•Ringmaster Raven headcanons!•

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This was a request from MysticSunni and I hope you all enjoy!

¤ah yes, our beloved bird boy.

¤I see that Ringmaster raven does infact act like a raven on rare occasions.

¤He could be minding his own business when his animal instinct's randomly kick in.

¤And he normally forgets about these raven instinct's of his, so somtimes he Surprises himself!

¤And I see when he gets spooked, he would make a shocked raven call and his wings would puff up in defence.

¤he would even jump backwards lile a raven when he gets spooked!

¤these animal instinct's do happen to get on his nerves somtimes, especially when he is working with the Carnie's.

¤but he has learned over the years to adapt to these instinct's!

¤yet...he always wonder HOW he got his bird like Apperance...

¤Was he born with them? Or did he somehow gain them?

¤no one really knows, and not even he knows.

¤but he tends to keep away from those thoughts of how he is the way he is to this day.

¤I actually see him getting distracted VERY easily in the past.

¤he got very curious about certain things, so he would usually zone out when he was talking to someone.

¤he still does ot to this day, but it's not that bad as it was when he was younger.

¤and I see him actually making quiet raven coos when he is really relaxed!

¤you could walk pass him while he is in a nice and relaxed mood and you can slightly hear some raven like coos from him.

¤Kinda like a cat purring!

¤sometimes he doesn't realise he makes thoes sounds until someone mentions it.

¤and you know how ravens/crows can give gifts to people who get on their good side?

¤well, Ringmaster raven will do the same thing!

¤if you are a really good friend of his, he will willingly go out and find little things for you!

¤he may have had a very rough childhood, but he's trying to get better the best he can!

¤and with the help of the Carnie's.

¤he can finally have a good life he always wanted<3


And there are my headcanons for Ringmaster raven!
He deserves so much love<3
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed and I am excited to see what other requests you guys give! And like always, I will see you all in the next one!

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