(A/N: lol it's chapter twenty øne)
-Your P.O.V-
It's getting closer and closer to the end of the tour.
The America portion anyway.
I'm really gonna miss this.
I don't know what I'm gonna do after the tour is over.
Josh and Tyler have the shows in Europe still then emøtional røad shøw after that.
What am I gonna do?
(A/N: you were on the Blurryface tour with ty and josh)
I step out of the shower and turn off the water.
After a few jumps and wiggles I finally manage to put on my skinny jeans.
Then I slip on Josh's NASA shirt.
He gets angry when I wear it but I just can't help it!
It's pretty comfortable.
I walk out of the bathroom, drying my wet hair with a towel.
"You're wearing my shirt again?" Josh groans, walking towards me.
"Good morning to you too." I chuckle.
He smiles and wraps me in a tight squeeze.
"Morning, sunshine." He pecks the top of my head.
He's about to release before I hug him tighter.
He hugs back.
"What's up?" He wonders, patting my back.
I let go of my grasp and look up at Josh.
"I'm gonna miss you." I grin.
He tilts his head and smiles.
"Aw, babe. Don't say that. The tour's not over yet." He replies.
"I know. But it will be soon. What am I gonna do without you?" I question.
"Don't know. I'm the best." Josh shrugs.
I chuckle and playfully punch his arm.
-Time Skip-
After the performance tonight in Saint Paul, Minnesota, I was hanging out with Victoria and my band members outside of the boys' tour bus while they were on stage performing.
Victoria's been on the phone for like twenty minutes now.
She's distanced herself a bit so we can't really hear her.
Karma, Grayson and I were just having a normal conversation before Victoria started walking back over here.
"So it's confirmed? OH MY GOSH, thank you thank you thank you! We definitely won't let you down!" She cheers into the phone before quickly hanging up.
She looks at us before letting out a huge, delightful shriek.
"AAAHHHH!" She jumps up and down.
We all look at each other, confused.
"What?" We ask, almost all at the same time.
Victoria stops jumping.
"You guys aren't tired of touring yet...are you?" She questions suspiciously.
We all look at each other again.
"Not-Not really, why?" I shrug.
"Your tour life has just begun.." She smiles.
All of our eyes widen as we start to wonder what exactly Victoria is hinting at.
"What do you mean?" Karma asks.
"Next year...you guys are going on your own tour!" She yells.
We all look at each other in disbelief.
"Are you serious!?" Grayson yells in response.
Victoria nods her head, biting her lip in excitement.
"Oh my gosh!" Karma engulfs all of us in a big group hug.
"Victoria! This is amazing. How did you-"
"Hey, don't worry about it! I'm your band manager and I want what is best for you and this band." She places her hand on my shoulder.
(A/N: In other words I don't know how band managing works and i have no idea how bands get their own tours)
I embrace Victoria in a hug, smiling uncontrollably.
"Just try to hurry and get the new album finished!" She says.
Oh, yeah.
"Okay, okay! I only have like..." I start to count with my fingers.
1, 2, 3...
"Like...seven songs left to write." I shrug.
Victoria crosses her arms.
"Don't worrryyy! I'll get it done soon. Promise." I nod my head.
"(Y/N), you need to get it done quick. You can still write some songs during the tour but there's no time to waste!"
(A/N: You'll be playing your guys's older albums on the tour, you have 2 albums then you'll play some covers)
Before I could respond to my sister, my phone goes off.
I look at the notification from Twitter.
"Congratulations, you now have one million followers!"
Opening the Twitter app, I go to my profile.
"Oh my gosh." I whisper to myself.
"What?" Victoria asks.
"I-I just hit a million followers on twitter."
My band mates and manager all congratulate me.
"Thanks guys." I smile.
(A/N: looks like you and your band are getting pretty popular! Everyone's rooting for ya. What will happen when you go on tour!? Will you make new friends!? Enemies!? Fri- enemies!? SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z.
wow that was possibly one of the lamest things i have ever done.
later! -b)
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