worry I will watch unbiased" I said.

"I trust you will" Spock nodded.

Jim's test took an hour. He went through every possible option for the test and wouldn't stop trying till his ship got destroyed by Klingons.

"Wow he did everything possible" I mused.

"Agreed but his attitude" Spock said.

"Well I agree with you on that but we have to many uptight captains that follow the rules exactly. Maybe with this test we can find more outgoing captains that are willing to break rules to do what's right."

"You are right" Spock nodded.

"Of course I am I'm Evangeline Kirk remember" I joked.

"Yes you are" Spock said but didn't smile. Oh that's right people are watching.

"No emotions when people are watching Evie."

"We are a secret Evie."

"No one can know Evangeline."

"Ill be disowned by the Vulcan society more than I already am Evie."

All the things Spock has told me over time just pop in my mind. I'm okay with that I mean I want what's best for him. Being in relationships is about sacrifices for the ones you love. I love Spock so I'm willing to make sacrifices for him. Just knowing this makes me feel better.

"Well I guess we are done now excuse me while I go to my dorm and watch chick flicks" I grabbed my bag and waved a single left. Some of the people helping out with the test laughed as I left I smiled. I love making people laugh. When I got to my dorm I slid my shoes of and jumped onto bed. "What to watch what to watch" I muttered as I flipped through some movies. "Ooh the Note Book" I popped it in and grabbed a small thing of ice cream from the mini fridge. I also changed into some fluffy footie pyjamas that have a pink tail and a hood with pink ears on it. Yeah I still wear footie pyjamas they make me feel like I'm being hugged by a huge pink fluffy monster.

Halfway through the movie there was a knock on my door. "One minute" I set my ice cream aside and paused the movie. Then I shuffled across the floor and opened the door. "OH GOD SPOCK" I instantly slammed the door shut. He can't see me in like this crying, ice cream on my face, and to top it off footie pyjamas!!

"Open up Evangeline" Spock demanded.

"Uh no Evie isn't here it's uh.....Lean her twin sister" I answered.

"I can tell your lying through the door Evie" Spock said.

"Alright it's me need something?" I opened the door. Spock laughed and rubbed the pink ears on my hood. "If your gonna make fun go" I pointed down the hall.

"No it's just you look so adorable" Spock said in between laughs.

"Come in" I grabbed his arm and pulled him in shutting the door behind me.

"So your watching the Notebook, eating ice cream, crying, and wearing pink footie pyjamas" Spock said.

"Yes got a problem" I put my hands on my hips.

"No it's just is something wrong?" Spock asked.

"Nope ain't a girl allowed to do stuff like this every once in awhile" I shrugged.

"Yes but you seemed off today."

"Oh it's nothing just be being moody and such."

"Okay well good...........can I have a hug" Spock shyly asked.

"Of course you don't need to ask" I jumped up and hugged him. "Have a pink fluffy monster hug" I held him close.

"Thanks see you tomorrow" Spock kissed my nose then my lips.

"Yeah love you" I said.

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