A/N: theres a lotta gifs and pictures in this chapter, be prepared.
-Your P.O.V-
It's the day after Josh and I got in a relationship.
We went out to get lunch.
A girl a bit older than us approached us.
"Um...h-hello." She says, shyly.
Josh and I smile.
She must listen to our music.
"Hi!" I reply back, happily.
"Um, you're (Y/N) (L/N)...right?" She asks, looking in my eyes.
"Yes, I am." I smile brightly.
"Wow, I-I can't believe this..." She whispers.
I smile at Josh.
He smiles back.
"C-Can I get a picture with you?" She says, almost tearing up.
"Of course!" I motion her to get closer so I can hug her.
She shakily wraps her arms around me.
She looks at my eyes again.
Her eyes were a color similar to mine and so beautiful!
"Oh my god, it really is you..." Tears streaming down her freckled cheeks.
"Yes, it is. You're so sweet." I reply.
She shakily holds up the phone.
"Hey, I can take the picture for you guys." Josh offers.
The girl looks at him.
"Josh! Yes, please. I'm a big fan of yours too." She grins and hands over her iphone to Josh.
Josh smiles and thanks the girl.
"I've missed you so much..." The girl mumbles.
Missed me?
"Huh?" I question.
"N-Nothing..." Her tears come back.
I shrug.
She's probably been to one of our previous concerts.
I place my arm around her and smile as Josh takes the picture.
"Thank you.." She wraps her arms around me tightly.
"So much." She whispers.
"Aw, no problem." I hug her back.
"I like your hair!" I compliment her long, dark waves.
She grabs a strand of her hair.
"O-Oh, thanks!" She stutters.
"Oh, I never got your-"
The girl looks at her phone.
"Oh! I-I should really get going." She starts to back away.
"Oh, okay! Great meeting you." I wave goodbye as she quickly heads out the door.
"How sweet." Josh says to me as I turn my attention back to him.
"Yeah, it was." I grin.
I feel like I've met her before..
-Time Skip-
On our way back to the hotel, Josh and I were walking hand in hand.
"I'm so happy we're together now." Josh beams.
"Me too, you're amazing." I reply back.
Josh just smiles and pecks my forehead.
-Time Skip-
-Josh's P.O.V-
"Hey, Josh. We gotta go do an interview."
I nod my head and follow Tyler.
We head in the bus and drive away.
After arriving and answering a few questions, that's when the interviewer asks me about (Y/N).
"So, Josh...we hear you've been getting pretty close with Broken Castle lead singer, (Y/N) (L/N)."
I start to blush and hide my face.
Tyler laughs at me.
Oh, gosh here it goes.
I hope (Y/N) is okay with me talking about her.
We've been going out since yesterday I don't know if I should tell them we're official yet.
Plus, I don't even know if (Y/N) would be okay with me telling them we're in a relationship.
"Uh, yeah. She's okay, I guess." I shrug sarcastically.
"Okay?" Tyler laughs. "Josh, please."
I laugh at Tyler.
"Yeah, (Y/N)'s really awesome. She's nice and funny and pretty cool." I answer.
"But, she's not your best friend. I am." Tyler sassily replies.
I laugh. "No, of course not, you're my best friend."
"So, that's all you have to say?" The interviewer questions.
"That's all I have to say."
-Time Skip-
-Your P.O.V-
"I cannot get her out of my head!" I complain to Karma, sitting down across from me in the boy's tour bus.
"I think you're just imagining things." Karma shrugs, not caring.
I sigh and sit down.
"Y-Yeah...maybe you're right." I breathe out.
"Don't worry about it too much." Karma replies, taking a bite of her sandwich.
Josh walks in about a minute later, just coming back from the interview.
"Hey." He greets both of us.
We both greet him.
Karma stands up.
"Well, I'll let you two have some privacy." Karma winks before exiting the tour bus.
I laugh and blush as Josh sits down beside me.
"We're about to leave Phoenix. You ready to go?" He asks.
"I think so. Are you?"
"Yep." Josh smiles.
"How was the interview?"
"Great..great." He replies, nodding his head. "They asked about you."
Woah, what? Why even?
"Really?" I smile. "Why?"
"They said we were 'getting close.'" Josh says.
"Oooh." I chuckle.
"I didn't say we were dating though because I didn't know if you would want me to."
Aw, Josh.
"That's sweet. I don't care, really. But thanks for respecting me." I hug him and he hugs back.
"So, what have you been doing all day?" He wonders.
I groan.
"You know that girl we met at lunch?" I ask.
Josh nods his head and leans back.
That's when Tyler enters the bus and it starts to head off.
"Hey guys." Tyler greets us before heading to the back of the bus.
We greet him back as Tyler walks away.
"I can't stop thinking about her." I look back at Josh and continue.
"Why?" Josh lowers his eyebrows, confused.
"I have no idea! I feel like I've seen her before, like I know her...it's freaking me out." I reply, crossing my arms in annoyance.
Josh looks at me and laughs.
"Stop laughing! I'm serious." I giggle.
"I'm sorry, you're just so cute when you're annoyed."
I blush and pout.
He's so adorable.
"It's probably nothing, (Y/N). Don't worry so much."
"That's what Karma said. Ugh, you guys are probably right."
I lean back and sigh.
This is so stupid...
-Time Skip-
Why are we leaving (Y/N), dad?
Where are we going?
I don't wanna leave!
(Y/N)...I'll miss you.
I quickly sit up, breathing heavily.
What the hell?
What was that about?
I was dreaming..
But who was that?
Oh my god.
I quickly place my hands on Josh and start shaking him back and forth.
"Josh, wake up! Josh!" I whisper.
"Hm?" Josh wakes up, yawning. "What is it?"
"Th-That girl! The girl we saw today?"
"What about her?"
"That was my sister."
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